Approximately 28 families lost a child/loved one because Adam had 'issues'. Had he of not been a coward to boot, we might have some immediate insight into the complete destruction & ruin of lives and families he brought about- However, after he slain his own mother & then coldly took the lives of the innocent, he took the easy way out himself - Apparently, the last report I heard before posting this were stating that Adam's girlfriend is now missing? If she's found, perhaps more answers will be brought to light...IF the reports are accurate. In the same report, it stated Police mistaking arrested Adam's brother, Ryan Lanza for the massacre....possibly something along the lines of Adam having his brothers ID on him? I'm sure they were given much more insight into the circumstances that unfolded- but are withholding that information for now....So we're left to wait and wonder....where did Adam get the guns? And most of all- WHY? I'm not that patient-
As a parent who has children in school, this is absolutely terrifying. As an Officer (ex) for the ISD, this is one of many "episodes" we train for, but never expect to happen. As a "Psychic" I must attempt to find some understanding- Which is what the reading below is attempting to help me do.........AND THEN IT HIT ME- I'm no different than any of you.....
As humans- whether your rich, poor- kind or greedy- when unexplained, senseless events transpire where a individual(s) take aim within a school ~ or any public facility for that matter ~ and begin taking away innocent lives, we want answers and feel an immediate need to place blame. THERE IS NO LAW THAT COULD EVER BE PUT INTO PLACE TO STOP ACTIONS LIKE Adam Lanza's, Jacob Tyler Roberts, or Seung-Hui Cho. So long as we tolerate and allow other's to bully another, this will continue. Bullying? Yes....And it's worse than ever. Oh, and it's not just kids. Where do you think the bullying kids have picked up their behavior?
Our children have become so materialistic, opinionated and downright disrespectful. No one is free to be them self without ridicule from someone. The schools also participate in this behavior. YES, they do. I worked there as an Officer & saw teacher's and even principals profile students based solely on their appearance & treat them differently than they did the student who appeared wealthy or "popular". It's hard enough to not be picked on by the bullying kids, much less the adults. I think a very good start would be tougher penalties on those who bully- You may think your school has a great "no bully" tolerance program in place, but until you see it first hand or have a child who's bullied, you will ever know.
For example, even my own daughter suffer's this everyday. I've went to the school repeatedly re: students who were bullying my daughter. The principal talked to the bully's, once- and has never done anything further. It's gotten to where my daughter simply begs not to go to school....goes to the nurse sick.....and the school still has done nothing further. I've tried going to the parent's, but unfortunately they're just as big of a bully. Imagine that. You see, bullying isn't just limited to physical attacks. It's more of the non-stop whisper's behind someone's back, the name calling, laughing, and having no friends...becoming isolated and un-trusting of everyone.
Generally (sadly) these picked on, "damaged" kids, grow into adults who manage to lead fairly normal, productive lives....some become adult bully's themselves, and some tragically end up masking the pain they still carry with drugs and alcohol. More and more, we're hearing about those who are committing suicide because of the intense bullying. Then, rarely we have those who become so consumed with how they are or were treated, they simply can't let go of the negative feelings experienced....They fail to develop into an adult who can live independently and usually live with their parent's well into their adulthood. Their overwhelming self loathing eventually turns outwardly, (usually due to another "blow" of some kind) and they become hell bent on revenge...of some kind. Normally we will hear of this in the form of parent's being killed, or one or two individuals.....And then there's the mass revenge. Those who commit this are more than likely suffering from severe mental disorder's, which were amplified as a result of their ongoing, life long struggle to just fit in, somewhere....To be important, noticed..."normal". THAT'S WHO DOES THESE TYPE OF CRIMES. Not psychopaths...Psychopaths usually don't need a reason to commit a crime of a heinous nature, and will do so in private- they're more fantasy driven, I believe.
Additionally, school has become so competitive I don't get it. It's as if we're trying to grow super genius kids. My grandparent's learned how to read, write, and do arithmetic and live wonderful lives. Today, I can't even help my children with their math homework because I do not understand even the basics! And the mandatory, must pass TAKS /STARR testing? The pressure and stress these kids endure is sometimes overwhelming School should be the basics again..... Get back to simplicity and leave the Physics, Chemistry, and the like to those who decide to pursue that type of education, IN COLLEGE- I promise, it will not make anyone's life less satisfying or important if they don't struggle through ALG 2 - than if they did. Life made Simple....
This makes me incredibly sad and on guard. For, I know as sure as I know my daughter is going to beg me in the morning to stay home from school, this Newtown tragedy will happen again. Until adults (parent's) raise children with a conscious, who are loving and accepting, this will continue. Until the school takes responsibility for the bullying on their campus, this will continue. Until people realize that everyone is different, has opinions and/or beliefs that may be different than their own, but that it's "ok", this will continue. Until society as a whole learns that they don't have to always be right or the winner, this will continue. Until then, the innocent will pay for all of our karmic deeds. It doesn't mean anyone deserves to be the victim of anthers revenge, period.... But the real issue is, why does anyone feel the need to obtain such revenge? Until humanity learns this- humanity will endure this type of tragedy.
You want someone, the government step in? Take charge? Then, I say- mandate hours that internet services will be available.....since parent's can't control their children's online usage 24/7, just put into place hours it's "available"......Quit making phones smarter than people.....And this is just a start.
(PS) Right before I was gong to hit the "Publish" button to post this story, both of my daughters entered the room and said, "Mom, we have an idea....since this is the 1st yr. that we're not in the same school together, maybe you could just home-school us for the rest of this year, and we can return to public school next year when we'll be in the same school together, again- And at least we'll have each other to have the other's back" All I could do was look at them both and cry.
(sigh) Well, below is the reading- Please know, I have such empathy for all of the victim in Newtown-
WHO was responsible - Adam Lanza's "enemy"?
WHAT was Adam's reasoning?
It seem's that in his twisted thinking, he was eliminating, all in and "within" his life which no longer served a purpose, to him.....Sacrificing for the greater good say's the Hangman.....Almost as if, he felt he no longer had purpose and by eliminating his mother, he was sparing her further grief- and even himself ...which she would obviously face had she of been spared and of experienced his latter "sacrifices" which in his mind, perhaps, no longer served a purpose for his mother, and then ultimately, his own life- seen by him as a self-sacrifice.....? (He sacrificed his mom to put her out of her own hidden misery?) In addition, feeling out of control most of his life, this is one time he felt ultimate control....this was not by any means spur of the moment, but rather very methodically planned and rehearsed. One thought, going with "sacrifice" - Is, perhaps the children were used as a sacrifice for someone else. Perhaps Adam himself had no real connection with the school as much as whoever his intent was toward....Does that make sense?
There was much impatience, self doubt and recklessness- immaturity, frustration, irritation, feelings of needing to be in control- enforceable, and 'simulated enjoyment', coupled with a complete loss of will power at this point....Very much alone and socially unstable. Ability to "mask" the intensity within his mind- All of this is in response to a preoccupation with a "previous event or situation" So- Did something happen which involved Adam directly at the school? What that is, only he knows...But something within the school itself, which could have or may not have involved his mom, effected him and this was just another step in his plan? I don't think so- I see that Adam felt that in order to finally succeed in life - "win" - there would have to be some losers. I think Adam had a beef with his mom for years- blamed her for something- Don't be surprised if it becomes apparent that she was at the least, mentally abusive = non caring = mental instability herself, but functioning....She was just a starting point. Adam had a complete lack of logical reasoning and probably at this point, felt as though his action were rational. He didn't have a job, or lost a job...Did he apply for work at the school and rejected? I don't know But whatever it was, the was resentment he couldn't get past and I believe that the classroom of 1st grader's, he "chose to enter was not random either....but had meaning behind it for Adam-whether this resentment was tied to his mother as well, I don't know. I believe that he also had an identity disorder....Such as maybe schizophrenia Perhaps Adam couldn't handle the multiple factor's life dished out, nor was Adam strong enough to carry out anything "viable" to a solution....but his brother, Ryan could- hence explaining why Adam had his brother's ID on him? He had to be someone else, who he saw as a stronger person, to get through his ordeal.....? What if the girlfriend has something to do with his brother, Ryan? And perhaps the school in someway is connected in this way? I don't know..... I wish the cards were more direct....But they do lend some possibilities....
WHEN did this plan...thoughts enter and become plan in Adams mind?
Here, we see a time period when someone is seeking compromises but not following through....This is a situation which has ran it's course and compromise and reconciliation is not a viable option any longer. Just one more thing out of the control of Adam. This only leads Adam into more irrational thoughts and out of control emotions....his thoughts are leaning more and more towards revenge and how can he gain some kind of control. He seems to have always dealt with un-trusting / savory people and got what he should have expected...cheated. In addition, he was more than likely dealing and / or caught his girlfriend cheating on him....and this was the final act of betrayal and when someone who's mentally unstable finally reaches this's like the point of no return....Plans began being developed and they were to destroy and show everyone who's cheated him, rejected him , looked down on him to see his face one last time a the one who finally had control and to see them beg Adam. There really was no longer rational thought involved...only illusions with out any true intelligence...Instant gratification. I do believe perhaps the "ultimate betrayal" was the point for Adam in which this entire thing was set into motion....
WHERE or WHAT about the girlfriend?....Is she missing, hiding, or worse?
Feelings of jealousy, deceit, a turned/two faced friend, interference, other's thinking they're above him and narrow-mindedness all played roles here....and these feelings seemed to stem from a women.....
This women was a strict, manipulative liar - domineering- using people to her own advantage. She has very little patience with anyone who appears weaker than herself and is a control freak....At some point, .Adam came to resent her and every thing she represented to him. ..... For a moment, my mind went straight to Adam's mother- His girlfriend began to resemble his mother?.....Again, I believe this was a cheating women....I think she's just "out of site right now" & will surface eventually. She will claim fear and abuse from Adam, but I do not think this is the case. However,,,,,if truly missing.....perhaps the infidelity I spoke of was the straw that broke the camels back?? Perhaps the children somehow were the sacrifice for the girlfriend and missing "friend"....If this is even true. But, still- there must be a connection to someone involved here, to those children / teacher? So. so sad and senseless.....
How did he come to this as his only option / resolution? Again, we have the past as a means to how he got to where he did today.....Basically, all I see repeatedly within the mind set of Adam Lanza is "victim" from the past- He was not stable enough to live productively nor did he have the support system needed for someone who's mentally ill, leading him to associate with t hose who were shady and would take advantage of him at every chance. I'm by no means suggesting his mother is at fault..... I'm sure she dealt the very best way she could- But in the heat of her daily battle, she lashed out in word to Adam, which Adam saw as more put downs / rejections.....He felt he couldn't be seen as an equal with anyone. He needed help, beyond the capability of his mother- No excuse for his behavior, but it's just another case of those who see loved ones sick, mental and suffering and just turn a blind eye - OR believe they can handle their own child. It's possible he may have had a physical illness also, but not sure. Basically I think multiple factors built and built within Adam. Adam had no social or coping skills and this was the unfortunate, sad and for Adam, logical solution he devised, in advance.
I could be way off??.....Just trying to read the cards and find anything.....anything that can not justify his actions, but explain to me why? He was not seen or diagnosed properly, I don't believe or not taking medication properly?.... I truly believe that he got the guns from his own home. I believe he was very sick and never treated properly. I believe he was put down often and used by many. I do not justify his actions, period. This is a horrible tragedy brought on by responsible adults who, IMO ignored the illness of one he needed help. If I'm wrong, then I will admit so....Time will surely reveal what really took place and why. To the victims, it will provide no comfort- but hopefully it will prompt other's to get help for their friends, children, brother, sister, etc.. when the signs are present. But, I don't know... My heart aches for all who lost out on this tragic day.
Click video below to see Obama's heartfelt response to this tragedy.