Another.... :( I do believe this baby honestly wondered away from her home, on her own. I STILL SEE HER ALIVE AND TIME IS ESSENTIAL!
Look for her, please, because she hasn't wondered to far from her home, less than a 2 miles (at this point) I'm seeing a south direction, maybe southeasterly? I'm seeing a wooded area, but do not think she's deep in the woods........ I will see what else I can pick up ASAP
"We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible"
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
UPDATE 9-30-2013 Katherine Phillips BABY KATE
I've been asked repeatedly to please revisit Baby Kate's case to see if I can get any further insight...SEE HER CASE INFO HERE
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Is the Blond/Blue eyed child from Greece a Possible new clue into finding Baby Lisa Irwin? - By Stephanie Almaguer
I've posted some updated information and thought's into a possible location and clue into what may have happened to Baby Lisa Irwin on October 4, 2011
Most Recently, it's been shown all over the news that the little girl discovered in Greece could possibly be the missing child, Lisa Irwin. I do admit there are some similarities in the two. Nothing would be better than for this to be baby Lisa... Earlier reports stated the little girl, known as Maria, was about 4 years old. However, more recent reports indicate medical test and DNA have her to be between the age of 5 - 6.
Lisa would still only be 2, turning 3 in December....That's a big difference :( Here's the article
I don't think it's any big surprise to anyone that DNA test have revealed "Maria" isn't Baby Lisa...
GUILTY parent's or parent's with something to hide jump all over things like this....EVEN when it's unrealistic to suggest that a child who's approx 3 years older than what their child would be, they still proclaim hope it's their child and it's not only ridiculous, but it's such a disgrace to their missing child.
I did a search and here's what I found in the NCMEC International site...All of which the parent's could have claimed Maria possibly be their missing child....Yet, the ones who cried out, are the ones who Maria couldn't possibly of been a fit for. Another pair crying wolf in Re: to Maria's possible connection to their daughter are the parent's of missing Poland child, Maddeline McCann. If Maddie is alive today, she'll be approx. 9 years old! Do the parent's have any idea how much more cold hearted and out right manipulative they appear everyday to the World who truly desires peace and resolution to their child's disappearance? The guilty dog barks the loudest
I've one thing to say to Deborah Bradley and crew.....The truth reveals itself in time, always. And when it does, and it will, the ramifications will be 1000 times worse than had you of come clean to begin with. People are willing to one day see past mistakes and accident's, even if you were drunk, when you do the right thing and honor your baby with dignity instead of continuing to protect yourself and even attempt to seek sympathy and donations for those who've blindly believed and trusted you. When the truth comes to light, you will be persecuted because you simply cared more about yourself than you did your baby. justice will seek and eye for an eye and properly so. You've had chance after chance to come clean , and there's still time. I hope Lisa Renee Irwin's memory haunts you until the day she receives "her day". You deserve nothing less.
The difference between you and me and other parent's who love their children more than life, is even if I made a horrible judgment call which caused the death of one of my children, I would be so devastated that life wouldn't even matter to me..... Yes, I have other children and would have to still be their mom.... But if I were hiding my deceased child's body in order to avoid prosecution, what kind of mom would I be? I would never be at ease or peace knowing that my child was alone, out in the cold, where I (or someone else who helped me) dumped her. I'd rather have her properly buried, take my punishment, and pray that in time my kids and family forgave me. By doing this, it's the only chance I'd have to receive any forgiveness Any other choice would only instill more hate and angry from my loved ones once the truth finally did come out. I've been called some horrible names due to the entire psychic thing and missing children and I know why I do this and my true intent; which is to only help these kids.... And then I look at some of these parent's and it makes all the name calling and hate I get worth it...because whether I lead to one of these children or not isn't the issue- It's simply that I care and try....Much more than their own parent's , in most cases can say. Shame on you all - and you all know who you are I speak of.
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Friday, July 26, 2013
CHAD ROGERS~ Young Liberty, MO Father / Husband --Missing
@StephAlmaguer We're missing a young man named Chad Rogers. Any thoughts on what has happened to him? You tend to be accurate!
LIBERTY, Mo. (AP) - Police in northwest Missouri are using dogs in the search for a Liberty man who failed to return home from an evening run.
KSHB-TV reports 30-year-old Chad Rogers is an experienced marathon runner. He recently moved with his wife and young son from Jefferson City, where he was a youth church leader, to Liberty to be closer to family members.
Rogers remained missing Tuesday night after going for a run about 8:30 p.m. Monday. Police said K-9 units picked up his scent late Tuesday afternoon on a trail near Liberty Middle School
Friends were organizing a search, but police asked them to put the effort on hold to avoid interfering with the dogs.
Rogers is 5-foot-10 with a shaved head and several tattoos. His father describes him as a stay-at-home dad.
Information from: KSHB-TV,
My very first thought here, is an accident....But then, I hear things like :
financial worry, sabotage, fear, anxiety, escape, etc...So, I'm not sure....The obvious thought for most, nothing psychic, is that it's possible he was hit by a vehicle - like, a hit and run. Problem with this- he'd be easily found....This is why a thorough search needs to be done. Whether he was hit accidently or had an accident on his own, he's either been hidden away out of fear - or he's somewhere off the beaten track / trail....stranded.....
But, going with the other - financial worry, stress, fear, etc... I'm picking up a fear of poverty for his family...shameful feelings, discontent....Within this mind-frame, there's feelings of a spiritual loss as well...
In addition, there's a lack of decision making or even an inability to make decisions, feeling as though much has been sacrificed with little return....unable to move forward - frozen in a horrible situation with no way out, it seems.....a loss in faith and self.....
However, it seems as though his circumstances were actually created by his own doings....Not sure...But if so, I would venture to suggest he may have quit a job, (or lost his job) But, either way, he decided to make a move, and chose his current life situation with great hopes and dreams which required a great sacrifice...but unfortunately, has not gone as great as he may have thought causing much disappointment, etc.
Yet, I pick up, as well medical condition? It's possible this young man has felt ill, but ignored these signs and became ill/disabled somehow while out, which turned deadly? Organ failure?
I don't believe any of these feelings caused him to run away though, as some may suggest...I do believe it caused him to be a bit scattered and less focused, particular revolving his run the night he disappeared.
I believe Chad was simply experiencing some difficult times, as we all do....
Regardless of WHAT may have happened- I can't get the sight of a creek and like a park setting out of my an outdoor restroom maybe....I'm wondering if he may have been mugged / robbed? The Creek, could possibly be where Chad is....A park near a creek, a rest area, not sure...Near his running site / trail / area.... It isn't a great distance from a slightly off the road area.....
I will try to focus more on this area and it's surroundings. I may look at a map of the area and see if any of it stands out to me....If anyone get's news he's been found before hand, please let me know. Thanks.
I just had a thought...idk - is it even remotely possible that chad would have taken his own life?
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
ZEBB QUINN - Missing young man from NC
I saw this missing young man's story on Investigation Discovery (ID) and could actually feel the mom's pain... I decided to see if I could pick up anything of any value on ZEBB QUINN and try to help.... Here are the details on his case, so far....
Zebb Wayne Quinn

Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance
Missing Since: January 2, 2000 from Asheville, North Carolina
Classification: Endangered Missing
DOB: May 12,1981
Height and Weight: 5'9-5'10, 165 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian male. Brown hair, blue/gray eyes. Quinn has scars between his ring and middle fingers on both hands. He wears contact lenses.
Clothing/Jewelry Description: A white t-shirt with a logo, a plaid button-down shirt, Tommy Hilfiger jeans or khaki pants and a gold chain necklace.
Medical Conditions: Quinn has an organizational/learning disability.
Details of Disappearance
Quinn was employed at the Wal-Mart store on Hendersonville Road in Asheville, NC in 2000. He departed from work at 9 p.m. on January 2 of that year and met his friend, Robert Jason Owens, in the store's parking lot (some agencies may spell his last name "Owen"). Quinn planned to look at a Mistubishi Eclipe he was considering purchasing in the near future. Owens said he was accompanying Quinn and they drove separate cars to the location. A security camera videotape at the Eblen Citgo gas station on Hendersonville Rd. showed Quinn and Owens entering the store to purchase sodas at approximately 9:15 p.m. Owens's Ford pickup truck and Quinn's light blue Mazda Protege are seen puling away from the station on the tape several minutes later. Both vehicles were headed towards Long Shoals Road.
Owens told authorities that Quinn flashed his headlights sometime prior to 9:30 p.m. The men were near TC Roberson High School on Long Shoals Road in Asheville at the time. Owens said that they both pulled over to the side of the road and Quinn told him he recieved a page. Owens stated that Quinn drove away to make a phone call at that time. Owens told authorities that Quinn returned approximately ten minutes later and rear-ended Owens's truck. Quinn apologized for the accident and said that he could not look at the vehicle as planned that evening, then he drove away. He has never been heard from again.
Owens was treated for head injuries and a broken rib he claimed to have incurred during an unrelated automobile accident during the early morning hours of January 3, several hours after Quinn disappeared. Owens stated that he accident occurred near The Waffle House restaurant on Long Shoals Road by the intersection of Interstate 26. Owens called Wal-Mart on January 4 and reported that Quinn was ill and would not be arriving for his shift that day. After giving his initial statement about Quinn's disappearance, he refused to cooperate further with police.
Quinn's Mazda Protege was discovered abandoned on January 16, two weeks after his disappearance. The vehicle was located in the parking lot of The Little Pigs Barbecue restaurant on McDowell Street. A live black Labrador puppy, approximately three months old, and a plastic hotel key were found inside Quinn's car, as well as several empty drink bottles, hairs, and a jacket that didn't belong to Quinn. The puppy was also not his. A pair of lips and two exclamation points had been drawn in orange- pink lipstick on the rear windshield, and the drivers' seat was adjusted for someone shorter than Quinn. There was no sign of him at the scene. The vehicle was parked nearby Mission St. Joseph's Hospital, where Quinn's grandmother, mother and sister all work as neonatal nurses.
Authorities believe that foul play was involved in Quinnn's disappearance and are investigating his case as a homicide. In 2009, they collected hair, saliva and fingerprint samples from a female friend of his, but they stated the woman isn't a suspect in his disappearance. Quinn told his loved ones that the woman's boyfriend was abusive to hear and he himself was in trouble because of his relationship with the woman. he told one coworker someone had threatened his life. No charges have been brought against anyone in connection with Quinn's case, although police are actively investigating it. They stated they believe more than one person was involved in Quinn's disappearance and presumed murder.
Quinn was involved with the ROTC while a student at Roberson High School. He was a student at Asheville-Bucnombe Technical Community College at the time of his disappearance and made good grades. Quinn's family describes him as a naive young man who was close to his family and would never have left without warning. He didn't take money, clothes, contact lens solution or any other items that he would have needed if he had left of his own accord. His case remains unsolved.
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Asheville Police Department at 828-252-1110 or 828-259-5910.
Zebb Wayne Quinn
Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance
Missing Since: January 2, 2000 from Asheville, North Carolina
Classification: Endangered Missing
DOB: May 12,1981
Height and Weight: 5'9-5'10, 165 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian male. Brown hair, blue/gray eyes. Quinn has scars between his ring and middle fingers on both hands. He wears contact lenses.
Clothing/Jewelry Description: A white t-shirt with a logo, a plaid button-down shirt, Tommy Hilfiger jeans or khaki pants and a gold chain necklace.
Medical Conditions: Quinn has an organizational/learning disability.
Details of Disappearance
Quinn was employed at the Wal-Mart store on Hendersonville Road in Asheville, NC in 2000. He departed from work at 9 p.m. on January 2 of that year and met his friend, Robert Jason Owens, in the store's parking lot (some agencies may spell his last name "Owen"). Quinn planned to look at a Mistubishi Eclipe he was considering purchasing in the near future. Owens said he was accompanying Quinn and they drove separate cars to the location. A security camera videotape at the Eblen Citgo gas station on Hendersonville Rd. showed Quinn and Owens entering the store to purchase sodas at approximately 9:15 p.m. Owens's Ford pickup truck and Quinn's light blue Mazda Protege are seen puling away from the station on the tape several minutes later. Both vehicles were headed towards Long Shoals Road.
Owens told authorities that Quinn flashed his headlights sometime prior to 9:30 p.m. The men were near TC Roberson High School on Long Shoals Road in Asheville at the time. Owens said that they both pulled over to the side of the road and Quinn told him he recieved a page. Owens stated that Quinn drove away to make a phone call at that time. Owens told authorities that Quinn returned approximately ten minutes later and rear-ended Owens's truck. Quinn apologized for the accident and said that he could not look at the vehicle as planned that evening, then he drove away. He has never been heard from again.
Owens was treated for head injuries and a broken rib he claimed to have incurred during an unrelated automobile accident during the early morning hours of January 3, several hours after Quinn disappeared. Owens stated that he accident occurred near The Waffle House restaurant on Long Shoals Road by the intersection of Interstate 26. Owens called Wal-Mart on January 4 and reported that Quinn was ill and would not be arriving for his shift that day. After giving his initial statement about Quinn's disappearance, he refused to cooperate further with police.
Quinn's Mazda Protege was discovered abandoned on January 16, two weeks after his disappearance. The vehicle was located in the parking lot of The Little Pigs Barbecue restaurant on McDowell Street. A live black Labrador puppy, approximately three months old, and a plastic hotel key were found inside Quinn's car, as well as several empty drink bottles, hairs, and a jacket that didn't belong to Quinn. The puppy was also not his. A pair of lips and two exclamation points had been drawn in orange- pink lipstick on the rear windshield, and the drivers' seat was adjusted for someone shorter than Quinn. There was no sign of him at the scene. The vehicle was parked nearby Mission St. Joseph's Hospital, where Quinn's grandmother, mother and sister all work as neonatal nurses.
Authorities believe that foul play was involved in Quinnn's disappearance and are investigating his case as a homicide. In 2009, they collected hair, saliva and fingerprint samples from a female friend of his, but they stated the woman isn't a suspect in his disappearance. Quinn told his loved ones that the woman's boyfriend was abusive to hear and he himself was in trouble because of his relationship with the woman. he told one coworker someone had threatened his life. No charges have been brought against anyone in connection with Quinn's case, although police are actively investigating it. They stated they believe more than one person was involved in Quinn's disappearance and presumed murder.
Quinn was involved with the ROTC while a student at Roberson High School. He was a student at Asheville-Bucnombe Technical Community College at the time of his disappearance and made good grades. Quinn's family describes him as a naive young man who was close to his family and would never have left without warning. He didn't take money, clothes, contact lens solution or any other items that he would have needed if he had left of his own accord. His case remains unsolved.
If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Asheville Police Department at 828-252-1110 or 828-259-5910.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, May 11, 2013
MISSING! Justin Gaines - & Skelton boys from Morenci, MI.

20 hours ago
Jaime Hricovec- I was wondering if you could look into 2 cases. One is the cousin of a cousin of mine that went missing and the other is the missing Skelton boys from Morenci, MI. (I live nearby)
Missing in Texas and Maryland! Let's Find them! By: Stephanie Almaguer
Tracey Reitterer
Stephanie, I just saw the article along with your prediction of the 3 missing Ohio teens (2 who were found in a ditch) and you were spot on. Is there anyway I could please get your input regarding 2 female disappearances? One is from Texas & the other is from Maryland. We sure could use your help, as these are long term cold cases. Please let me know & thank you much! Tracey in Baltimore, MD
Thursday, May 9, 2013
3 Missing Teens from Ottawa, OH By: Stephanie Almaguer
I saw on twitter this morning that 3 missing teenager's were missing and I immediately 'saw' my son and his friends... So, closed PC and did a quick read on this...... First.......I don't feel as though these boys were 'abducted' by anyone....It's a feeling of 2 against 2.....So, in other words, could mean that someone else showed up at the house that night / early morning...?? But, I feel as though within the original 3 - we've got 2 against 1, for some reason.......
A big disagreement - "pride" - turned violent..... Let me really think on this one......... I'll post more ASAP
FYI- This type of area seems to hold importance to me........I'm sure it fit's almost everywhere / anywhere in the State of Ohio......but still......Kind of isolated, but not too far from the side of the road, like a ditch or something like it......
Yes, I do believe we have 2 that are not with us anymore.... Sorry.... I hope this one is solved soon and doesn't linger on forever....
A big disagreement - "pride" - turned violent..... Let me really think on this one......... I'll post more ASAP
FYI- This type of area seems to hold importance to me........I'm sure it fit's almost everywhere / anywhere in the State of Ohio......but still......Kind of isolated, but not too far from the side of the road, like a ditch or something like it......
Yes, I do believe we have 2 that are not with us anymore.... Sorry.... I hope this one is solved soon and doesn't linger on forever....
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Jessica Heeringa - Norton Shore, Michigan - By: Stephanie Almaguer
UPDATE- October 27, 2013: I Did this reading shortly after Jessica went missing, but didn't post publicly because there wasn't a request. October 26th, 2013, I received the request below, therefore, this post is now being publicized. I hope it helps. Since so much time has passed, I will revisit the case to see if I can pick up any new information ASAP.
7 hours agoVickie Folk- Stephanie, could you please give me some insight on a missing person. Her name is Jessica Heeringa. she is believe to have been kidnapped 6 months ago. The local police are no longer looking into this case.. Please help me with this to help locate her.. I believe in you and believe you might be able to give some insight on this case..
Thank you,
Vickie Folk
First things I picked up re: Jessica and her disappearance was a bar- south I believe....This person was at this bar drinking, alone, prior to taking Jessica.... They had to "get up their nerve" - I think they've committed sexual crimes prior to Jessica and may be driving an SUV or VAN, light in color- maybe metallic blue, but not sure. It may be borrowed or rented? I also feel like this person had rented a hotel off the roadway close by. I don't know if this means he wasn't from this area or not, but probably so. Although I can see what may have happened, it's not something I care to post at this time out of respect for Jessica's family and friends. I do, however believe at this time she IS still alive, but unless found quickly- I regret to say it will end differently. I do believe she was chosen randomly because she appeared to be an easy target, which means he probably drove around upon leaving the bar and spotted Jessica and watched her for a little while.....
The type of person involved has feelings of Unfairness, intolerance, injustices, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity due to what he see's as things done to he's been treated unfairly....and "what comes around goes around" meaning he's dealing out justice or 'karma' himself, but in his mind, justifiably. The trigger for this man was probably a great loss and were looking for someone who suffers from insecurities- especially when it comes to women.
We're dealing with Fear, despair, worry, hidden enemies, danger, deception, darkness, errors, mistakes, instabilities, inconsistency, silence, helplessness.
He has a coldness, and a destructive streak impeding relationships. He's suffered rejection by women his entire life and he feels as though this is a long time coming- as if he's above another and has the authority to dish out karma to all women because they're teases in his mind.... I know I said Jessica was chosen randomly, but I also feel a hint of her rejection to this person....? If he's a stranger to him, then i wonder if she was out at this bar I see at any point, recently and this man perhaps came on to her and she rejected him??? Something maybe for other's to think about who have personal knowledge or connections to this case or Jessica......
This man was in his 30's, and despite appearances, is a strong and capable man. I think and suffer's from several mental disorder's also... That being said, he's extremely smart. For him, this is 'truth and justice'and in his warped thoughts, probably feels as this is a service to mankind.... The more I think about what may have happened, the more I'm feeling as though something happened between these two on a level which was personal to the abductor but not to Jessica....This man has dealt with morbid fantasies and has now found his self in utter despair....And this abduction and what followed was something thought about, but not carried out previously due to fear of not being able to follow through...until now, and was carried out with an extreme determination and will.
Was Jessica in any way or form involved in the Occult? Witchcraft? Just a thought I had.....and could be how she met this person, but not sure? Either way, this person suffered a break down and Jessica's abduction followed.
It's possible he was even seeing a psychiatrist.
This was carried out through much contemplation as to how and done with patience and moderation, un-rushed, which could indicate locating her may be difficult....a lot of pre-planning, whether she was known to him personally or not...It's as if the completion of this act would bring about peace and perfect balance into his life....a healing process.....Sick, I know.....
I was trying to see WHY this happened to Jessica, specifically, and couldn't focus clearly in mind to make out what I was picking up on...So, decided to pull a Tarot card to gain some insight....I'm going to give you ALL possible meanings of this card and let those who know Jessica see if this makes any sense, because the card that appeared is very contradicting and personal, I believe, to Jessica????So, in regards to WHY, I pulled the Ten of Pentacles which deals with material things and emotions such as: Gain, riches, family matters, home, hearth, distribution of wealth, security, truth, responsibility, spiritual wisdom, domestic, love, home, inner-knowing, contentment, solid foundations, stability, prosperity, attainment, security, accomplishment, recognition.

NUMBERS: 10/1 78/15/6
15th to the 21st of September
The Ten of Pentacles indicates the result of all forces – both positive and negative, and tells of an old cycle coming to completion and a new cycle about to begin. It also tells of transition and individuality with purpose.
The Ten of Pentacles relates to the number 78 / 15 / 6 , which is the number of ‘Spiritual Wisdom’, truth, responsibility, love, home, family and deep inner-knowing. The number 78 /15 / 6 carries with it great wisdom from the past, and denotes someone who is wise beyond their years.
The 10 of Pentacles is the number 10/1 - 1’s in a reading indicates change and new beginnings.The 10 of Pentacles tells of family support in both the emotional and financial realms. Everyone is set to benefit if everyone involved plays an equal role of give and take.
Financial benefits and prosperity are indicated by the 10 of Pentacles, be it in the form of an inheritance or a sharing of family assets and business success.
The Ten of Pentacles suggests a family business which thrives and ensures that the family fortune or investments remain intact for future generations.
The 10 of Pentacles tells of all-round improvement in your life. You are asked to recognize your talents and abilities as they will lead you to promotion and ultimately, financial gain.The Ten of Pentacles signifies a time of comfort, security and material abundance and prosperity. There is contentment in the achievement of something solid and permanent which can be handed down through future generations.
The X of Pentacles is suggestive of the family blessing which can be passed down through generations.
The Ten of Pentacles has connections with buying and acquiring property, which can be seen as the acquisition of solid foundations for the future.
The X of Pentacles indicates a gain and stabilization of finances. It may also be alluding to a possible inheritance or monetary gift from family. There are no financial concerns at this time.
The 10 of Pentacles may be referring to the attainment and/or recognition of a career advancement or promotion. It may also be referring to a social-standing within a community or group/club.
The Ten of Pentacles appearing in a reading suggests that you may need to be involved in family and domestic situations, as you may be taking too much for granted at this time.
There is a focus on family matters when the 10 of Pentacles appears in a reading. You will find that your home environment is the most powerful influence in your life at this time. It may be that another member of your family is having a difficult time financially, and you may be in a position to assist. You now have the opportunity to repay your family for all their support and love. You will be able to show your gratitude by showing your rewards and wealth.
The 10 of Pentacles, when it appears upright in a reading, tells of finances beginning to establish and grow, and prosperous times ahead. It may also be telling of an advancement or promotion due to recognition of your talents and skills.
The X of Pentacles gives the feeling of prosperity, attainment, security, accomplishment and recognition. It tells of prosperous business transactions, sound financial choices and the attainment of material gains.
The 10 of Pentacles tells of a period of ongoing contentment and security, and a sense that something permanent has been established (such as prosperity) which can be handed down or on to others. This may be in the form of a large win or inheritance.
Earth Spirit
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The suit of Pentacles corresponds to the Earth elements, worldly affairs, business issues finances and the ‘material’ world.
Pentacles indicate a level of spirituality and wisdom and knowledge of the metaphysical realm.
In the playing card deck, Pentacles are represented by the suit of Diamonds.
Pentacles represent the months December, January and February in the Northern Hemisphere - and June, July and August in the Southern Hemisphere.
The herbs associated with the suit of Pentacles are those to do with the process of nourishment, digestion, assimilation and elimination. These are associated with the Earth elements of Body and Mind.
A profusion of Pentacles in a spread generally indicates situations and issues to do with the financial aspects of life.
Pentacles are associated with the realization of goals, material well-being and rewards for hard work.
Pentacles indicate a prosperous time to come.
Earth Spirit
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The suit of Pentacles corresponds to the Earth elements, worldly affairs, business issues finances and the ‘material’ world.
Pentacles indicate a level of spirituality and wisdom and knowledge of the metaphysical realm.
In the playing card deck, Pentacles are represented by the suit of Diamonds.
Pentacles represent the months December, January and February in the Northern Hemisphere - and June, July and August in the Southern Hemisphere.
The herbs associated with the suit of Pentacles are those to do with the process of nourishment, digestion, assimilation and elimination. These are associated with the Earth elements of Body and Mind.
A profusion of Pentacles in a spread generally indicates situations and issues to do with the financial aspects of life.
Pentacles are associated with the realization of goals, material well-being and rewards for hard work.
Pentacles indicate a prosperous time to come.
I guess my next question would be would anyone benefit from the death of Jessica? Financially? If not, this card could be telling that until this person completed this unfulfilled desire and injustice which he's faced repeatedly, he can't have a happy home life, hence behind the why??? As if everything will fall into place once this is carefully completed and carried out.....Not sure....
EVEN more-so, Jessica seems to be a test to me? Like, if he can do what his desires are to her, fulfilling his morbid fantasies and simply being able to complete, successfully this "test"- He can then move on to his ultimate goal, which refers to the Ten of Pentacles.... Just a suggestion.... Wondering who, if anyone's wife may have gone missing or found murdered since Jessica's disappearance? maybe no one, but it's worth noting... I will see if I can find anything in that direction...
EVEN more-so, Jessica seems to be a test to me? Like, if he can do what his desires are to her, fulfilling his morbid fantasies and simply being able to complete, successfully this "test"- He can then move on to his ultimate goal, which refers to the Ten of Pentacles.... Just a suggestion.... Wondering who, if anyone's wife may have gone missing or found murdered since Jessica's disappearance? maybe no one, but it's worth noting... I will see if I can find anything in that direction...
FINALLY- when trying to pick on a "where", I feel this place is very personal and may even involve a place of work? But it's a new job or business with hopes of great achievements here and new it's a bit symbolic in this act representing not only their own personal healing and satisfaction but new beginning all around....A place of satisfaction and stability....material type achievements......Not sure why, but hear magnetic energy? odd....
I'm going to tr focusing in on Jessica's surroundings / environment.... This is the hardest part of m task....So many things represent so many areas and narrowing down this area is a task....
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