I've seen this story on Investigation ID several times and it is very odd to say the least in re: to the circumstances revolving around this young mans disappearance.... So, I decided to see if I could gain any insight into what may have happened......
The #3 is involved and the astrological number of 3 is below....I will give the astrological number below each section. As far as WHO may have played a hand in Charlie's disappearance, I see a women... One perceived as being nurturing, motherly, unconditional love. This could have been someone Charlie met who was older and motherly towards him or someone who he'd fallin for (girlfriend perhaps) who made him feel protected, loved etc... And it could even be literally, his own mother - someone he trusted without hesitation or doubt....
THE NUMBER 3- Joy, artistic expression, optimism, inspiration, creativity, communication and communicative, good takes, talent, imagination, sociability, friendliness, conception, kindness, compassion, manifesting and manifestation, easy going, visionary, humorous, energetic, growth, expansion, principles of increase, spontaneous, broadminded thinking, kindness, encouragement, assistance, speech, ‘faith, hope and charity’, culture, wit, fun-loving, freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, exuberant, brilliant, non-confrontational, open-channel, free-form, rhythm, love of pleasure, passion, surprise, intelligence, sensitivity, psychic ability, social, self-expression, affable, enthusiastic, youthful, enlivening, imagination. Number 3 resonates with the Ascended Masters.
Negative Traits:Indifferent, lacks stamina and concentration, spectacular rise and fall, mania, mood swings.
Distress, procrastination, self-injury, self-sabotage, separations, unwelcome changes, unexpected events, adversity, deception, ruin, oppression, imprisonment, tyranny, ongoing depression......THESE ARE FEELINGS ASSOCIATED WITH WHAT CHARLIE WAS FEELING, AND WHAT CAUSED HIS DISAPPEARANCE.....
Looks as if there was some misfortune or unpleasant event, which could have been avoided or which has been allowed to develop over a period of time. In a sense, the resulting injury is self-inflicted.
He may have felt dominated by someone or something and felt powerless to fight back. He may have also felt as though these events/things were happening/ changing for a good reason and WHAT was happening was WHAT was needed for him to bring about a change in his life......
HOWEVER, I believe this change came to an abrupt halt because it may not have gone as he planned and things took a turn for the worse, an unforeseen catastrophe.
He may have been dealing with things such as sudden unemployment, loss of security and position.,,,,financial and/or emotional / mental issues.....Charlie was his own worst enemy and in his weakest times was self-destructive.
I believe that someone close to Charlie, who he trusted (the WHO, above, perhaps) wasn't who they appeared to be, and Charlie eventually figured this out and perceived them as a threat of some kind. This may have sent Charlie into a tailspin and feelings of great betrayal and he felt as though he'd reached a boiling point where he could no longer live within the confines that surrounded him....Feelings of false imprisonment, false accusations, oppression and/or being trapped in an unhappy situation or relationships. There was a relationship of some kind built upon lies, in his mind and left him feeling betrayed and even scared or angry.....OR he left this person feeling this way, somehow-- One of them Possibly even a bit paranoid.
Great potential for spiritual growth and self-knowledge..... Technicality, peace, poise, introspection, mental analysis, scientific research, faith, spirituality and spiritual wakening, enlightenment and awareness, wisdom, refinement, stoicism, silence, feelings and emotions, inner-selves, intuition, inner-knowing, specialist, inventor, loner, eccentric, thoughtful, spiritual, psychic, natural healer, inner-strength, quick-witted, wise, discerning, understanding of others, philosophical, endurance, deep contemplation, solitary, independent, mystic, psychic, keen mind, determination, individualist, knowledge-seeking, intentions, non-conformist, persistence of purpose, perfection, the analyst, thinker, science, learning, education, study, the written word, logic, alchemy, secrets, myth, religion, ritual, understanding, knowledge, isolation, chastity, dignity, the ‘Collective Consciousness’, genius, the thinker, discernment and discerning, the philosopher, writer, ascetic, rigorous, long-sighted, ahead of his/her time (therefore is often in conflict with the present), deep-thinking, able to bear hardships, deep-seeing, manifestation in time and space, stability, ability to set limits, good fortune, completion, evolution.
Negative Traits:
Morbid, hypercritical, inactive, anti-social, pessimistic, silent, dependency, depression, stagnant, lack of persistence, pride, narrowness, distance, rigidity, argumentative, temper, morbid, misanthropic, resentful, self-righteous, unwilling and/or unable to share ideas, limitations.
WHY? (11/2/8)
JUSTICE...ONE WAS SEEKING JUSTICE.....IF IT WERE CHARLIE, In his mind, he felt as though Justice of some sort must be achieved... something he perceived as a fair and just decision had been made after a situation has been fully investigated. His intuition told him he had no other choice other than to go forward with his plan? and Do not allow anyone to sway him from his path, or influence him against his better judgment. Whatever his reason's were during this time, Charlie felt they were absolutely necessary to bring about the only just resolution / outcome to WHO and WHAT he'd been facing, feeling and going through.
ON THE OTHER HAND, IF JUSTICE WAS BEING SOUGHT BY ANOTHER, we could perceive this as being someone who Charlie betrayed for a specific reason.There's always the possibility Charlie betrayed the
WHO and his own actions somehow brought about the
WHAT leading to the
WHY / Justice being sought.
Those who know Charlie the best will be more equipped to understand and make sense of everything I'm picking up and the correct context of what may have happened during this time.....
THE NUMBER 11/2/8:
Highly intuitive, even psychic.... Service, balance, love, harmony, adaptability, diplomacy, charm, friendliness, musical rhythm, receptivity, consideration for others, co-operation, personal will, understanding, diplomat, friend, artist, enduring peacemaker, gentle, kind, insightful, sensitive, team-player, ambitious, spirituality, well-mannered, placid, just, unselfish, sociable, supportive, attention to detail, co-operative, decisive, poise, intuitive, adaptable, agreeable, cautious, considerate, emotional, flexible, loving, understanding, consideration, grace, devotion, the subconscious, mediation, Divine life purpose, faith and trust, partnership, encouragement, happiness.
Negative Traits:
Irresolute, indifferent, unable to take responsibility, fearful, weak-willed, submissive, pessimistic, dependent, indecisiveness, hesitation, indecisiveness, lack of balance, unsteady, unstable, insensitive, inflexible, disagreeable, stagnant, inconsiderate, unemotional, unloving, fears making mistakes, fears unplanned change, fears being alone, fear of the unknown.
I think Charlie came to a point where he felt the time for the end of a cycle and a new phase of life. Completion of what he'd done thus far and somehow there is a much deeper, spiritual sense of self-awareness and understanding and he'd concluded on some level circumstances were right at that time to make changes concerning both work/school and home aspects. This was his time where he finally felt free to accept new responsibilities and there would be triumph in all undertakings with a focus on travel and movement; either a journey to be made or a vacation to be had, or a change of residence....Also seems as though he felt the need to undertake further, higher studies. But basically, it seems as though he felt the time was right to go elsewhere....start over.
Seems as though he may have felt he'd over come or this move would enable him to overcome all he'd gone through (the WHAT and WHO) and he would never forget what it took to get him where was, and during this time, he deeply remembered the challenges he'd been faced with and this change would bring about a "win" for him..... This was his "WHY", his JUSTICE....or his way of avoiding someone else's justice for him....
Seems as though all that brought him to this point is what led him astray... He had a deep sense of needing love and acceptance in his life and perhaps he felt by "going away" was his only way to actually feel free and loved, without restraints or judgement. ***It's important to remember, what I'm picking up on are Charlie's feelings, and just because he felt this way, doesn't mean the actual outcome of his decisions during this time concluded in this manner....***
THE NUMBER 21/3/33: Very creative, intuitive, individualistic, and unconventional. Comforts others, represents self-sacrifice and beliefs in Utopia....(NOTE: the number 3 appears twice in this reading / situations) Joy, artistic expression, optimism, inspiration, creativity, communication and communicative, good takes, talent, imagination, sociability, friendliness, conception, kindness, compassion, manifesting and manifestation, easy going, visionary, humorous, energetic, growth, expansion, principles of increase, spontaneous, broadminded thinking, kindness, encouragement, assistance, speech, ‘faith, hope and charity’, culture, wit, fun-loving, freedom-seeking, brave, adventurous, exuberant, brilliant, non-confrontational, open-channel, free-form, rhythm, love of pleasure, passion, surprise, intelligence, sensitivity, psychic ability, social, self-expression, affable, enthusiastic, youthful, enlivening, imagination. Number 3 resonates with the Ascended Masters.
Negative Traits:Indifferent, lacks stamina and concentration, spectacular rise and fall, mania, mood swings.
This "place" was full of Helplessness, imbalance, temptations, weakness, manipulation, abuse of power, discord, disgrace, lack of faith, lack of willpower...A place where there was misuse of power, aggressiveness, and intolerance.
Where this actual place is, I don't know....What I do feel is, as though he may have been feeling empowered and renewed during his decision making time, something, somewhere, left him discouraged and he may have ended up feeling once again lost, and self doubting and things may have not gone according to plans.....disharmony which resulted from an abuse of power, leaving others resentful and bitter.....Someone with an over-bearing and domineering attitude, who may have upset proceedings.
Situations like this bring about weakness and succumbing to temptations....Hence the previous suggestion that Charlie was his own worst enemy....
Charlie seems to have always been looking to others for support. Because of this weakness, which other's who may have had other agenda's, this was seen as a mental and physical weakness that could be used by them as a tool in the abuse of the power and manipulation.
And even though Charlie may have had a strong desire to succeed and he'd put forth a great deal of time and effort into his undertakings, emotionally, he may have been inclined towards vanity and uncontrollable lust and had a distinct lack of inner-strength, which probably didn't show to those who knew him, superficially, and he often had a lack of self-belief and feelings of powerlessness. These feelings were something he faced often and struggled to overcome. Unfortunately, I feel Charlie's downward spiral left him in a place of self doubt, and a contorted version of reality.
THE NUMBER 8: Authority, power, Karma – the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect, material freedom, success, judgement, executive ability, wealth, discrimination and discernment, management, thoroughness, dependability, self-reliance, repose, practicality, consideration, retreat, wisdom, manifesting and manifestation, money, finances, power, riches, status, pragmatism, the Ego, provision, aggregation, strength, compassion, dictatorship, delegation, multiples, business, investment, employment, appearance, customs, skills, exchange, reality, world transformation, executive, professional, strength, truth, responsibility, true justice, problem-solver, organizer, achiever, business-like, decisive, controlling, constant, confident, ambitious, authoritarian, self-confident, integrity, challenge, efficiency, dependability, trustworthy, insight, planner, good judgement, sociable, giving and receiving, organisation, stability, works independently, learning through experience, patience, caution, self-discipline, self-sufficient, free-will, self-discipline, insight, spiritual consciousness, a desire for peace and love for humanity, responsibility, true justice, manifesting wealth and abundance.
Negative Traits:
Tactless, domineering, greedy, sneering, superior.
There was a focus on looking at the old and releasing it, to allow transformation to a higher level.
There were obviously great issues of trust, letting go, attachment and obsession. He was challenged to learn lessons from these experiences and emotions.... He had big changes going on in his life during this time as we have seen and he longed for a better, newer life and lifestyle. He just had to find a way to move away from the past and he struggled with this, I believe.
He felt that by only putting a final end in this stage of his life would allow him to evolve..Major transformations , and rethinking ones’ life and beliefs, which he felt would bring about many positive changes and eventually renewal....new opportunities,....filling life with joy and hope and leaving the past behind.
A real look at his life and questioning the amount of energy he was putting into relationships, deciding whether it is necessary to let go in order to save energy.
THE NUMBER 13/4: Hard working and devoted to slow progress.... Practical, exactitude, organization, service, patience, application, devotion, conservatism, pragmatism, patriotism, dignity, trust, endurance, worthiness, economy, loyalty, mastery, production, solid foundations, hard work and hardworking, security-conscious, self-control, loyal, conscientious, high morals, traditional values, honesty, strong-willed, wisdom, imperturbable, determination, serious builder, progress, doer, manager, traditional, solid foundations, realistic values, stability, ability, justice, goal-orientated, system, order, management, responsibility, maintenance, constructive, determined, serious, discipline, dependability, conviction, passion and drive.
Negative: Traits:
Clumsy, conventional, un-adaptable, dull.
Love.... He is actually in a place of Love in his life....I get soul mate, a marriage perhaps, well matched, strong unbreakable bond.... He's taken the path he chose, which subsequently gave him adaptability and the ability to change in times of difficulty.
THE NUMBER 6: Love, harmony, family, home, responsibility, musical talent, sympathy, adjustment, domesticity, guardianship, parenthood, stability, poise, protection, firmness, healing, idealism, balance, justice, conscientiousness, burden-fearing, service, solutions, seeing, responsible, care, teacher, conventional, provider, protector, healer, idealistic, selfless, honest, charitable, faithful, nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth, curiosity, humanitarian, unselfishness, balance, good provider, peaceful, self-sacrifice, empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, balance, grace, simplicity, ability to compromise, reliable, provision and providing, material needs, honesty and integrity.
Negative Traits:
Easily-stressed, superiority complex, weak, impractical, submissive, shallowness, restlessness, selfishness, weak-willed, non-supportive.
Basically, what I get in this reading is some kind of interaction / relationship which was based upon lies or false beliefs went array and led to a downward spiral and escape was either Charlie's way or perhaps even someone else's way to bring a sense of balance and peace into life..... A sense of Justice.
That being said, I realize I'm not specific on what this escape was exactly... There's indications of both Suicide (self sabotage/injury) and then we can also derive that he took off on his own accord to completely start over.... A complete new life. I will try focusing on where he may be or the type of place he currently is and I will post this ASAP....hopefully later today............ This will take more focus on my part and is also the hardest part of what I am trying to achieve....
ok.... I have initially picked up the words / areas relating to
mountains / higher ground
the color blue
land / crops
So, looking at a map in the vicinity of Dartmouth... this area stood out to me...However, I think it would be safe to suggest, unfortunately, if charlie were in this area, he would likely be deceased, after so much time has passed. I will continue trying to paste together clues I receive and see if I pick up on other area's around the US.