--- On Sat, 11/26/11, xxxxx wrote:
From: xxxxxxxx--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Michelle Parker the missing women from Orlando.
To: stephalmaguer
Date: Saturday, November 26, 2011, 7:48 PM
Hi my name is xxxxxx and I live in Florida and I have been reading your blog and keeping up with the Baby Lisa story. Which im quite intrested into. A dear friend to alot of us went missing about a week ago and I don't know if you are familar with the story but her name is Michelle Parker and she is 33 years old with 3 babies. I have been so caught up on all of this I have been having issues over this. So I am wondering if you could maybe think about looking into this. Here is my number if you would like to make contact xxxxxxxxxx. I hope I can hear from you soon!
--- On Fri, 12/02/11, xxxxx wrote:
From: xxxxxxxx
Subject: Michelle Parker the missing women from Orlando.
To: stephalmaguer
Date: Friday, December 2, 2011,11:00 PM
Subject: Michelle Parker the missing women from Orlando.
To: stephalmaguer
Date: Friday, December 2, 2011,11:00 PM
Hi Stephanie im writting again because I don't know if you got my previous email, asking if you could please please help. We are all going out of our mnds I know alot of people arn't firm believers but I am. So please email me back. This missing person is Michelle Parker and she has been missing since Novermber 17. Thanks,
Being so encompassed in the Baby Lisa Case - I'd lost sight of anyone else missing! Not to mention, extremely hesitant to even go there again..... I got an email from a family friend of a missing person....- (see below) asking me to help with a missing women in Florida, Michelle Parker. I didn't answer the request.......but did go ahead and jot my initial thoughts on my blog, but didn't make them public.....And then again, another email from the same person came to me, which I ignored - After seeing the missing women's Mom on TV, my heart was deeply saddened, and I went ahead and made the call to the friend who emailed me. After much discussion, it was decided to post only from a rational, logical point of view - and leave the "psychic" or any mentions of such - out of the Parker case, all together -
In light of this, I decided, just as all the media are doing, and all the 100's of blogs as well, I will post my logical thoughts, as to what may have happened. Maybe it will help. I do have knowledge and understanding into the "human mind", might as well post my findings in an Investigative matter as to what I came up with when trying to rationalize the time frame & possible people involved. Nothing wrong with this at all, only stating my opinion - right....
Obviously, there's more than one involved - Family ties run strong here.... I'M SICKEN OVER THE ENTIRE SITUATION - I will pray everyday for Michelle and her family~ until they receive resolution and peace from this.....
SO, HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS ON THIS CASE, FROM A LOGICAL, INVESTIGATIVE MIND SET, - LEAVING OUT ANY MENTION OF "PSYCHIC" INSIGHT..... ![]() Let's just start with the timeline, as we know it to be - now......*CAPITALIZATION* WILL BE MY THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT/HOW/WHEN/WHY/WHERE ETC....THINGS COULD HAVE TAKEN PLACE. NOVEMBER 17, 2011 2:30 PM - The time Michelle was reported being seen by her Mom and Sister, leaving the Family Business, "Strandz Salon" indicating to them "She was on her way to the daycare to pick up her twins, (I have not heard where this is, BUT WILL ASSUME IT IS IN THE CITY MICHELLE LIVED IN) then to Dale Smith Jrs. (her X-Fiance, father to the twins) home in the Crest Condo Complex, in the "Waterford" locality, then heading home (in Geneva - where Michelle, her twins, & 11 yr old son lived with Michelle's Parents) to take a nap, before meeting her new B/F for dinner - and ultimately going to work her bartender shift @ 7:30pm at The Barn Nightclub - 3:15 PM - Text being exchanged between Michelle & new B/F (ASSUMING LE HAS VERIFIED THIS, & EVEN CELL PINGS, ANOTHER REASON NEW B/F HASN'T BEEN AND ISN'T A SUSPECT & JR IS) 3:18 PM - It has been reported & I have also viewed the surveillance video's, that Michelle was seen - & confirmed (Glow decals on back of hummer seen) arriving at the Home of Dale Jr at 3:18pm - The hummer with the Glow decals never left the complex. THIS HASN'T BEEN MENTIONED, BUT IN THE VIDEO, YOU ALSO SEE, RIGHT NEXT TO THE WHITE VAN & IN DALE'S PARKING AREA, A TAN IMPALA, WHO WAS AT THE HOUSE WITH DAN, WHEN MICHELLE ARRIVED - MY THEORY IS A WOMEN.....BUT FOR NOW - LET'S CONTINUE 3:30 PM - Michelle's 11 yr old son arrives home from school and calls the Salon to see where Mom is - Son also confirmed that he never saw Mom after arriving home from school, at any point, the entire evening/night/etc..... 4:00 PM - This is the time Dale JR reported last seeing Michelle, as the time he gives for her arrival to his home, dropping off their children - and that he then left with the children to go to his Parents home arriving there at 4:27 (WHO GIVES AN EXACT TIME OF 4:27 - IN ADDITION, I DO BELIEVE THIS IS THE LAST TIME DALE SAW MICHELLE......THIS IS THE TIME HE LEFT THE CONDO, LEAVING MICHELLE WITH SOMEONE ELSE IN THE CONDO, QUICKLY HEADING TO HIS PARENTS HOME.........BUT, NOT BEFORE MICHELLE'S HUMMER WAS MOVED INTO "A" GARAGE. I BELIEVE, HER PHONE - JEWELRY, ETC....LEFT THAT HOME WITH DALE JR. I BELIEVE THAT MICHELLE WAS ALSO QUICKLY PLACED BACK INTO HER HUMMER - THIS WOULD ELIMINATE A CADAVER CANINE DETECTING ANY SCENT "IN THE HOME" - YET IT WOULDN'T ELIMINATE A SCENT CANINE FROM DETECTING HER PRESENCE, AND WHY SHOULD IT? EVERYONE KNOWS SHE WAS THERE - I BELIEVE THE 4PM TIME WAS GIVEN FOR PROOF THAT HE HAD NO TIME TO DO ANYTHING HARMFUL IN RE: TO MICHELLE, SEEING AS THOUGH HE WAS AT HIS PARENTS HOME BY 4:27 & THE DRIVE THERE IN IT SELF WOULD TAKE UP THAT TIME.....AND, BECAUSE HE UN-EXPECTANTLY GOT A TEXT FROM MICHELLE'S PHONE AT 4:26 FROM HER BROTHER ASKING WHERE SHE WAS....HE REPLY'S "WATERFORD" - TRYING TO BE THE SMARTEST FOX AROUND - DISTANCING HIMSELF FROM WHERE HE WAS AT THAT TIME AND WHERE SHE WAS.....FOR IN FACT, SHE WAS AT WATERFORD, JUST NOT WITH HER PHONE. IT IS ALSO MY THOUGHTS THE POLICE KNOW WHERE THE PING FROM THE WATERFORD TEXT CAME FROM, AND YET, ANOTHER REASON JR. IS THEIR TOP SUSPECT/AND WHY THE PARENTS HOME WAS RAIDED. SO FROM ME TO YOU, DALE - THANKS FOR BEING SO SMART AND ON TOP OF YOUR GAME! I'M CURIOUS AS TO IF THE TAN VEHICLE EVER LEFT....OR IF IT WERE THERE WHEN THE HOME WAS SEARCHED.?.?.? HERE IS THIS SCENARIO ON MAP FOR THIS TIME FRAME PERIOD........... 5:40 pm - The same surveillance video see's Michelle's hummer, without the decals - leaving the complex. MY HUNCH ON THIS IS ONE OF TWO THINGS.....DALE LEFT HIS CHILDREN WITH HIS MOTHER, WHILE SOMEONE ELSE (OLDER MAN) GAVE HIM A RIDE BACK TO HIS HOME, BUT DROPPED HIM OFF OUT OF CAMERA VIEW - AND DALE WENT INTO THE CONDO THROUGH A BACK DOOR....IF THIS HAPPENED, THIS PERSON IS PROBABLY THE SAME PERSON WHO MET UP WITH & HELPED DALE, TAKING HIM BACK TO HIS PARENTS, WHERE HE EVENTUALLY RETURNED BACK TO HIS CONDO BY 10PM -OR- THE PERSON (WOMAN) AT THE HOME, TOOK CARE OF "THINGS" WHILE DALE WAS SUPPORTING HIS ALIBI.....AND DROVE THE HUMMER, AT DUSK - TO IT'S RESTING SPOT AT at Walden Circle and Vineland Road, BUT NOT BEFORE ONE LAST STOP WAS MADE - IN MY OPINION, MEETING UP WITH DALE. (A resident of the Condo complex reported she saw the hummer there by 10:30pm that night, when she was out walking her dog - so it was left there before this time....police located it the next morning) THIS "STOP" IS OUT OF SIGHT - KNOWN TO THESE PEOPLE, BUT HIDDEN TO EVERYONE ELSE AND THE EYE, AND NOT TOO FAR AWAY FROM THE VEHICLES RESTING/FOUND LOCATION.....IN ADDITION, I BELIEVE THAT EVEN THOUGH THE DECALS WERE REMOVED AND HIDDEN ALSO - TO AVOID THE VEHICLE BEING SPOTTED IMMEDIATELY - I MEAN, COME ON - LOTS OF BLACK HUMMERS, RIGHT....BUT STILL, AVOIDING BEING SEEN IN THE AREA IS A SMART IDEA & OFF/SIDE ROADS USED TO NAVIGATE AROUND......ONE MORE THOUGHT IF THIS WAS INDEED ENTRUSTED WITH SOMEONE ELSE TO HANDLE THINGS, AND MEET UP SOMEWHERE - THERE MUST BE A BOND & TRUST BETWEEN DALE AND THIS PERSON, "THICK AS BLOOD" - HENCE- THE SEARCH AT 6806 CHAUCER.......(WOMEN) MY F I R S T INSTINCT THOUGH, IS - SOMEONE (MAN) DROVE DALE SECRETLY BACK TO HIS HOME.......MEANING, HE WOULD HAVE ARRIVED SHORTLY BEFORE THE HUMMER WAS SEEN LEAVING AT 5:40.......NO WAY DAN WAS GOING TO ENTRUST HIS FUTURE FREEDOM TO ANYONE, NO MATTER THE BOND, TO ANYONE ELSE - NEEDING TO DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING WAS IN ORDER BEFORE HE LEFT HIS HOME - KNOWING THE POLICE WOULD BE THERE SHORTLY.......BET THE TAN CAR LEFT SHORTLY AFTER THAT ALSO.......IN ADDITION, THESE FOLKS K N E W MICHELLE WAS BEING LOOKED FOR - AND THAT IF SHE DIDN'T SHOW UP TO WORK AT 7:30, POLICE INVOLVEMENT WOULD FOLLOW.....SO, THEY WERE D O N E BY OR BEFORE 8:00 PM........MY BET IS, THE TIME THAT DALE FINALLY CALLED YVONNE STEWART, MICHELLE'S MOTHER, BACK, WAS WHEN EVERYTHING WAS "FINISHED" - OTHER THAN THE CELL PHONE DISPOSAL..(AGAIN, FINAL TASK, CHECK PHONE TO SEE "WHAT'S GOING ON", GIVING IT'S FINAL PING LOCATION, RIGHT BEFORE BEING DISPOSED OF)....WHICH WAS TAKEN CARE OF BY THE WOMEN........IN ORDER TO SUPPORT DALE S T I L L BEING AT HIS MOM'S, HENCE - NOT IN THE AREA OF "PING" AND/OR DISPOSAL - ARRIVING HOME SOMETIME BEFORE 10:00 PM 6:00 - 7:00PM - Michelle's Family is frantically trying to get a hold of Dale Jr., and eventually calls his parents home - but Dale wasn't available to talk then at that time, according to his mother....but she assured that she would have Dale return their call......REALLY?!!! Sometime after 7:00PM - Dale finally calls Michelle's family back - and gives his story of when he last saw Michelle 7:20PM - Michelle is officially reported missing to the Police Department (WOMEN LEAVES W/PHONE AND JEWELS, MY THINKING, LOGICALLY) 8:00 PM - (Roughly) phone made it's final ping near Oak Ridge, before disposal 9:00 - 10:00 PM - Dale "officially" arrives back to his condo/home -sometime within this time frame 10:00"ish" PM - Police arrive at Dales JRs Condo, do a search - get his statement, etc...and are gone before 11:00 pm, because Dale JR post on FB re: Michelle's disappearance shortly after 11:00pm THE MAP BELOW, SHOWS MY "LOGICAL" THOUGHTS/CONCLUSIONS AS TO WHAT MAY HAVE OCCURRED BEGINNING AT 5:40 PM - SOMETHING HIT ME LIKE A T O N OF BRICKS TODAY........ OUR SO SMART PERPETRATOR(S) HERE MAY HAVE BEEN A LITTLE MORE CLEVER THAN WE HAVE GIVEN HIM/THEM/HER CREDIT.... Ok, we know there was a "Waterford" txt sent to Michelle's brother around 4:27, in response to where she was....and that, in fact - the text pings didn't originate from Waterford.....However, Waterford would be right about where Michelle would have been, had she of left Dale's home around 4:10 as he stated.....which is about 1/2 way between his Condo and her home in Geneva......And since we've all been made VERY clear that Dale couldn't possibly have done this, for he was all the way on the other side of town.....Guess he just didn't know that by even hollowing out a phone and having your helper(s) dump it in the lake, didn't erase RECORDS by a phone company. So, if someones insinuating Michelle was in Waterford, texting - then it would seem logical to actually "have her in Waterford", wouldn't it.....My scenario of what I've gathered on this isn't something I'd prefer to put on a public blog out of pure respect - but I would like to point out a couple of area's.....and that when doing the "time" allowed, this as well as the area's on the side of town the Parents of JR live on - is also a very "doable" scenario.....A what a better way to attempt to deceive than have her car on the complete opposite side of town? Just a "thought"..... Obviously, there are NUMEROUS area's , I just chose a few along the path known to other's Michelle would take to go home, through "waterford"...which looked accessible/hidden still think the most probable place I see, or think logically she would be is within area's from where her hummer was found.....including up to Mission...and it's land around it.... I'm so so sosososo sorry Mr./Mrs.Stewart and Parker and to the siblings, and all family of Michelle- I know you will get justice on this though.....Have faith! |
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletehi I was just wondering if you were planning on posting your interpetations on the cards? and I know this blog is for baby Lisa but they announced the found Michelle parkers phone today. any thought to that thank you for wat you do. I look daily on your website maybe three or four times. thank you
I so wish these haters never posted and or harassed you. If they didnt we would have known your thoughts probably from day one, and it would have been interesting to see it all come together as you would have wrote it. Are you eventually going to come out with everything u seen etc?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the support, I've finally decided to allow my post on this blog, but from a different point of view - Since I can't seem to let go of trying to help in these cases, I'd rather put information on my Blog which will be taking seriously rather than a joke....So, Im posting my insight from my professional point of view - It can't hurt.... I believe my health is in good shape again also & have began looking and applying for employment - I'm hoping (finger's crossed) to get on with the Sheriff's dept in town - but have applied all around the region. Again, thanks -
ReplyDeleteGood luck getting on with the sherrifs dept in your town. Not only would you be able to use your professional qualifications, but also your "intuition", without having to field all the negative stuff that has been tossed your way through all of this. Leaving one of my favorite quotes...
ReplyDelete“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
~John Wooden~
All the best to you and your family
I've been thinking about my "route" map....I took the route I did, trying to avoid lights and camera's....but when I think about it....I don't think my person is techno savy....thought about the removal of decals to avoid being spotted, immediately, but not about any camera's along the way.....I still believe that in relevance to the hummer's location....and when JR returned to his mom - returning Yvonne Stewart's call, (before 8pm? - this info isn't publicized, so going on theory, this is my best thought) doesn't allow time to head the opposite directions (as in east of JRs Condo)....will have to think and view maps....I may be posting a map or two more....
ReplyDeleteI notice a few times in your words, your thoughts, you say the name Dan, do you mean Dale? Maybe subliminal? Just wondering, glad to see you did not give up your gift in helping people, Stay strong, I pray both Michelle and Baby Lisa are found.
ReplyDeleteI just noticed that too....I didn't change it though...never know if it's important or not? :)
Deletehi just wanted to ask what caused for this to happen that day?
ReplyDeleteWell, "logically", an argument...much hatred - but could have even been as much as something even "planned" - bruised ego - abuse - domination - family hatred - and so forth, wouldn't you agree? "how do you" attitude.
ReplyDeletethat's sad! so in all this this woman that you mention so you think she was there when it actually happen? and agreed to it?and how true is it that they found clothes in the water during the last search? so you think she will ever be found? thank you ...I believe that you truly have a gift! hang in there!
ReplyDeleteand I forgot to say that I do agree with wat you said of the reason it happened ...she was moving on wit her life looks like he couldn' sad! prayers to the family!
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Steph!
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to add that it is so wonderful to see you continue to help with your Gifts. You are truly Blessed and a Blessing! Don't listen to all the negative people/comments...they are driven by fear, ignorance, ego, jealousy, and some just pure meanness!
I have been out of town for a week and just got back home today to celebrate my Birthday with my family. Normally I follow your blog daily, but where I traveled to there was no internet in that very rural area, have so missed not being able to follow your blog daily, which I did way before any of the Baby Lisa stuff happened. Just trying to say I really Believe in what you do, and am so glad you are keeping on! I hope to one day soon be able to get a reading from you, just as soon as I can get past the Holiday's. Take care and God Bless.
Thank you - But remember....we're not "talking" about my gift as in, association with this any longer. I won't be taken seriously. Therefore, it's just my own theory- ;) Have a great day and just pray they find her, baby Lisa, and many more victims of evil.
ReplyDeleteLaw enforcement stands in a tough position when it comes to releasing info to the public during investigation, (I wonder how much of this they do know & arent saying) however we are all seeking the answers to the cruel events of that night in which Michelle was taken. I am a victim of domestic violence in which I was left for dead and somehow lived to tell my story in a court room 3 times. When I saw someone with a similar "insight into the human mind" that you have it was life changing. Part of the grieving process as tough as it may be, is knowing. I think that your work here is absolutely amazing and as controversial as it may be, I hope the nay sayers never stop you from this incredible blog. Best of luck getting the job w/ the Sheriffs.
ReplyDeleteSteph, you are the first and only person I have seen or heard say the Hummer was put in the garage. That is exactly what I think happened too. I believe they got into an argument, while the kids played in their room (at his house) or watched TV, he hit her and killed her, pulled the Hummer into the garage put her in it after he removed the decal ( looks like they could find some fragment of the decal in the garage if they looked hard enough.) took the kids, who were not aware of the fight, to his parents house, left them with his mother, got someone (his dad) to return to his home and help him remove the Hummer, dispose of her body and park the Hummer where it was found. I also have the "gift" except I call it a curse because people don't believe you, make fun of you or think you are crazy. I can give you many instances where I have seen things correctly. For instance a huge fire where the building was burned to the ground. I saw it two weeks before it actually happened. I saw it so plainly that I didn’t realize I didn’t really see it until weeks later when it appeared in the newspaper as happening the night before.
ReplyDeleteI woke up one morning with a location where I believe Michelle might be found going through my mind. This was before they found the phone and before they started the Lake Elinore search. I didn’t know anything about this lake. The feeling was so strong that I road over there and drove down to the lake. I got chills. I would have liked to look around more but I was alone, a women and it is not in the best of neighborhoods, When I saw your map and path you think the X took it is right on the path where I believe she is. Except rather than Lake Sunset, my mind saw it as Sunset Lake. I haven't given this as a tip because of the fear of ridiculed, I'm sure you can understand why I feel this way.
Curiously if you look at this map on Google Earth you can see on one side of the lake there is a park, making it easy access for someone to go without being seen at night. It is on the southeast side of the lake. However I feel she is further up on the North east of the lake.
Didn't a Physic, say that they would find her 11 miles from where the hummer was parked, at the bottom of the lake, why did they only search one lake or was there more than one lake they searched? Lake Catherine is 11 miles from where the Hummer was found, and there is an easy access, so it looks like that on a map.
ReplyDeleteAnd didn't Dale Smith, have a first wife that died of head injuries. And he
was never charged for that either. And after his father was arrested, I guess they figured that he would give valuable information. I am sure he won't that is a long prison term, for aiding and covering up a murder site.
He has covered up for his son, in his first marriage, I am sure he is covering up this time also. If he has a temper and takes it out on women, I wonder how long it will take him to get another girlfriend, and take his anger out on her. I fear for the children,if he has taken out his anger on her, what makes anyone think, he wont take out his anger on the children, right now he wont do anything because he is being watched, but for how long will he be watched. As soon as he is cleared from not having anything to do with Michelle's disappearance.
An accomplice, now that is a thought on Michelle Parkers case, since the
ReplyDeletepeoples court had the showing on the day she disappeared and Dale Smith had
it copied, I am sure that did not make him happy, to know he had to pay half of the ring. And I am sure he knew she was dating someone else. Which probaby did not make him any happier. Yes I think it would be possible, that something happened when she dropped the twins off, I am sure she possibly went inside to give the twins a kiss and say good bye or what ever she told them. I know that probably Michelle had mixed feeling about leaving them there in the first place. Maybe he told her he wanted to talk to her and asked her to wait, while he too the twins to another room or even told them to go outside in back, where they could not see or hear their talking. But it wasnt talking was it Dale, you wanted to show her, things got out of hand she wasnt breathing, you put her vehicle in garage, took the signs off the window and put her in the vehicle, you closed the door, you were scared, you had to do something quick, who did you call, who came to your rescue to watch the children while you, maybe they did not know tht you had Michelle you didnt tell them, you said you would be back, how long did it take you to drive to where ever you took her, what did you
do to her. The phone was in the hummer, you had to get rid of it, did you have someone a few days later get rid of the phone. We all waiting for you
to give us some answers. Michelle, deserves to go home to her family.