Maybe I can lend some insight on something close to home? Never done this before! Can't hurt to give it my best shot anyway ;)
So-----Here's what I've picked up and believe......
I believe two are involved... A primary and then secondary...This is a payback of sorts, seems.... "As you sow, so you shall reap" was the outlook had. The primary person it seems may be rather intelligent and quiet sensitive when it comes to feelings of rejection or some type of betrayal.... So basically I believe were looking at one who feels as though they've been done an unjust perhaps by Robbie and decided that they must "sow what they reap" -
So, logically the next question would be WHAT is it that caused this extreme emotion within another to cause another's death....two deaths.....? We've got some financial issues with feelings of insecurity, discomfort, hardship, loss, poverty, depression, mental illness possible as well.... Worst part of this, is we've got one who's is/was suicidal or had contemplated this .... May have sought professional help at some point for this, not sure? Money seems to be key here though....
I think maybe Robbie was not satisfied within a personal relationship and may have cut ties, or was trying to.... She may have even done something which felt like betrayal to one and this led to a confrontation, turned deadly.... I feel as if Robbie, with her grandson, agreed to meet this person(s) and with no intentions of staying but a few minutes, Robbie left her grandson in the safety of her vehicle....(so she thought)
BUT, I'm quite confident that within this somewhere we're dealing with someone who has suicidal thoughts and/or tendencies.....
Obviously - There's a question as to WHY all of this happened and ended the lives of a grandmother and her grandson.....
Again, I see some mental illness tendencies with periods of very dark moments - and other times great creativity... We've got one who has a sense of a false reality, perhaps with irrational fears, turmoil, deception etc. Who had become delusional.... and false friend, deceptions
We may be looking at a hormonal imbalance, causing frustration and an inability to really focus. I see one trying to express to another and perhaps this heart to heart between two, was met with anger and hostility and again, I think money played a role, again.... But this time, Robbie was killed. I think this was pre-meditated.
I'm sure that whatever suspects were originally arrested-- to later be released due to a lack of evidence, had their homes, vehicles, etc. thoroughly searched.... So, I think she was tricked, perhaps and taken to the place where she was found deceased...and killed there... I think this is when her killer(s) saw her Grandson, I think they quickly disposed of Robbie and then as the reports indicated, dropped the car off at some apartments, I believe near by where he was heading, leaving the child in the car....And we know what happened then.....
Robbie knew she was in a bad relationship and had many warnings..... He was a user.....She was a nurturer...
She had a bad feeling, but unfortunately, didn't follow her gut feelings this particular day. I think she was too trusting and gave people the benefit of doubt too often and this is how it was so easy to manipulate her... I think maybe the boyfriend could have been a beneficiary to insurance...but I don't think it was legitimate....
I'm not sure how much of this is already known by police or if I've provided anything new? I hope that I have.... If not, hopefully something will break in this case which will allow the police to finally prosecute and bring justice to Robbie and her grandson, Kasey.
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