I'm going to give it a shot here......... First, this stuff is so sad...........Everyday I'm asked to complete a new case, I just don't have time, but I do as many as I can. As always, I pray that Heather is found soon, safely, and returned to her family, regardless of what my readings may or may not reveal.
First, I'm not sure how Heather's car got to the location it was found - But, this is everything I picked up on
Whoever is responsible for her disappearance, had this planned. This was an obsession of theirs, almost like a goal - Not that Heather was the goal, originally, but the act. I believe they're 'mature' and may be a person in an authoritative position...Such as a Manager, Boss, etc. This was an unfulfilled desire, until Heather.
This person is socially awkward, other than work, they exclude their self from most outside activities, are lonely, feel rejected, and have much self pity and feel entitled. They're withdrawn and very manipulative - dishonest - liar... They could even be a bit scientific in thoughts...
I picked up on the word: TAPE - Wasn't sure if it was referring to tape, as in sticky tape to hold something together or tape, as in, like a video or recording.... Then I got, INTERVIEWER.... Something to think about...Was Heather searching for a new job and had she recently gone on an interview? TAPE itself may be a clue, once a suspect is obtained, either kind of tape should be looked for, when the time comes. INTERVIEWER could be the person who interviewed her for her current job.... or it could mean nothing.... I got REST....this could be a restroom, rest stop, or nothing... I see a park like setting within trees, perhaps a public restroom area in between her car and home... a park like setting....something with the name LOCUST? . The names Jo / Joesph, Roger and Camry. Could be names of people, streets and Camry, a car perhaps.
One other thought....I know she lived in an apt .... I'm sure LE has canvased them.......but would be interesting to know who l lives on either side of apt....are there any small holes in wall...(like tiny peep holes?)
It's very possible something along the lines of an ex? or some kind of jealousy was involved also...not sure.
With respect, I will not include my beliefs in what may or may not have happened to Heather.
When looking over a map of the areas, below, is an area my mind kept going to...IDK, but anything is worth a try
A thought:
Is it possible Heather may have gotten pregnant by a boyfriend / ex? The man who's older than her? And could this news of a poss. pregnancy be something that would have ruined his life and a motive for murder? Or could he have a wife // girlfriend who found out about this preg and this was her motive? Idk....just a thought which popped into my head.....