This was sent to me by email - I have not decided whether I will attempt to help or not, but if I do, it will not be posted on the blog. HOWEVER, I am posting the request here, to "get the word out" about this little baby girl.
11:10 AM (6 hours ago) ![]() | ||||
Hello Stephanie,
I am writing to you to ask you for help. Last Tuesday a baby went missing in Poland. It was january 24th in Sosnowiec and the street name was Legionow. A young 22- year old mother left the house around 5 pm and was going to her mother with a baby in a stroller. She claims that there was a man who was following her and at one point she got hit in the head and when she regained her consciousness the baby was no loger there. I am not related to the family and I do not know them at all- (I live in the United States). I am just a random person who cares and who wants more than anything for the baby to be found. The whole Poland is looking for this baby and what is sad is that there is no trace whatsover. I have to add that things like that happen so rarely in Poland that is why it is all over the news and everybody is trying to help. The Polish police and detectives are constantly looking but to be honest I don't even know if they know what to do. I am a very empathetic and sensitive person and I am also a mother of a 14- months- old baby boy, that is why I care so much about that baby. I forgot to mention that it was a 6-months-old baby girl named Magda Wasniewska. I can't even imagine what that baby must feel. She is at that age when she starts recognizing faces etc so I am sure she is so scared, it's so sad to me that every time I'm thinking about it I want to cry. Like I said even though I don't know these people I want madzia to be found. I feel so helpless because I want to do something to help but I cant, that is why I am writing to you. I don't have the money to pay, all I can do is beg you to help the Polish nation to find that baby, if they only had one trace, just something, but they have nothing. Please Stephanie, I know you are very busy and I know here in America things like that are so common that they are overlooked by people but like I said, i think this is the first time that a little baby like Madzia went missing in Poland. I forgot to add that I am Polish as well that also adds to the fact that this matter is so important to me. Please if you could help we would apprectate it so much. I am writing from a mother to a mother because only we can understand what it means to lose a baby.
Thank you very much for reading this message and I am sorry if I made some grammar mistakes but English is my second language and I haven't mastered it yet:)
Thank you Stephanie and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
UPDATE: The picture people are talking about it the one below.... It's just a photo sent to me by a women who was involved with searching for Baby Lisa.... When I received the pic., I saw - what appeared to be a "ghostly image" of a baby within the rocks at the rail road tracks..... (It started a huge controversy!) Anyway, even though that picture never produced any results in locating Baby Lisa, when I was "reading" on Magda, I kept seeing that picture in my mind, but didn't know why? I shared/sent my "reading" to only one person at about 12:00, noon - my time.....a couple of hours later, apparently Baby Magda was found in a location much like the photo. Very strange how a photo which is suppose to be in relations with another case, was exact in a different case - This is the photo below....I labeled it so you could identify what everyone was talking about.....
I am writing to you to ask you for help. Last Tuesday a baby went missing in Poland. It was january 24th in Sosnowiec and the street name was Legionow. A young 22- year old mother left the house around 5 pm and was going to her mother with a baby in a stroller. She claims that there was a man who was following her and at one point she got hit in the head and when she regained her consciousness the baby was no loger there. I am not related to the family and I do not know them at all- (I live in the United States). I am just a random person who cares and who wants more than anything for the baby to be found. The whole Poland is looking for this baby and what is sad is that there is no trace whatsover. I have to add that things like that happen so rarely in Poland that is why it is all over the news and everybody is trying to help. The Polish police and detectives are constantly looking but to be honest I don't even know if they know what to do. I am a very empathetic and sensitive person and I am also a mother of a 14- months- old baby boy, that is why I care so much about that baby. I forgot to mention that it was a 6-months-old baby girl named Magda Wasniewska. I can't even imagine what that baby must feel. She is at that age when she starts recognizing faces etc so I am sure she is so scared, it's so sad to me that every time I'm thinking about it I want to cry. Like I said even though I don't know these people I want madzia to be found. I feel so helpless because I want to do something to help but I cant, that is why I am writing to you. I don't have the money to pay, all I can do is beg you to help the Polish nation to find that baby, if they only had one trace, just something, but they have nothing. Please Stephanie, I know you are very busy and I know here in America things like that are so common that they are overlooked by people but like I said, i think this is the first time that a little baby like Madzia went missing in Poland. I forgot to add that I am Polish as well that also adds to the fact that this matter is so important to me. Please if you could help we would apprectate it so much. I am writing from a mother to a mother because only we can understand what it means to lose a baby.
Thank you very much for reading this message and I am sorry if I made some grammar mistakes but English is my second language and I haven't mastered it yet:)
Thank you Stephanie and I am looking forward to hearing from you.
UPDATE: The picture people are talking about it the one below.... It's just a photo sent to me by a women who was involved with searching for Baby Lisa.... When I received the pic., I saw - what appeared to be a "ghostly image" of a baby within the rocks at the rail road tracks..... (It started a huge controversy!) Anyway, even though that picture never produced any results in locating Baby Lisa, when I was "reading" on Magda, I kept seeing that picture in my mind, but didn't know why? I shared/sent my "reading" to only one person at about 12:00, noon - my time.....a couple of hours later, apparently Baby Magda was found in a location much like the photo. Very strange how a photo which is suppose to be in relations with another case, was exact in a different case - This is the photo below....I labeled it so you could identify what everyone was talking about.....
Bonjour Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteJe vous écris de la France, je viens de lire le message qui vous a été envoyé. Moi aussi je suis polonaise, une maman et je pleure en voyant la photo de la petite Magda.
Je ne sais pas quel est votre pouvoir, je ne vous connais pas, mais si vous pouvez aider les parents de ce bébé, faites le, je vous en prie. Je ne parle par l'anglais, je traduis ce message grâce au "google traduction", j'espère qu'il est compréhensible.
This is the letter above, I translated with google translate....
DeleteHi Stephanie,
I am writing from France, I just read the message that was sent to you. I too am Polish, a mother and I cry when he saw the photo of the little Magda.
I do not know what is your power, I do not know you, but if you can help the parents of this baby, do it, please. I do not speak the English, I translate this message with "google translation", I hope it is understandable.
Im Polish, too. I keep on checking the news every 2 hours. I really hope they find Madzia safe and sound. Her parents must be going through the worst horror there is...
ReplyDeleteI am Polish, too, but I've lived in the UK for 12 years. I hope Magda will be found, very soon, alive and well, I am a mum of two and if something like that happened to me, I couldn't cope at all...
DeleteI hate seeing things like this! God bless that baby, I pray she is found safe!
ReplyDeleteHello Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting the information about Magda Wasniewska on your blog. I know you said you had not decided if you would do the reading and I don't want to bag you or anything, I just wanted to tell you that even though I don't have the money to pay for the reading, I read the article today in Polish press and it says that whoever has any information or whoever can help in any way to find Magda, the person would receive 160 zloty which is approximately 53.000 dollars. I know I told you I can't pay and I found out from the message that was sent to me that you don't do free readings anymore, that is why I am writing you about the prize. Please reconsider if you could. It has been more than a week now and the search is going with no results. Please. Kate M
Kate - You're welcome. And the reason for not wanting to do the reading Re: this missing baby has NOTHING to do with money - It's more about the horrible hate mail, criticism, and then how "emotionally involved" I become on this type of reading & how much time is spent - and the Police will not follow up on the information I give because of "the way" (psychic) I got the information...Also, every time I do this type of reading, I start getting other psychics saying I stole their "information" - or I'm a fraud - etc.... It's just very, very stressful.
DeleteI will see what I can "get" - if anything - and email it to you personally - If you think my information "makes sense" with any details, etc... of the case, You can decide what to do with it & how/who to give it to. It may take me a day or two to get "enough" information that I'm trying to "see".....So be patient....but I give you my word, I will do my best. Thank you- Stephanie
Hi Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteI am pleased to read that you will try to help parents of Magda. I hope your aim will be useful, I hope you will see positive things because it's so hard to imagine that poor baby without his mother.
thank you
You mean wait a couple of days to see what other people post. Yes we know!
ReplyDeleteYou see - This is the kind of jelously I am talking about & it's not worth it. I have someone who takes care of my blog comments (publishing them or not) and my email because of the volume.... But I went ahead & asked them to publish this one - so I could prove my point....
DeleteI have not had time to even attempt to "read" on this baby due to a very busy time at home/school/ etc...and that I will be testing for the Sheriff's Dept in less than a week & I'm trying to take care of unfinished business so that hopefully I am employed and back to work very soon -
On a side note, received a private email saying that the mother of this baby was responsible, there was no "mugging" and the baby was found deceased. I do not know if that's true or false -
i am english i have posted magda,s photo on facebook and left messages for help, my partner is polish and i visit poland 3 times a year ,i wil be joining the hunt to find her when i visit poland in 2 weeks.
ReplyDeleteI´m sorry to tell you.. apparently the child was found... the mother admitted to killing her accidentally and making up this story
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the baby has been just found dead :( The child had an accident and mother dumped the baby under the tree. RIP little Angel
ReplyDeleteIf truly an accident - THANK GOD the Mother's conscious kicked in & she confessed...If I'm understanding you correctly...and led police to her baby (or told them) And this isn't an ongoing - heartbreaking - month/year long search-mystery.... Sad....Thanks for updating this babies information on the blog -
Deletethe baby isn't missing anymore... turned out that there was an accident (probably accident) and the baby fell out on the floor and died and the body was hidden by the river and the parents were playing this crazy, heartless game in fron of the cameras begging for help in searching the baby... :( horrible !!!
ReplyDeleteactually something is wrong with this case, it's still unclear to me. police didn't admit it was a baby's body, it is not official. and what about examination - the expert said that mother was hit in the head actually. somebody helped her to play this heartless game? i don't know... but soon we all find the truth, i hope.
DeleteI tried to find a link for this. Do you know what kind of accident she says it was? Have a link if possible?
ReplyDeleteUPDATE: the missing "baby" were just clothes. The baby is STILL missing. The body hasn't been found yet. I'm following news on Polish TV. Too much for me - I have to say :( The mother's story doesn't seem true (she's saying she dropped the baby an the baby died and she hidden it under the tree). The police found baby's clothes but no baby! They're still looking. I don't believe in God - but if he exists PLEASE let the baby be alive! hope never dies
ReplyDeleteyes.. I'm from Poland and in TV they said: "Mother of Magda said her daughter fell and died, so mother put child in small forest next to river..". But now nothing can be true.. If mother lied first time, she can lie now.. And father of Magda and her grandparents surely didn't know about it... It's terrible..
ReplyDeleteApparently the dad had done a lie detector test, and mum had refused, hence detective Rutkowski had spoke to her, wher she had addmitted that baby Magda had slipped from the blanket and hit her head on the threshold. Rutkowski had decided to softly interogate Magda's mum as her behaviour, once she had found out about the lie detector test, was abnormal, she had also hit her husband in his head with the door. They beleive that the father is innocent. Police so far had not found babys body..
ReplyDeleteWhat is written above is true - when the mother was holding the baby at home, it suddenly slipped, hit the floor with the head, and died instantly. The mother was presumably in shock, took the baby out in a trolley, and hid the body somewhere. The police and private detective are now looking for the body. The mother is unable to show the precise place where she hid it. After she said that her child was missing, she didn't want to take the lie-detector test which made the police think. God bless the child :(
ReplyDeleteThe baby IS dead but its body hasn't been found yet. The mother admitted dropping the baby on the floor after she had bathed it. The fatal accident happened in her appartment which she shared with her husband and parents-in-law. Making sure ( or assuming ) the girl is dead the woman wrapped her body and took it out in a stroller. She left it in a neighbouring area, which is now being searched. So far with no success.
ReplyDeleteNot parents but only "mother"!
ReplyDeleteHello Stephanie,
ReplyDeleteI was very busy yesterday and I didn't follow the news on TV. But in the evening when I started reading the press and watch the news I found out that what people wrote on your blog about Magda was true. Apparently the mother said that she dropped the baby and the baby died. And because she was afraid of what happened, and shocked she decided to hide the dead body in the park.
That's what I heard yesterday, hovewer today you can hear a different story. The police still has not found the dead body in the place that the mother told them to search so there is no proof to the recent claims of the mother. first of all if she knows where she hid the baby why she won't show the police herself. Second thing, why did she not call the ambulance after the incident and instead she went to hide the baby under the tree? Nothing makes sense here. In my opinion she might have made up the story because she had enough of dealing with the media, press and just the whole story? maybe she is rezigned to the point she is assuming the baby is dead anyway and she wanted to end it all? Anyway I have been watching the coverage of the research in the park today and of course what I've been watching now was taking place 7 hours ago (as there is a 7 hour difference ) and the police has not found any body, that is just not possible.
All in all nothing has been solved yet, the mother either killed the baby or all she is doing is lying about everything, but like I said we don't know what state of mind she is in, and what is her reasoning behind it all, I don't know but I just don't want to believe that this baby is dead. The police has not excluded the previous assumtions that the baby was kidnapped either. There is just no body that would prove what mother said yesterday is true.
If i were you Stephanie I would still attempt to do the reading, if you could of course. If you could just tell if the baby is in fact dead or not. Thank you. Kate M
It's because she's not telling the truth in full - And she didn't act alone, IMO either....I will get back with you later this afternoon with my reading of what I feel or see happening - I'm on my way to do some target rounds (practice) and will be back in a while....
DeleteThe whole story that Magda's mother is telling has a lot of gaps and things that don't fit in with the whole situation. The doctors are saying that the baby could not have died from slipping out of the mothers hands. Also, the father told us himself that just before the incident Magda's father helped her mother to bring her stroller down the stairs. I am more than 100% sure that he would notice that the baby was dead. Also what doesn't fit is that if he helped the mother with the stroller down the stairs, it means that he was probably at home while the mother was giving bath to Magda, and I am sure that he would hear or whatever that Magda's mother had dropped her.
ReplyDeleteYes, the mother has told the police where she supposedly buried Magda, but A) How could she do that? There has been really cold in Poland for the last couple of days and the ground was frozen. She could not have dig a hole herself without anything to help. B) THERE IS NO HOLE IN THE PLACE SHE SAID THAT THE BABY WAS BURIED.
There's something more going on in this case and the mother better admit what really happened for the sake of the baby. I just don't understand how a person could do something like this!
Yes - you're right....At the encouragement of the women who originally asked me to do a reading on this baby before these details came out, she asked me to still do a reading because things are not adding up. I am sending her my reading now - & much has been left out, as you will all soon (hopefully) learn.....
Deletebaby was found next to the train tracks, baby was covered with rocks! I saw a picture on ur blog on lisa irwin , that picture looked like a baby was lying on the rocks next to the tracks????
ReplyDeleteWhen did they find her? The Pic of Lisa Irwin/train tracks....not sure if it's my "eyes" seeing things? But if it's anything it all, it is just a ghostly image, IMO - The photo was taken by someone else and sent to me....
Deletethat picture... baby's body was found an hr ago.... :(
yhey found her just about an hr ago..I am talking about this pic-yes ghostly image
Who told you that I referred to that picture re: baby Magda? I only sent that picture to one person. The picture itself was sent to me a while back in re: to baby Lisa's case. (just a random snap shot taken by a concerned citizen who lives near the searched area for baby Lisa) When I saw the pic, I saw what looked like the figure of a baby....but I knew it couldn't be a "real" baby because it was "too large".... in addition, I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me, etc... When "reading" about Baby Magda, that very photo came to mind, so I shared it with only one person- thinking there maybe some connection to it and Magda's disappearance..... The next day, (or later that night? can't remember) I was told she was found under some rocks at or near a railroad.... But, my point is, I didn't tell anyone about the picture, other than one person, so how do any of you know?
DeletePerhaps that picture was sent to me for reason's other than baby Lisa? For future use? IDK.... That's the mystery which revolves around using this "ability".
Deleteno one told me. I just saw that picture on ur blog few days berofe that. I jus put 2 and 2 together
DeleteI live in the states but I am from POland and i follow this story very closely... I myself have twin daughters, they are that girl's age :(
ReplyDeleteStephanie, it's true, it had to happen today in the afternoon. The mother took the police to the place where she hid her baby. So so sad...
ReplyDeleteHello.. what picture are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteand yes, Madzia's body has been found not long time ago.. Mother also admitted of lying to detective Rutkowski of where she has left Madzias body. Why would she lie about it? Was she hoping it would never been found coz she killed her? I was suspecting her from the very beginning. She is not normal to lie for so long and to make such story. Also, ^month old baby wouldn't die just like that being dropped on the floor! Mother said she dropped her, and she become inert and her lips blue.. That doesn't happen that quick! bloody liar! Such a lovely baby.. I'm from Poland but I've lived in the Uk for more then 9years and I couldn't stop thinking about poor baby and reading all news hoping for different end..
She's died, unfortunately. The police found body ;( I'm so sad :( Fu*k :(
ReplyDeleteWould ANYONE mind sending me an update re: situations surrounding this child? Also, I'm not convinced she was found on RR tracks, under rocks, resembling the image I sent....I would like a link, please to the picture of where she was finally located.... Thanks
DeleteThis is the place where the body was found. It was in an abandoned building, her body was covered with rocks. Her mother is arrested for 2 months. Btw, dear Stephanie, I have also a request for you if, of course, you agree to have anything to do with this case - the one of (I'm not going to publicly post the missing person's name - but keep it private between me and you)
This disappearance rocked our country 2 years ago. Is it possible for you to use your paranormal powers to check what could possibly happen to her? I'm afraid she's dead for no one has heard of her ever since that time :( It was a VERY famous case then, just as now the Magda case is all on the news at this moment.
I did not publish the missing person's name - because of the criticism and jealous other's who see I may be doing a reading about someone & when I do, they immediately start bashing me & saying I stole their reading - Yes, it's completely sad but unfortunately true.... I will give you my thoughts on the case, privately. I will also look up the site / link you sent re: where Magda was located.... It's very sad also. Thank you so much for writing to me & for reading my blog.
DeleteIf I gave you my e-mail to let you say what you think, would you agree if I posted it on some board devoted to her? You know, one Polish seer Krzysztof Jackowski (a very, very famous one in our country) said he saw in a vision that the baby was strangled by a white pillow deliberately and her skullbone was broken in the back for the rocks from the place in which she was buried broke it, can you see anything like that , too?
DeleteSure - Use the Contact email address on the Contact Me page of the blog and as soon as it clears, I will write you :) Thank you
DeleteMagda is not alive! Her mother cofessed to having dropped Magda unwillingly on the floor at home and Magda died.What she had said before was a lie.Then she was afraid and did not know how to hide it so she decided to get rid of the body and hide it in a place where there were heaps of rubble near the railway.Magda's mother told the police about the place where the child was hidden.Tomorrow there will be a post-mortem examination of the child..We still do not know the truth.It may happen that her mother committed a crime.We will fid out more soon.I'm from Poland and I'm following the story from the very beginning.It's all seems to be so unbelievable!!!
ReplyDeleteMagda is not alive.Her mother confessed to having dropped her on the floor in her house.The child died and the mother didn't tell anyone about it as she was afraid and she took the child to the park and hid Magda among the heaps of rubble.The baby was found,she told the police about the secret place.But in fact we don't relly know the truth.It may happen that Magda's mother committed a crime.I'm from Poland and I'm following the story from the very beginning.It's seems to me so unbelievable....Tomorrow there is going to be a post-mortem examination of the child.
ReplyDeleteThe story continues. Mother has been accused of killing her baby (medical analise shows that the child could be sufficated) and currently there's trial.
ReplyDeleteHer husband has left her and moved to England. She was wandering in Poland, hiding from police - first at her parrents, then she worked in a gogo club as a dancer. She was also seen in country - in press there were pictures of her riding a horse in a swimsuit. Finally she has been found at the other end of Poland living with a accidentaly met man (i'm not sure, but think he was homeless).
Now she's under arrest. The trial can last quite long. I don't promise that I will come here and report how did it happen, but if anyone is curious you how will it end, can write to me at haes82[at] - i'll respond.