An entire year has come and gone....I'm still looking for you Lisa Renee Irwin.
9/19/2012*****New Baby Lisa Update****
I received a friend request on FB and accepted - Afterwards, this proceeded:
MONDAY 9/17/2012
MondayLisa- StephI too have followed the baby Lisa case , I feel baby Lisa is off North Bighton near 58th street, how close is that to the well you picked up? and also why cant the military step in and put a camera down there? when I emailed police my tip about all that they never responded I also have two files i want to submit to you in regard to Lisa,I have reported them as well.
MondayStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Lisa, Thanks.... As far as that well, it's not really a "well" as much as it is what I "saw"...."a hole that carried water" - It's actually like an overflow which leads to the river.... I suppose this is the main reason they ended up doing nothing there....It leads into the river, so anything placed inside of it, would be long gone!I will see what I "get or feel" about 58th street.....I will also look at your files.
MondayLisa- Steph here is a map I drew many people said Lincoln is the car , I too got attacked though you know what Im not here for them ignorant people Im here for Lisa , I even told the detective I want no reward also Thank you for your will to help , heres my map. I drew it so fast I spelled Lincoln wrong.
MondayStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Got it. My kids are fixing to be home from school and I need to finish a couple of household chores real quick and then I will go over all of your stuff. thx
MondayLisa- Ok Thank you
MondayStephanie Cagle Almaguer- 2800 Clay Edwards Dr. is in front of a hospital......
MondayLisa- Yes a searcher I dont trust sent that to me on my phone how and heck did she get that , did she find the phone?also real quick wanted to share this with you as well I got the numbers 5301 after I drew that map I also got that 5301 in church and in dreams therefore I googled them and thats when I seen a pond / 5301 North Brighton near 58th street.
MondayLisa- Im in XXXX so therefore all I could do with it is email the police and the FBI will they act on it idk.
- I wish I was there though would be alot easier
- If you google 5301 and do a street view keep going straight and theres the pond/lake.
- On the left you will see two ,both were not drained or searched ,private property , could be a well of some sort on that property .
- There is also a well in the parents backyard under their porch
- And the kitten I say after placing Lisa the two men seen it brought it back to the house and thats how that stray kitten came about.
- I sent all over though maybe they will listen to you idk
- I emailed I called talk about frustrating
MondayStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Lisa, I'm working the info you gave me...just taking my time...I will let you know......promise
YesterdayTUESDAY 9/18/2012
Lisa- Please email Americas Most Wanted anything you get first,they have a family member thats a cop , if you state my name in there please tell them i want no reward and too keep me private,Thank you hun.
- In addition they actually have two cops as relations one there and one out of state.
- Who had 2 cops as relations?
YesterdayLisa- Baby Lisas family
- Tips are being leaked
- I have followed this case for almost one year Im very observant I look at actions I look at facts and I go by insight , my God givin gift and I do believe we met for a reason.
- Lean not on our own understanding though know that all things are possible with God.
- I stand by the Holy Bible
- I also trust in God with all my heart he brought me through alot in my life and he brought me in to help Lisa and to pray for all involved FBI Police Lisa and family I have reached many through this case and I have been contacted and told by several woman they are going back to church, Gods an Awesome God, all in his time and always brings whats done in the dark to light ya know sometimes he sends people, it is written.
YesterdayLisa- Here is my cell number 777-777-7777 (private) My older accounts (FB) have been hacked therefore when someone tries this one at least you will have a contact number for me I had to create this account using a diff name had no choice .... I must of been to close with my posts.
19 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Lisa, I've meditated and really thought about BL since you've emailed...And one thing I'm sure of....NO ONE would be willing to help her out with a deceased child and risk jail other than a family,more specifically- a "parent"....maybe a sibling? There's many inconsistancies, even w/her brother Phillip's statements...1st- he said he took her to store to get wine and then went home. Later it was said that he spent the night, yet there's no mention of him being there by anyone...not by Samantha, Shane, etc....So, either he left briefly and came back when Deb "accidently" hurt/found Lisa - However, even when Jeremy get's home, there's no mention of Phillip there - So, what's up with that? I think Phillip was our 1st sighting around midnight with BL,but he freaked and went back to the house with her...I think he called his Dad and Dad took care of Lisa and Phillip and maybe even Anthony took care of Evidence....Things are scattered...a back pack used....I do not think there was a 4am sighting. I think everything was done and everyone home before then. I think that Lisa is somewhere along a path from Lister and where Deb's dad lives...Somewhere where Deb can "visit", like a memorial, but hidden - I think it's near the railroad and river. I think it's a hole of some kind. It's even possible,she's actually at the Dad's house......a pre-made (old well) hole, filled with cement,dirt and covered on top...perhaps a rock garden on top with special decor' on tip, angels, etc... I even briefly felt like Lisa was burned and her ashes collected and placed inside of something- and put away.....The truth is, I don't know if it's possible for us to find her because everything we see, hear,'s a million places....doesn't mean we're wrong, just not specific enough.....frustrating. What's "leaking"? I "heard" Joe drove....? Don't know what that means....Can be anything can be nothing.
19 hours agoLisa- Thank you In addition it is ironic that you are picking up a statue also the Aunt Cindy attacked me she is the one that is getting the information from law enforcement the cop that is related ,In regard to the bag Lisa was prob placed in a diaper bag , it would have metal straps, would make sense ,police used a metal detector on search near home, obv they feel Lisa was placed in something and in regard to the ashes that could be why i was dreaming of their home on fire ,had that dream twice,fire trucks and all ,also I have dreamt of rocks as well, construction,Im very worried about the boys in the home, I also seen fuse box and in regard to Phillip watch the video buying the wine ,watch what Phillip does with his glasses he was high at that time no question and watch DB in that video she turns placing her back towards the shelf indicates she was already drunk .
19 hours agoLisa- And the path has came up three times in conversations with others that confirms no doubt.
- I do agree with you in regard to how you feel though would the family risk placing Lisa on their property? with FBI around, I think close to it though, the lake is still bothering me though the last two places I got people were found there one was a young boy stabbed and the other location a womans bones were found a year prior,someones in that lake there is no doubt in my mind.
19 hours agoLisa- I get past,present,future,world disasters ,Its nice to be able to connect with ones that have the gift as well,Im not aloneplease note the disasters I have seen on a recent note are with Starbucks and Malls,these men are Cuban.
- Please be careful these men wear green shirts and have black backpacks.
- And also there will be justice 2 months is what im picking up i hope sooner.
9 hours agoWEDNESDAY 9/19/2012
Lisa- Steph I did another search on the address I got in church the 5301 I also dreamt this many times , the path you spoke of is near the the 5301 location,I went on my ipad and zoomed, Is this the path you are seeing? many people are saying path,amazing,I asked to remain private however if all this completes then please do the media interviews ,I dont do media, I will remain private, if it comes down to it just say you seen my map and we worked together, just bring God to light in all,thats all I ask.
9 hours agoLisa
9 hours agoLisa
9 hours agoLisa
9 hours agoLisa- The trailer I dreamt about there is a trailer right across from the lake it was being used for the construction workers.
- I added trailer to my map after my dream
9 hours agoLisa- These pics i enclosed are about a half mile from the parents home
- All in one location
- These lake areas and path are on private property and were not searched.
7 hours agoLisa- Here is a map i just sent to FBI , notice how it forms a J letter the lake is on the left, the diretions starting at that hospital is across the street, it is all coming together now.
7 hours agoLisa
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
Lisa - I wonder if the Aunt attacked Nancy too
5 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- Why did the aunt attack you? I'm trying to pay some bills, feed my dogs, and get a few other house stuff done...When I finish, I will be posting on my blog your info (Anomynously) and my thoughts on it...If there's anything else you would like for me to post on your behalf, please send it to me now. KCPD read my blog.
4 hours ago
Lisa - She attacked me for saying one that did and two that hid and she did not like the directions she called me an fn bitch and told me i was fn nuts, very sad behavior ,I would welcome all information if someone in my family was missing, I have found three people in the past so therefore my insight should be considered not condemed,I do intend to file charges if she continues her behavior,under Missouri laws Chapter 565 notes the law for using coarse language .
4 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- I went to google maps real quick and looked at the area you are drawn to....Here's what it shows:
4 hours ago
Lisa - I didnt recieve link
- post rather
- Can you please submit link to the blog you are posting on , I hope and pray that the FBI takes this all on a serious note.
4 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- I know....I goofed....I'm working on it now...give me a sec....My computer is old and crappy and VERY slow!
4 hours ago
Lisa - We def met for a reason , Im looking forward to watching you in the media,Im a writer,published Author so therefore I do stay private other than upcoming book signings though I feel that you are meant to go public once all this is truly confirmed In addition I spoke with Ken Ashe he has many contacts for film makers Im selling my two movie scripts, I would like to give monies from that to the Missing Children Foundation.
4 hours ago
Lisa - Though i have put my fourth book on hold to help find Lisa.
- Also did you just try phoning? I was on the other line with my brother .
4 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- Here's the coordinates of what you sent me....The address comes up as 5800's - not 5301.....One more thing, it's actually almost 3 miles North of Baby Lisa's home rather than 1/2-1 mile... Here's the directions from the parent's house attached also....(No, it wasn't me who phoned....I'm too busy fighting with my computer!) LOL Everything happens for a reason -
3 hours ago
Lisa - I was switching up on the maps did satellite ,earth....
3 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- This is Baby Lisa's exact house location.....
3 hours ago
Lisa - Theres a story behind finding that lake,I paint as well so therefore I started painting a pic on canvas prayed before starting then my finace he too is an artist he wanted to finish it so I prayed to God to give him insight and let the painting reveal where Lisa is at , low and behold the lake is the same one in shape and everything ,I didnt see it until I searched 5301, I was like wow theres the lake.
3 hours ago
Lisa - The same exact shape
- Then with insight as i was doing a street view my breathing became rapid and when I came up on that and seen the similarties and had the feeling ,i knew.
- Wonder why I got the numbers 5301 , could they have stopped there to decifer where to go next? and then continued walking straight?
- Why did God give me that and not the further up address, then again I dont want to question God thats for sure.
- The last two places I got insight on there was a deceased body in the locations of the two places ,though it was past findings.
- When i posted i was notified that they found bodies there before
- Im from PA therefore I dont know that area,I only know what Im shown, most comes to me in dreams and thats after I pray, I have also got junkyard,Diamond, hair salon, white truck,blue car,red truck though came to find the man across the street has the red truck, many things ,many places.
3 hours ago
Lisa - One man wears glasses the other does not ,one man is young one man is older.
- The lake area in and around needs to be looked at, needs drained, one woman said she sees water thats green there is a lake before that too,water does look green.
3 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- I would like to read one of your books! Very fascinating and successful life you've accomplished with your gift. I've accomplished nothing, really with my gift.... As far as your lake, drawing, etc....You never know. You could be right on the spot!Just because I felt a southern direction, doesn't mean that I'm right! I found another area, (south of coarse! which fit your drawing exactly also.....right up the street from where Deb's Father, David lives....Check this out -
3 hours ago
Stephanie Cagle Almaguer- For a better view of this area, here's the link......
3 hours ago
Lisa - I should of shared I also got Jackson and Terrace these places are near the lake off Brighton , I must take that as a sign.
- I have got so much,you know what thats like,we all with the gift know.
- And in regard to my books Thank you , you realize that you should write a book, one about missing children and your gift,its easy you can do it.
3 hours agoLisa- Heres a title for you , SEEK
- The short titles are good titles
- Cover and title sells
- Have a childs hand for the cover , do it in black and white.
- Like shadow form
- I can see you writing this book I really can
- I can feel it , you will sell many copies,they have a program called Dragon it dictates for you when you are done print it and then find a publisher, stick with title SEEK and that cover design.
- Do a poor mans patent mail it to yourself though do not open it, you can research that online.
- I finally got the other picc you sent to open ,,,oh wow it matches more -so wow
- Im mispelling sitting here in awe
- wow
- I hope you are going to post all that, esp the two maps together just use my first name only, keeping my last name out keeps me private.
2 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- I always try to be consistent, as you are with your lake..... You can't "flip-flop" But that doesn't mean that just because one particular area isn't where the person I'm searching for is, it doesn't mean that what I'd been seeing is wrong....just the wrong spot....Move forward...So, when searching for something on a map because I receive new/additional "insight".... I try to also incorporate all of the things within an area that I've seen from the beginning to the end......This helps to narrow down a location, for me.... In that, I will show you my location(s) of interest.....Jackson and Terrace are also in the lake area where Deb's Dad lives....He lives on a "Terrace" - When we see things and describe them, it's amazing how many spots they actually "fit"....which is why I try to fit at least 80% of ALL I see, hear, etc...within an area....and still other places will fit. This is very, very hard indeed....And yes.....I'm posting all of this- using just your first name.
2 hours agoLisa- We do good together also Steph my last account was hacked so obv im hitting a nerve , if you see anything odd about my site , or recieve a odd message from me call me right away ok
- Also I have viewed the pics you submitted.
- Have you noticed that what we have got we are confirming for one another ,that is awesome.
- I also got a black car with a dent on the side, have you picked up a black car at all?
- I was told Phillip owns one after i posted.
2 hours agoLisa- Please post this as well, I just seen it posted,it fits well.
about an hour agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- LINKS to Area's of Interest to me.... AND,-94.518633&hl=en&ll=39.130605,-94.518943&spn=0.003596,0.003449&num=1&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=39.130639,-94.51863&panoid=s9jQVSpYpNA8fl6ZAaQbYQ&cbp=12,191.44,,0,0 AND

- Steph I would wait to post map of DBS dads house if he sees it he may move Lisa.
- My map and yours i would wait
- Email Americas Most Wanted then email the tipline
- first let the cops check it out
- Steph I think we are picking up alot wow
- I would wait to post just in case its up to you
- Lisa- I'm not worried about David or anyone for that matter moving Lisa... I don't think they can - It's been a year and would be too hard. SO MANY PEOPLE read my blog- Especially Re: Baby Lisa....If anyone tried to move her, they'd be seen...That's for sure. So, they'd be getting themselves caught at that point....So either way
- Lisa- I'm not worried about David or anyone for that matter moving Lisa... I don't think they can - It's been a year and would be too hard. SO MANY PEOPLE read my blog- Especially Re: Baby Lisa....If anyone tried to move her, they'd be seen...That's for sure. So, they'd be getting themselves caught at that point....So either way
12 hours agoLisa- Good point
12 hours agoLisa- You wouldnt mind doing media right?
- I would like to tell my contact how you matched my map is that ok? not a local news station it is a national show.
- I would like to see you get recognition
- You matched my map to the t nobody could do it, just you all this time later.
- I waited a long time for someone to figure that out for me
- Im Thankful
- Think about it k
11 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Nope- Wouldn't mind doing media at all! (Obviously) LOL - Anything that could help find Lisa is worth doing. Here's the link to the postings. Please share it. Thx.
11 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Please share pageThx for all your input and help.
10 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Also, here's my other facebook page.... Will you please "like" and "share" it?
10 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- And last... My Medium/Psychic Site (blog) for personal readings, aside from missing person's. Thanks for finding / friending me on Fb
10 hours agoLisa- Will do
10 hours agoStephanie Cagle Almaguer- Thanks...And about the book....I will think about it. With the Dragon software, it would be MUCH easier than trying to type / write it. SEEK, huh? Weird about the hand you mentioned too...That's what I have on my FB missing page....
- May I ask....What is your book? I will not tell anyone your name, I just would like to read your book, or two.
47 minutes agoLisa- Steph i just submitted your blog to a national news tv show .
- Also im keeping my name private though i will post my Amazon link to my books at a later date.
THURSDAY 9/20/2012
26 minutes agoLisa- Also, Please post this on your blog.... ( People need to understand that Im not a medium and Im not a Physic) I get all my answers through prayer,many people have said to me well the Holy Bible states beware of mediums well I will note and it is written , though please understand ,what it comes down too is if your gift truly does help others than it is not a false gift, many people have false readings it is the ones that are false we are to be beware of ,thats why the Holy Bible states beware.I always encourage people to pray and attend church,I make God my lead and I have learned that Im not to judge,though when I get answers through prayer please understand I am to share them,many of you carry doubt, though if your sister or mother was dying you turn to God ,do you not? I believe in prayer ,I believe all things are possible and i also know all things in Gods time, not our time.When I first started to work on this situation with Lisa missing I started having many churches and many people pray , at the very start I felt this was a spiritual battle, I have been a born again Christian for 29 years , I have helped a team with clergy perform an exorcism on a young girl , I have wisdom to know I have whats called discernment , many people have been ill and have been emotionally attacked by helping to find Lisa , many people makes mistakes everyday it happens , though please note that when you involve God in your life you have light when you bring in what satan wants you to do you have darkness , getting drunk,doing drugs, what they are doing is letting satan into their lives & should ask-Hows your life treating you, whats working for you ?
- Lisa, I posted your statements. And I agree re: the light and darkness and where one receives information. I first and foremost pray to GOD when trying to do any work of this type. It's important. The Bible speaks of "being aware of FALSE prophets and such" - Yet it doesn't say that psychics (prophets, so to speak) don't exist...For the Bible states they do. If I were in the Church doing these readings, no one would doubt my gift or sincerity.... Either way, I've posted your statement. Thanks for sending my Blog to your contact.... I would love for my blog to become a useful tool for all to help find their missing loved ones. That's what it's all about. Community helping one another whether one is gifted or not. So thank you for everything. I wish the very best for you always and I'm sure we will be in contact for a long time to come on Lisa's case and many others. God Bless-
- ------------------------------------------------------
OK, I promised you I would go over everything and update my site...So, here it is.........(& Thank you for sharing your insight Re: BL & allowing me to post it on my blog..maybe between everything, someone will make sense out of it & help close this case :) Thx.
I'm currently working with an EMF....I don't know if it will be useful in providing additional answers, but if it does, I will post it also.....just like I did the EVP's below :)
Anything new "Lisa" post to me, I will post on the blog. Thx....
I am amazed right now....I even debated whether or not to post
the link to the Storage Facility when I kept being drawn to it....But decided
to go ahead and post the link anyway.....and then your 5031 combined with my
link to that building, which is addressed 5031 is amazing!
I asked my Son last week what the odds were that perhaps BL was
in a storage facility and he said it would smell too I disregarded the
"insight"....but kept being drawn there! If it's not BL, perhaps

To fully understand my drawings and experience, here’s the link
which explains in detail the pics above….It was very interesting…..
In addition, I might as well share this photo here for
reference……..A searcher sent me almost 100 pics of the area that my blog
readers associated my Remote Viewing drawings with, which sparked a new
search….. She went to the area before the search, all day, and took tons of
photo’s……One of them caught my attention…….Believe what you want about the
afterlife, spirit’s, etc…. But I believe there are signs all around us, we just
don’t see them……Now, what I’m fixing to show you isn’t a “real” baby……..But,
IMO just a “sign” I noticed the “image”
immediately….No one else “saw” it until I pointed it out and then everyone was
amazed……The area this photo was taken is about ½ - to 1 block down from where
the searchers searched, at the RR trax / river right under Chateau (sp?)
Bridge, which is another area of interest I’d posted a link to……It’s
interesting to say the least…….As you can imagine, my insight on this photo
sparked a lot of discussion and since some are just natural born critics /
haters…..It got a little heated at times!
Here’s the actual link to this posting:
9/7/2012*****BABY LISA IRWIN UPDATE******
OK, I've got a new device that I'm experimenting with, it's similar to an EVP (Electronic Voice Player) Since it's not the easiest task in the world to decipher everything I see, hear, feel, etc... through Spirit and/or the Tarot.....I'm trying out a new "tool" AND what a better way to try it out, as in....TRYING TO GET MORE INFORMATION, THAT WILL HOPEFULLY HELP, FINALLY BRING BABY LISA HOME! :) Below is a list of words which I captured by letting my device run all night......(I had to listen to this thing for DAYS to get all of the words and make sure I didn't miss anything.....) BUT, if somehow it helps, then it's worth it. I simply asked "Spirit" to please relay (in spoken words) anything at all, that could be a missing clue, piece of the puzzle...and even better, in COMPLETE detail!! If only!... :( that just MAY mean something to someone somewhere and crack this case.......Below is the list of words, in the exact order in which they were actually "said" through my device while I slept....(3 nights worth) A lot of it, for me, has no logic, and then all the sudden it will make sense, briefly.....Judge for yourself.
(*If there's an *astric* next to something, I think it's important. Words that are RED were said two or more times.
*BELOW is my 1st reading done, the day Baby Lisa went missing......
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
OK- I hadn't heard of this story...But, on THE DAY Lisa Irwin went missing, my daughter called me into the computer room and said look mom, It was a picture on FB of a missing infant....All I knew was a baby, 10 mths old named Lisa was abducted....I immediately quit looking at the poster and did a "reading"...... I haven't done a "deep" reading, but have picked up on deceitfulness......revenge......a women's name with R's.....Rashell, Rachel?.....Samantha.....Savannha? a man with name Robert or Roberts...and Dan/ Don or Donald..(guy w/D name? .Mike/Michael.....Randy/Randall....Russell.....?(could be street names and not people?) Wooded creek area not far from behind/near home....apartment complex.......I heard Cables or Cable Co?....(could be a lead in who?...or where she may be???) or nothing.....drowning......At least 2 people and women......can't make out faces clearly...but what happened to Lisa, is the result, I believe from the women and the man (others) clean up her mess......Utility Pole, brown, with a cable (again cables?) wire running from the top of it to the ground at the end of a street (electrical) ? (a dead end looking street) is what I see....and a wooded area beyond the street/pole....water/creek/pond??? I also see Lisa in a diaper and nothing more? I'm getting a feeling of not being in the "right" state of in drugs or alcohol played a part? I haven't put my "clues" together enough to see if the parents are directly involved or if it's someone who knew them/the house/was an enemy, etc....(cheating going on - women/mom) Idk early and not enough visions/clues....I am going to see if I can see a map of street names, area's around house and see if I pick up on something.....

OK- after my reading above, I then went online to see how correct I was...First, I'd like to say, after my reading and then looking on line and reading about the cell phones... I can "understand" why someone would take (or say they were taken) the cell phones....If thinking like an intruder, trying to snatch an would want to get as far as possible from the house, and leave the parents without an immediate way to call the police.....HOWEVER, I'm not sure of any kidnapper who would take the time, after crawling through a window, risking the baby, other children or mom waking up, turning on all the lights- making them "identifiable" while they search a home for all, which was surely in the room with the mom.....??? Yet, she states they were all on the kitchen counter? The Dad doesn't take a phone with him to work??? Don't buy it..... AND If it were an intruder, it's obviously someone close or at least known to the family who knows where they baby sleeps, their schedule, and where the phones are kept......A little strange. For now, since I'm not sure exactly what I think about my "reading", I will keep most of it to myself. (remember, believe it or not....i did this reading before ever reading one bit of info re: this case, other than seeing the poster)
All other Links on this Blog in Re: to Lisa Irwin:
BTW- I don't "feel" anyone else responsible for the disappearance of Baby Lisa other than what I've posted all along....I would like to add.....IF (a big IF, IMO) she was abducted by someone - I believe it is the revenge aspect I stated above....."You take my child away - I take yours" - something along those lines...
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------***MOST RECENT UPDATE - JUNE 2012***
- Wow! I got a really heavy chest looking at this map. With me when something is really upsets me, i feel like something is in my throat and heavy I read somewhere where someone brought up that fact of a baby doll being used.
- This makes me sad... I was hoping they found her alive! I hope you are wrong Stephanie!! :(
- It makes me sad too and I too hope this is one I am wrong about also! : ( But either scenario, I hope it all ends soon.... and peace be with Lisa - And Pat...I know, right? On the original Lisa Irwin case, I saw a posting of someone who posted an area which fits my description of an abandon building etc...I'm going to check it out and then GO TO BED!
- Makes a lot of sense to me, unfortunately. What time do you think DB put Lisa in the tub? I guess she than forgot about her while she drank? Didn't any of the 2 other boys use the washroom after she was forgotten in the tub? If she put her in the tub at 640pm, is it possible that she remembered at 1030pm and found her drowned? Didn't any of the boys or neighbour use the washroom in the mean time? I bet the older boy discovered her when he went to the washroom? This could be the so called nightmare he had and than they all huddled together in one room? What about the neighbor when did she last see Lisa? Did she say if DB was drunk, I haven't heard anything about her? how about the brother, did he stay and drink or hang out? When did he leave the house? Did he ever leave? How about JI he could have easily left his shift and come back before leaving again to go home? He could have been the bald guy the neighbours seen? He does look older than his age, although he looks taller than 5'7 as they describe. I guess they would have recognized him? It feels staged. It really does. Lis must have been in the tub for a while while everyone drank, until one of the sons walked into the washroom? Than they all huddled into the bedroom and the adults staged an abduction and hiding it from kids just saying Lisa was sleeping in her crib? I'm thinking JI helped stage it with DB brother. The neighbor she drank with, what is she saying, why is she so quiet? Has anyone seen the brother since the day I the store?is there 100 video proof that JI did not leave his work post that night? Why did DB cover this up?so she wouldn't lose her other children? May be she is also expecting another child? Too much to risk in her min d by telling the truth that she forgot Lisa in the tub?or she could have asked the 8 year old boy to bath Lisa while she drank wine with her friend and he forgot her bc he is only 8 and got distracted by video games in the other room and that's why he couldn't sleep that night and that's why he was huddled in her room, he knew she may have died. to help stage abduction they stayed huddled in her room. Why would anyone leave the smallest most vulnerable baby who was sick alone in her room while they all huddle together with the door closed? Makes no sense. They knew at that point that Lisa had passed, I believe one child may have known. I do believe the doll was used as part of the staging. I think her brother, a neighbour or JI helped do this while everyone pretended to be sleeping. Well DB pretended and the poor 8 year old boy was scared to death? Just a theory, but it's really scary, bad judgement, poor baby Lisa and poor brothers. Poor parents who made bad judgements and lost a baby. I hope I'm wrong and that the neighbor stole her and she is Alive. They wouldn't let him talk with police alone.
- Like I said on other lisa blog........they're not criminal genesis.....they left trails and clues and will be caught
- I have been reading your Blog ... OMG I live in KC and am very familiar with the area You are right on many things! I also had the feeling that when the man and baby was spotted at 4am no need to put a blanket on a baby that is already dead... just to add to the area there is also a water park not far from their house parvin rd runs right into it.
- BTW- Here's a fact - Most missing person's, found deceased, are almost always found within 5 miles of where they were abducted from. (Just thought I'd share some of LE knowledge with you!) I was fairly confident they were not going to find Lisa in the Park/Lake they searched Thursday/Friday...I also posted on the Original Lisa Blog the parents would end up cancelling the interview with the Boys...and they did. I will not giving up on trying to "get" info. re: where she is! NEVER
- Also- I'm curious on why the "tina" person would go to the family offering help...what help could she possibly offer them or know? Also, I had felt that the person who help Deb with taking Lisa away from the house - Did make a call with Lisa's phone (or rather a text) when he was finished and needed a ride from a "meeting place" -hence around the area a man was spotted leaving a wooded area....? I felt a text was use to show ping location, but not reveal who they were texting or what was said...and if a call was make, which it appears it was...and the receipient is saying she has no idea who or why they called - (like it was just a hang up call) I can't see them just randomly picking a number out of thin air.... They could have accidently chosen a number of someone that lived near Lisa's home for all they knew...No, this is someone who knew this lady, knew where she lived - which would be NORTH I believe of Lisa's home - and it was intentional.....The lady also knows the person who called her, whether she's telling the truth or not re: "not knowing them" because she didn't know Deb. or Deb's #, may be....or may not be true.....due to the fact that perhaps she didn't know that whoever was calling her had connections to Lisa (hence boyfriend, or boyfriends friend, etc..etc..)And this was perhaps someone Deb had "relations" with..... I think there's a large web of lies and deceit going on here and if they can connect whoever made the call to the "lady" with Deb....and then check HIS cell records.....much will be revealed. That's my gut - It's possible that he even made a quick call to "lady" be it gf, friend, etc...asking for a quick ride and said they'd explain later...? IDK - But I just find the entire thing very odd...........WHO MADE THAT CALL? What's the recipients BF'S name? His friends? Originally, I got a Don/Donald....I'm hearing Mike/Michael/Micah....ummmm, Randy/Randall.....As in female type names, I'd gotten another R name, Like Rachel, Rashell....? I'm picking up now a Samantha - Savannah (hard to decipher, so I just put them all!) Doesn't hurt - Fixing to hit post...and heard "Bubba" WTH like I said, very, very hard to pin point a location...But if I can lend any help in pin pointing POI's, suspects - then that will lead to Lisa. - God Speed- Please!
- My huband works at the water park which is World's of Fun / Oceans of Fun. She's right - not far at all!
- OH my...Just edited map stuff above...I found a connection...
- Wow! Great post! Nice work! I like your theories and maps. I wanted to say that I'm not sure about the credibility of the 4 A.M. sighting. This man on the motorcycle didn't come forward for a week, then only after the couple came forward. When police showed him photos, he picked out the picture of John Tanko (a.k.a., Jersey). Jersey has been declared not a suspect by the KCPD. So, if you remove the "F" 4:00 AM sighting, and the man comes out of the woods and calls Megan Wright on Deb's phone, the walk to her house would be very direct.
- You should really send this to the police. I mean what do you have to lose? Im sure they have tons of things coming in that make no sense but this does and they would have to really give it some thought dont you think? Do you get any feeling of what you should do with the info your receiving? What if it was sent anonymous? I think you really have something here and what if you are could possibly be the difference between a 1 or 2 month search or 6-12 month search for lisa. I know its scary but you could possibly be the one to bring her home. Im just wondering what your gut tells you to do
- Its amazingly creepy how you posted all the things you saw in your readings, you connected all together. I really hope that police are reading your blog. And take a chance and investigate all of this. Because I feel like to this point the have been pussy footing around and wasteing precious time! Lisa deserves to be found. And if this was all an accident, it is sad but shame on these parents for conspiring so many lies around the loss of their beautiful daughter. I guess people feel they can get away with child negelct these days. I mean Casey Anthony really set the bar high. I feel you have solved the case! Thank you for dedicating some much of your time, trying to find baby Lisa!! You could be her angel!
- I swore I'd never send another "reading" to the police dept....BUT, I did it...Maybe if some of you sent it in also....they'd listen? I don't feel like her angel...I just want justice for her. Whether I'm write or wrong??? It's just all coming together, IMO.... In addition...I put this together...My MIDDLE name is RENEE and so is Lisa's....I live on LAKEWOOD, and used to live on ELMWOOD....The area in question from my last two maps, have my NORTH EAST - Connect Megan to the case...and even odder....the area is in the "middle", so to speak of LAKEWOOD AND ELMWOOD, and our names are our "middle" names...
- Almost like another "sign" for me - ?
- I pray that someone with some "pull" is reading this.... God willing. I won't get "credit" for it, but who cares as long as she is found. Right? I don't think there is much more I can offer to this case...and will probably start on my next -
- Hi. Please watch the video of Debra and her brother at the grocery store. Watch the man at the back of the store and tell me what you think. I think there is definate interaction between them .
-,,20536503,00.html Last edited on Saturday · Edit Doc I hope this worked right . It is the video of them at the grocery store.
- Hey Steph! Great job, as usual! Let us not forget the text message that was "leaked" to the press by Alonzo Washington. "Ready when you are" @ 2:27 am Oct 4 2011. Mr Washington also mentioned that there was a crime element around this family & then there's this quote from a recent article: ““We do know that criminal informants all along have been telling us they want to look more closely at the mother and perhaps some relationships and associates that she has in the community,” said Read. There has been so much in this case already that reminds me of Haleigh Cumming's case that I've started telling people I feel I should be looking for the drug dealer in this family. As for your statement about "I get the name Mike..." here is a bit o sleuthing from the Hinky Meter forum that connects a Mike to MW: Megan Wright divorcing a Steve Relette…possibly related to Deborah Bradley through marriage, may have just pulled a prank too far ! (Mike ReLette who has posted on the internet since day one is Deborah’s cousin ) There are too many coincidences for the "official" story to be true.... I do not believe that Lisa was abducted or kidnapped. It's all going to come together, it won't be long. ;) I'll be looking forward to your updates!!!
- Also, If I remember correctly, this pawn shop was NE of the Irwin home. Four Kansas City police officers searched some abandoned buildings near Parvin and Chouteau, not far from Lisa’s home, Thursday morning. One of the buildings was once a pawn shop. The officers didn’t appear to find anything and left after about 20 minutes. Police searched a wooden area north of 210 Highway, west of Searcy Creek Pkwy., east of N. Brighton Ave., and south of N. 36th St. ANother article says: Investigators spent part of Thursday afternoon searching a wooded area near Missouri 210 looking for any evidence connected to a missing Northland baby. Capt. Steve Young said the latest search was near the same area authorities and police dogs scoured on Wednesday. They did not receive a tip, but wanted a more thorough examination of the area. Read more: (The tip was the phone call that lead them to that area?) Then on Oct 20 this: Meanwhile in Kansas City, police activity picked up at a search area near the Irwin home on North Lister Avenue. Several detectives searched a wooded area just off North Brighton in hopes of a lead in finding baby Lisa, but that hope was deferred as the search turned up empty. The area searched was one that police said they have searched before but they said their investigation brought them back to the site. What started out with just a few police cars and detectives parked on the east side of the street turned into nearly 20 officers plus crime scene investigators and search dogs. Two crime scene vans arrived at the location some time after the search began. KCTV5 crews on scene noticed CSI pulling out equipment such as dirt sifters, but police said they are still back to square one with no new clues. During the search, the FAA closed airspace to helicopters citing police safety as the reason. Police said if they had found something, the helicopters might have interfered. Steph, the evidence keeps bringing them back to this same area over & over again. There's something there....we just need to zero in on it. You & I both know that no fly zone and dirt sifters weren't because they're looking for a LIVE baby.
- Just another thought for you...I am a mother of a 11 month old just 11 days older than Lisa. I would never even think of putting him in the tub and walking away so I don't really buy that. I just started to feel okay with not having my hand on him for the whole bath. But there are other possibilities. One of the other siblings could have taken a bath and left the water in the tub. Lisa is tall for her age. Her crib didn't look like it was moved down yet and she could have likely crawled out of her crib and fallen into the tub if that is what you see. I personally think she is still alive. At least I hope so. Also someone else commented about the baby being put to bed at 6:40 as being early. My son is asleep many nights by 7pm especially if he misses or refuses his second nap. So I don't see anything strange about that. If the child wasn't feeling well I can certainly understand her being in bed early. I also wondered about the baby doll. Where would it have come from. Lisa was the size of a 1 year old not really a baby so the doll would have to be a decent size to look like her. Meaning it wouldn't be a regular size doll as they are smaller than newborns. One that size would surely be noticed as missing from the house by JI. These are just some thoughts that I had. I think you have some great points and hope that the cops at least think about searching that area. If they don't some locals sure wouldn't mind taking a stroll and seeing what they see. ;) BTW, it seems Megan and her BF just recently broke up 10/23. Funny how she is coming out in the public after breaking up with her boyfriend.
- I believe nothing happens by coincidence. there is a reason you are getting this info and I can only pray the police sit up and take notice.
- I'm going to try to quickly respond to the questions on this Blog, (just responded on the Original Lisa Blog - which gives reading request update) - And FYI, I've received everyone's new reading request..WOW.... OK, FIRST- Anonymous said... Hi. Please watch the video of Debra and her brother at the grocery store. Watch the man at the back of the store and tell me what you think. I think there is definate interaction between them . October 31, 2011 3:35 AM ------------------------------- Thanks...and will do....As soon as I get a chance, I will respond with what I think... ------------------------------- HollysGmom said... Hey Steph! Great job, as usual! Let us not forget the text message that was "leaked" to the press by Alonzo Washington. "Ready when you are" @ 2:27 am Oct 4 2011. Mr Washington also mentioned that there was a crime element around this family,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,As for your statement about "I get the name Mike..." here is a bit o sleuthing from the Hinky Meter forum that connects a Mike to MW: Megan Wright divorcing a Steve Relette…possibly related to Deborah Bradley through marriage, may have just pulled a prank too far ! (Mike ReLette who has posted on the internet since day one is Deborah’s cousin ),,,,,,, ,,,,,,, Steph, the evidence keeps bringing them back to this same area over & over again. There's something there....we just need to zero in on it. You & I both know that no fly zone and dirt sifters weren't because they're looking for a LIVE baby. October 31, 2011 4:31 AM -------------------------------- HI! Long time no talk...Can you BELIEVE my BLOG! I'm thrilled. After all the beatings and name calling, I finally feel like I just MIGHT be doing the right thing and continue! :) OK- As far as HaLeigh's case...OMG- You are so right!......And I KNEW there was a Text!!! You know what though.... I "get" that Deb was just as shocked as the rest of us when the LE showed her the phone "call"..... Her "helper" wasn't suppose to make any calls! He's probably so dumb, he thought he could call Megan, and then destroy the phone/chip/Sim Card and the police wouldn't know....I think his stupidity broke this case wide open & helped me find "MY" "seen" location! So thanks to the idiot who called Megan! I bet Deb almost crapped her pants when this info came out! But, IMO - DEB, you shouldn't be hiding (or having someone else, for Gods sake) you poor, deceased baby....Especially if it was an accident - Ruthless.......And NEXT - MIKE.....OK, if he's Deb's cousin, maybe our gansterette, Megan - was cheating on Hubby with his brother, Mike... causing a divorce....And if Mike is DEBS cousin, then so is Megan's Ex husband, Steve, right? So, Deb's cousin, Mike, could have been the boyfriend to Megan...? (Ex-boyfriend now, she says)....Interesting. Let me know if you get further info on this....And as always to you, Thank you- You're great! - Steph --------------------------------
- Anonymous said... Just another thought for you...I am a mother of a 11 month old just 11 days older than Lisa. I would never even think of putting him in the tub and walking away so I don't really buy that. I just started to feel okay with not having my hand on him for the whole bath. But there are other possibilities,,,,, ,,,,,,Also someone else commented about the baby being put to bed at 6:40 as being early. My son is asleep many nights by 7pm especially if he misses or refuses his second nap. So I don't see anything strange about that. If the child wasn't feeling well I can certainly understand her being in bed early,,,,,, ,,,,,,,I think you have some great points and hope that the cops at least think about searching that area. If they don't some locals sure wouldn't mind taking a stroll and seeing what they see. ;) ------------------------------- Thanks for your in could be right...HOWEVER, I agree....I would never leave my 10 month old alone in a bathtub either....and I have put my sick infant to bed early also.... For answers to most of your post, I'd just have to say - We think like a MOM and wouldn't do such things....We wouldn't conceal out baby accidentally passing away either.....This just goes to show that we're not talking about a Mom behaving like a "MOM"...especially if she's trying to relax and PaRtY, having a free night while Jeremy's at work. As far as putting Lisa to bed at 6:40, there's no problem there....Oh, but one - She first said it was 10:30 and then changed it by 4 hours. Oops - her bad.... But, you could be right about Lisa falling into the bath tub... that's a very good possibility. Thank you for reading and posting! : ) AND - I hope some locals do check out those area's - I hope someone, somewhere finds her and brings a quick resolution and peace to this Baby - Steph
- I read in several comment/blog/forum postings that the Megan Wright divorcing the Steve Leverette is African American and not the same Megan involved in the Baby Lisa case. Also, as I mentioned above (even though it's irrelevant because she isn't the correct Megan) his last name is not LeRette like Deb's cousin Mike, it is Leverette. So even if she "were" the correct Megan, the names still do not match. I just wanted to clarify this before anyone reads too much further into that connection.
- WELLLLLLLLL- This is a very interesting fella, friends with Megan on FB and apparently assoc. with the same gang....Check out his "INFO" page on FB....where he says he has no problem taking a life. I hope he don't come lookin for me! Lol...I've got weapons and an excellent shot! ;) Anyway, reports are saying that Jersey was her ex-boyfriend....? (John Tanko) Which would explain her being in the neighborhood? Right....
- Hi Steph... first time reading your blog... but I have had a vision from Oct 4th (Day 1) that something connected to Lil Lisa is at Lake Wood Park. We fish there every summer and my feelings have been so strong about a certain part between the two lakes that me and my kids took a walk thru there a few weeks ago... my hinky meter was way up! I even called the TIPS Hotline and told them that I had a hunch (if you tell them you have "feelings" or "visions" they hang up)! Your readings have now explained why I've had these visions... Megan is the connection, but there is something there! My feeling/vision is more about cell phones than baby Lisa, but I don't feel Lisa is with us any longer, but she is not in water now, she is hidden, wrapped in a pink blanket and needs to be found very soon or it will be too late to find the cause of her death! Momma didn't mean to kill her, but momma was more concerned with her adult time and it took the life of her baby... sad sad sad!!! When I was at the lake I even took pictures that gave off vibes to me, so I pray that LE will eventually search there, because something is there!!!
- I know this probably won't get posted but, it is sad, people peg this baby dead when no one know but God, and really this is such a depressing blog, everyone wants to read that this child is dead before they even know, yes there are some crazy things about this case and I think the parents are full of it but to look at all the postings on here is just heart breaking, I have children of my own and to think someone could do this to their own child is so disturbing but NO ONE KNOWS, ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO WHERE THERE, I REALLY WISH THE WORLD WAS MORE POSITIVE AND TURNED TO GOD RATHER THAN TO TURN TO PEOPLE WHO READ CARDS AND TRY TO TELL PEOPLE WHAT THEY THINK, NOT TO BASH TO EACH THEIR OWN, BUT SOME POSITIVE WOULD BE NICE NOW AND THEN!
- Anonymous said... I know this probably won't get posted but.... Why wouldn't I publish it? I value everyone's opinion. I don't just publish comments of those who agree with me. I just only ask (& won't publish) those who begin name calling and talking trash re: the postings here. That's why I started my own Blog. I wasn't free to post re: any missing person's case, claiming to get my info. by means of so called "psychic" abilities, without being thrown out to the dogs. I don't post depressing things because I enjoy it. I would love to be posting Lisa is alive and well....REALLY - That's just not I "get". And I'm the first to say that I could be wrong....But, given my experience in LE, where there is so much deceit and lies any case - The outcome usually is our worst fears. AND, because I truly believe in what I do, I'm not going to tell a lie and say I see Lisa alive and well, to make people who want her alive happy, just as I would not lie and someone was deceased, if I thought they were alive. ALL I ask with people is who CHOOSE to read MY BLOG, is to have an open mind - whether you believe in this, ghost, spirits, etc.. or not - to be respectful with their post. No one should automatically say "someone is a liar or fraud" or that no one is psychic - just because they're not...or they don't understand. I don't necessarily believe in Aliens....But a lot of people do...And my mind is open to the fact that it is a possibility - For one thing you said is 100% TRUE, IMO - ONLY GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING FOR SURE. ;) And, FYI, when I begin a reading of any kind......I ALWAYS pray to GOD for help and guidance, first and foremost. I take the responsibility of giving anyone answers, advise, etc...VERY serious and would NEVER purposely mislead anyone....If I didn't REALLY believe in what I did and how I got information, I would not do it, period. Thanks for your opinion and for posting. (PS) I have a video which you can watch on this blog where I do a live reading (first and only one I've ever taped, using my cell phone...Watch it - In one portion during the reading, you see "something" move through the room. I didn't see it during the was after I post it to you tube and watched it....If nothing else, it's very interesting.)
- If one of my children just disappeared - I'm not sure I would even be able to function anymore. I don't say that because that's how I think or expect Lisa, or any other mother who's child disappears...I say that from the actual experience & the feeling of not being able to find one of my children -When Trevor was like 5 or 6, we'd just moved into a new house we bought...I worked during the day and my husband was home with the kids & picked Trevor up from school...I got home around 4 everyday...and my husband went to work from 5pm to 1am....When I got home from one work one afternoon, my husband was getting out of the shower....I saw the 2 girls (about 8months & 22 months old then) in the play pen, in the my room, my husband in the bathroom getting dressed...I asked where Trevor was and he said he was suppose to be sitting in the Living room watching Power Ranger's eating a snack. HE WASN'T THERE....I quickly went through the rooms of the house, yelling his name - And was outside within 30 seconds at the top of my lungs screaming for him in the worst state of panic I have ever been in, in my entire life. I WAS SO FRANTIC AND SCREAMING SO LOUD, THAT IT WASN'T EVEN 1 MINUTE, & AT LEAST 10 - 20 NEIGHBOR'S WHOM I HADN'T EVEN MET YET, WERE OUTSIDE SEARCHING WITH ME. Not only that, one neighbor living next door, who we had met, sat in my living room with my girls while my husband was outside screaming and freaking out too....I didn't wait for even 3 mins. (if even that long) from the time I noticed he was gone & outside screaming, before I called 911. There was no calmness in my call - As a matter of fact, I was so frantically crying, I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth that my child was "gone"... And the 911 operator couldn't even understand me. I couldn't even say it...A neighbor took the phone from me and reported it. Every bone in my body felt as though I was going to die. In my case, fortunately, the neighbor behind us, but catty cornered, heard us screaming and came forward with Trevor. He'd gone out in the back yard to play - heard kids playing on the other side of the fence (wood fences) And went out the gate and into their back yard to play! When I saw him, I felt as though I was going to pass it from the adrenaline....I hugged him, Thanked the neighbors, then spanked his butt! The Police had a talk with him about leaving the house and not telling his parents...and the entire ordeal scared him so bad, hes never, ever done that again....Even today, at 16 - He tells me before he goes and does anything. SO, I can literally say I know - briefly - how "innocent" parents feel when their child can not be found -
- **oops - not, Lisa - I mean Deborah
- AND ONE MORE THING TO SAY before I get off the computer and fix supper for family..... IF one of my children were missing, or we hadn't of found Trevor - If I had nothing to do with his disappearance, I would be so exact with times, etc...and the Police would not only be able to come in my home, search, and talk to me and my kids, a million times, any time they wanted...etc....In fact, I'd WANT THEM THERE! I would not want them to leave - EVER, until my child was found one way or another. Period.
- I am curious as to the actual sources regarding where it was reported that Alonzo Washington is the person connected to the text. The link given doesnt shed light on the fact. I would also like to know where are the facts associated with the motorcycle guy identifying Jersey. All sources I read says that he wasn't the guy identified....and he isn't as tall as the couple that saw a guy walking. They showed him in court.
- From what I understand...."jersey" was picked out of a line up (on paper) by the motorcycle man who reported seeing "a man with a baby" near I435 & Randolph...When the same photo line up was given to the husband/wife witnesses on Lister, they said that none of the men looked like who they'd seen? Go figure. Here's a link to that fact... As far as the Alonzo Washington / text thing/connection.....I have no idea and do not know even who he is...But I will do a search and see what I can find..... ----------------- Additionally - I've been reading a lot of conflicting stories....FIRST, the call was suppose to have been made from Debs phone to Megan's phone at like 2:38am...(which I said, I thought was a text, not a call??) NOW, I'm reading that the call was made at about 8:30pm from Deb, from her house (assumption re: "from Deb & her house) based on, LE stating that Megan's phone# was written in ink on Deborah's hand......and at 2:38, was a text? I don't know anymore which is why I DON'T read the media - It confuses my mind - and I start doubting my original "reading / thoughts"...... Damn media! Lol ;)
- OK- I found a link re: the Alonzo Washington man... He is a "tipster" for the police and has a Blog. Looks like he get's a bad rap... I think what he's doing is good.... Maybe he's doing a little "Karmic turn around" and paying back with good deeds.... Whatever the reason - I know how it feels to be put down for doing something that other's don't agree with or believe in... :( Anyway, here's a couple of his links. (I found it interesting in the fact that he has linked much of what I've "received" up also...kinda just gives me a little more conformation that I'm not off the trail, too far anyway.....I just want Lisa found - It makes me so sad!
- I need to see where the Starbucks is now!!....I think that Lisa is "separate" from evidence...and even evidence have been separated... phones one place,(Lakewood area, in the water) clothing another (trash/burnt) etc....
- OK- I just read an article posted by one of the news papers because no one has had any updates on Lisa posted....I found, SAMANTHA was the friend drinking with DEB - RANDALL is the Investigator assigned to the case - and MIKE is the man who picked Jersy out of a line up...There's my 3 names...Perhaps these are peson's who are/will be part of the puzzle / key to helping solve this case....??? In addition, Samantha says - ....At around 5:00, shortly after Deborah arrived home, (from the store getting wine and baby stuff) Jeremy Irwin left the house to report to the job at Starbucks. (A "side job" he took for extra$$) Netz (Debs brother) said goodbye to his sister and headed home......At sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, Samantha Brando, who lived next door, and her 4-year-old daughter arrived at the Irwin home to visit with Deborah Bradley. According to Brando, her daughter played with the couple's two boys as she and Bradley chatted. (Where was Lisa during this time? No mention of what she's doing?? Maybe it's because Lisa was already in the bath tub....cuz she was fussy - But there's no mention of her) At approximately 6:40 pm, BRADLEY (not Samantha) states that baby Lisa became fussy so she put the child to bed. At around the same time, Brando left the Irwin residence to purchase alcohol. (Maybe this is when Deb found Lisa in tub....still going with my original theory....But prob. not....I think she tried lying her down, like she said...But Lisa kept crying - so she gave her more medicine and put her in the bath to sooth her....being that she was prob. already drunk...she walked away, and just did her friend, Samantha) Brando states that she returned to the Irwin home at around 7:00 and she and Bradley sat on the front stoop, smoking cigarettes and drinking. According to her own admission, Bradley consumed between 5 to 10 glasses of wine that evening as the children played on. By 10:30, Bradley stated that she was drunk and was going to bed. Brando and her daughter left the Irwin house and returned home. According to the source, Bradley claims she went to bed immediately afterward, as did the boys. Deborah Bradley states that she is unsure as to whether or not she checked on baby Lisa before retiring for the evening as she was heavily intoxicated. ((OK- SO- if the kids are all playing in and around the house, and Deb's on the front porch with Sam, NO ONE took Lisa OR the cell phones during that time from the "kitchen counter" ....And then we have the 8:30 phone call to the "house/cell phone" which was registered to Megan, but living in a house with 7 others - and that being the only phone - everyone supposedly used it. Who at that house did Deb call? She had the number on her hand....And Sam places herself with DEB when that call happened, although she never mentions the call..Was it to get drugs, or help because she discovered her baby?.....
- Hi Steph,the man in the photo line up is not Jersey. CNN/HLN confirmed that with Mike Thompson (man on bike). It is however,"a man from the community". He has not yet been revealed by media or police. I want to commend you on taking time to follow this case. I agree with where you are going with this. Thank you for all of your hard work.
-,-94.520627&spn=0.003194,0.00809 This information is interesting. It might be helpful with your readings. It is a map with points marked of important events in this case. Again, I think it is awesome all the hard work you are putting in.
- Steph - i heard on the news that LE questioned the brother/ Phil Netz which was who DB went to the store with. Also J&D met with their new atty.
- I'm SO lost then....Why would the media indicate that he did pick out Jersey??? (link) That's why you don't listen to anyone, anything, rumors, etc... Until the PD come forward and give info. Period... Another reason I don't like to read media or online info. because most of it's BS and taints my thoughts! Thank you for the info.... It's "too easy" if were Jersey - Ya know.... I never "got" his name anyway....But I still bet he's entangled somehow within all of it.... even if he just knows...Megan as well....I want to know who the 7 people living with Megan are who all shared a phone
- Steph, when you said you got the name "Bubba" as you were hitting enter, isn't that another word for 'brother' in America? Angela UK
- Skegness said... Steph, when you said you got the name "Bubba" as you were hitting enter, isn't that another word for 'brother' in America? Angela UK November 3, 2011 3:47 PM - ------------------------------------ Why Yes....It is.....Hummm (scratching my head)
- No Lisa updates/news? : ( FYI- Free Reading Request. I'm currently working on a reading for Ginger Re: Chad, and a MISSING PERSON reading request - Dana Jane Bruce. I'm hoping to have them posted either tonight or tomorrow....I will then start on all the new request (including the ones from the school district! I didn't forget about you guys!)
- Not showing anything on babylisa updates on facebook. I will check our tv stations.
- Just an FYI in case it hasn't been mentioned before, but Deborah Bradley's brother Phillip Netz has been referred to as "BUBBA"
- Anonymous said... I JUST READ THAT THE POLICE ARE NOT ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR THE BABY ANY LONGER IS THIS TRUE November 4, 2011 7:46 AM -------------------------------------------- Anonymous said... Just an FYI in case it hasn't been mentioned before, but Deborah Bradley's brother Phillip Netz has been referred to as "BUBBA" November 4, 2011 9:15 AM -------------------------------------------- So...the name I "got", "Mike" has relevance to Deb...and "Bubba" is what they call the two boys and "Michael" is also a name I "got", who is one of the "bubbas" to Lisa....Hummm....all important factor's in this case, IMO. Which is why the kids are not allowed any further interviews, YET - Unless the Police subpena it...which I suspect they will (soon)...Very sad too....That either of these boys have to go through any of this! Perhaps they need to also have a talk with Debs cousin MIKE also....I'm just sayin....As far as actively searching, I believe the PD believe they're spinning their wheels at this point - They're playing it smart and have more info. than the public knows.... They're next search will reveal evidence of some sort....Not sure it will in finding Lisa, YET, but very significant evidence which will lead to Lisa and POI's - possibly even an arrest may be made before Lisa's where abouts are finally revealed..... If the LE revealed to the public everything they knew, the criminals could cover tracks, etc..."To catch a thief, you become a thief" - is their motto - in general....Play their game - and see who starts sweating the most....
- My comment here is in reference to a comment left on the Original Lisa Irwin Blog/Page...(Read: Anonymous - "Justice for Lisa Irwin Johnny Chiaravallotti" Posted Nov. 3, 2011 @ 8:54pm -------------------------------------- interesting...perhaps DEB gave Lisa too much cold medicine, which caused her to "pass out"....still within my "bath-tub / drowning" "thought"...but, could be along the lines of was in bed (as Lisa stated) and accidental overdose?...I'm open to everything) BTW, what IS Lisa's Dads name? Does he live close by?
- His name is David L. Netz jr I believe he lives in Kansas, but am not certain. DB could have called her father to take away Baby Lisa after she passed. He may have buried her or hidden her body that night and maybe the one who helped stage an abduction. I know this is kind if crazy....but I wonder if he buried Baby Lisa at the same location her maternal deceased grandma Lisa is buried at? I recall reading a while ago that Deborah's mother loved Angel statues and that DB had some in Baby Lisa's room to watch over her. Than DB with her own words said she firmly believes that Angels are watching over Baby Lisa right now, which means she knew she had passed and just PERHAPS she us secretly buried with grandma Lisa, DB's mother. Sounds crazy? She may have called her father to retrieve the body and bury it for her, whether it's in Kansas city or whether he drove to another state on the east coast or something. What does DB's father do for a living? And where? Is he in the picture at all of DB's life? Her brother? He may have been the one to stage the abduction as he may have also been the same one who staged an accidental overdose 10 yrs ago with his estranged wife.
- I felt extremely sick and got a terrible headache when I found this link, which is address info I believe to be on grandfather of Baby Lisa, I think this is DB's father, but am not certain. This person appears to have moved around a lot as well with his most place residing on the top of the list. Do they communicate with this man? Where does he work? I'm simply speculating, but felt sick when I found this info for some reason?
- Ok, you guys, this is kind of creepy but maybe Steph you can get some kind of read on Baby Lisa's deceased Maternal Grandma, DEB's mother who passed away 10 years ago by apparent accidental overdose. Is there any chance Steph, you could get some kind of medium-reading-message from her? Her picture is here as well as her tombstone, in the cemetery she was buried in. This family seems plagued by misfortune. Maybe the Maternal Grandma can help, than again it may mean exposing her daughter DEB.
- This is a bit about Baby Lisa's maternal great grandfather who passed away In an AUTOMOBILE accident in 1968, at age of 27. This was DEB's grandfather and Baby Lisa's great grandfather. He is buried with DEB's mother, Lisa at same cemetery. Maybe Steph, you could get a medium-message from him about Baby Lisa?
- Marina - I will do everything I can to see if either of the two you've posted about will reveal more details to me re: Lisa and her whereabouts... They're probably a big part of how/who I got the info. I've gotten so far.... As far as Deb's mom being worried about "selling out her daughter", so to speak - if that is indeed the case.......Well, you can rest assured that once we are "gone", we no longer think, believe, behave, etc... as we did when we were alive. Our personality (self/spirit) is still the same....BUT, it's the way it would be at it's 100% GREATEST... There's no evil thoughts, regret, or ill intentions and when (if) they choose to connect with someone in our current living world...what they do or don't reveal is all dependent on the results it would set forth - meaning, if someone wanted the answer to a question, but that answer would bring about more harm, depression, and ill will within the person seeking the answer, then they'd have no need to reveal such information. That being said, they wouldn't withhold information being sought, in order to keep anyone else, regardless of who they were, out of trouble or safe, if the answer being sought would be the result of true and deserved justice - This is called Karma. In other words, those I connect with reveal only what's necessary to me for those who are seeking the information, which will benefit and inspire them...or calm a broken heart, etc... There's never any evil, misguided, or untruthful circumstances revealed.... does that make sense? I hope so.
- Yes makes sense. I hope you are able to connect with Baby Lisa's maternal grandma and great grandpa for some answers to where Baby LIsa may be found. Good luck Steph.
- Steph, Did anyone ever consider that the person who secretly may have buried Baby Lisa (makes me sick to even say this)may have buried her at the cemetery at East 48th street North named Crowley Cemetery in Clay County? No one would think of looking here. And it may not have security or a gate at that time. And wasn't there a man spotted walking by with a baby in that exact area? Steph the link and pics of that cemetery are above, maybe you can get something?
- Yes...I did. Cadaver dogs wouldn't be able to hit on a scent there either...since it's full of deceased individuals.... They'd pretty much just have to search for fresh, disturbed areas of dirt.....
- This is awful to say, but there is a real possibility she may have been buried there. Perhaps in a burial spot of another ancestor? However I do not know if there are any Netz ancestors there, I am assuming there must be? If not Netz another ancestor with a different last name? Or even under a bush (I'm sorry, I hate stating this) or shrub that no one would look at because the dirt may always seem disturbed there? This website link is only updated by the actual relatives/friends of the deceased if they wish to do so or even know about the site and not the cemetery itself, therefore it does not reflect a complete list of deceased buried there. In fact the person who added a grave site and provided the info on DEB's deceased mother was Philip Netz, her brother. In fact he sent in an email request to the moderator of that site on September 25th, 2011. He was making an inquiry about his deceased mothers ancestors and wanted to make a private inquiry. The moderator had to post a public response on October 4th at 3am on her site as Philip never responded privately to her email. I find it eery to say the least as that is exactly when Baby Lisa went "missing", and all hell broke lose just as this email was posted on a grave site website in regards to Baby Lisa's deceased ancestors. grandma and ancestors. Very eery coincidence indeed.
- MW-Medusa
- This is crazy I have tried to write you for days and everytime I go to edit I loose it this is the sixth time. I just want you to know and wonder if we could talk somewhere else. I do not know maybe we are not suppose to talk but I feel more urgency than ever. I do not want to give my email on a post.
- I must have spent hours reading this. I live in KC and have been so concerned with this case! That poor baby! I've read a lot of speculation and readings but this is by far the most accurate IMO. From the beginning, you read the details - many of which did not reveal themselves for at least a couple of weeks. People who have "visions" mostly see her falling into water - a bathtub or basin but not pond or lake. I find that interesting. I like your maps and, being from this area, it is easy to visualize the locations. I did run into a dead end at the end of Brighton past 210 hwy when I was out. There was a large utility pole and woods. I would think this area has been searched, however. Gave me chills when you described such a place but I think you're on to something with the Megan thing. I hope the phone call to her DOES break this case open! I hope that you are right in that the police know more than they are letting on. I also hope, but doubt, that Lisa is found alive and well. I just don't believe that any longer. :( This story was odd from the beginning. Please keep posting on this. Even with so much going on in my own life, I can't stop thinking of this baby. Even though you don't see her alive, this has brought me a bit of peace...I just want to know what has happened to Lisa. I want her to be found. God bless you and I will return to your site soon!
- Karon said... This is crazy I have tried to write you for days and everytime I go to edit I loose it this is the sixth time. I just want you to know and wonder if we could talk somewhere else. I do not know maybe we are not suppose to talk but I feel more urgency than ever. I do not want to give my email on a post. ____________________ Just go to "Contact Me" page and get my email from there and email me.... ;)
- I just finished the email when you can read it.
- Karon,..Unless your email to me I re: baby Kate, I never got it?
- I did not write Baby Kate. Is your email I found it where your contact info is the place you told me to go. The RE: Is Lisa Irwin from Karon and my last name. This is getting more bizzare for me. I do not do readings but there is alot of info on me as well as my feelings out the gate and your Reading. I found something tuck away in an article and have not seen any posts on it as of yet, I thought that was the problem. I do not know. I put the address in because you check the posts. It is 11:43 pm here I will attempt to send it again. Karon
- There is a connection with you and me but I do not know what it is. Just felt this after my post on the email.
- I just sent it for the third x.
- Did you get it. I did not have time to say all I wanted tooooooooo. Because I wanted to receive it. Couple of comments I went over all I sent you and I am sure you can put the words in where there should be. Talk to my husband and told him everything that has happened. His thoughts are someone/thing is working against our connection. I actually reveived it in my email this morning with my name?? And at the same time two failure notices that were not there last night at midnight. Have you thought you are getting info directly from the source. I ask because you said about readings from those that are not with us and who you thought it was comming from. Although she is a baby in life that does not mean her form is the same. Right?
- I got your email finally and responded...I am going to post it with my responses on the original Lisa Irwin thread.... In response to this....Yes, lisa could reveal to me's just not as clear as it could be....I'm working now on the new reading and map....I will post that in a bit or in the AM.
- Steph said... Ya know...even if MWright doesn't live in those apts. there at Lakewood, I still feel a strong connection to her, person(s), etc...involving that area and/or apts....I don't know what it is....Her only connection to the Irwins / via maybe through Samantha or Samantha's Bf/Husband could involve DrUgS.... However, the guilty culprit walking around town intentionally being seen with a baby through out the am hours of the night, also has connections with MWright or/and associates.....A lot going on - slowly being revealed. If you want to know who will crack first - I will tell you....It's Samantha - I believe she's done nothing more than "aid" Lisa in providing #'s, solutions, helpers, etc... If she don't crack - she'll be charged in the end with prohibiting the progress of an Investigation by with holding her knowledge and could even be charged with accessory.... that's a long time in jail to save someone's ass who would drop on her in a heart beat to save their own ass. IMO - I think her main concern is someone else she maybe turning on.... That's where her real concerns lye..... And still, another day passes, as Lisa is left, lost. I feel like kicking their axx myself! I'm at the point of pissed now.... If your baby lost it's life by accident - whether negligence on your part or not - f#@king be a responsible MOM now - and tell the truth for your baby. All she's done is make things 10,000 times worse - including the consequences when the police do figure it out - and they will. Deborah is bringing down a lot of other's with her...I wouldn't go down for her - No way in hell. - Going to do my new reading for her now....I won't be checking back in until tomorrow morning. good night everyone - :(
- The dumpster fire was at townhomes very near the Irwin residence; practically across the street. Could that be what you are connecting to apts? Or is this something else as in Lisa's current location? Thank you, thank you again for doing these readings for Lisa! It means so much to us who are so concerned for this baby. My heart breaks for her every single day.
- Ok- Ive been looking at the map with the 5 mile radius. I know you said you dont see BL going across the river. In that area, on the otherside of hwy 291- there's a building that was a casino called Sam's Town. No longer opened. It was right on the Missouri River. Its been awhile since Ive been down in that area. My thoughts were water and utility poles. Idk. I dont want to cloud your thoughts but since you dont live in this area, i thought i would bring it up. If not a good thing to to, let me know.
- Wow, I was reading this again. Have I told you about this place before cuz for some reason i feel a "dejue".
- Ok - i need to correct myself, the casino was off of 210 hwy not 291. Sorry about that. Long day.
- Pat, someone else had brought up Sam's Town as well in an earlier post! I wonder if that area has been searched. I am also from KC but I am not entirely sure where all of the searches have taken place.
- The truth is - I can't find Lisa with any psychic/medium abilities - Just like I couldn't find HaLeigh.....despite gaining incredible, untold insight to many different aspects re: what (may) have happened, people/names involved, etc...before they're even made public surrounding the disappearance - just like Lisa, just like Morgan, etc....and then the knowledge goes stagnate....I'm not crazy and neither are you, Pat, or anyone else who believes in psi, paranormal (my video of me doing the live reading, and seeing the "whatever" shoot through the room is proof, there's something! God as my witness- I didn't see it at the time and I don't know what it was...But, I did send the video to Ghost Hunters and a couple of other paranormal investigators to see if they can analyze the video and get a good view of what it "looked like") ANYWAY, Other than what I have revealed re: Lisa and any other missing person - other psychics/medium have seen/revealed simular thoughts/patterns... (other than the HaLeigh Cummings case...Investigator's told me I was the only one out of the 1000's who "tipped" in, who placed HaLeigh where I did....which, ironically, was the area behind Timmy Croslin's house, where the blue van believed to be involved was at, and Joe was staying.....and I knew none of that....but again, still, I was even physically brought to Florida - and COULDNT find her) Even more so- not only did I give STREET NAMES in this area, and completely describe the layout in detail, signs, etc...surrounding the entire area...details which CAN NOT be seen within wooded areas on any map (remote viewing) again- no HaLeigh - Then there Morgan Harrington - I indicated the exact miles she was from her last known location, describing in detail her surroundings... She was found accidentally by a farmer on his property - in the damn near exact type of surroundings I described, with the miles from her last location on spot.... But I didn't find her.... I think what happens is, I begin a "case" with an open, un-jaded mind- purposely knowing nothing (or very, very little) into the details...allowing me to have pure- "clean" insight with images, thoughts, feelings and hearing into WHAT occurred, WHO may be involved, HOW things may have happened, etc.... and they're all my initial "reading"- so to speak.... I then go to my Blog and post... time goes by and as more and more factual details are then released to the public, as much as I try to avoid it- I begin trying to "rationally" figure it out - moving away from any psychic thoughts, unintentionally, and lose "sight"..... doubt kicks in.... lose more "sight" direction/location will shift back and forth...and it's because unconsciously, my mind will "fit" a location in, just as it does everyone elses minds, according to what we've heard, seen, or been told by the public, media, etc.... To close my "rational" mind off after all this public knowledge has now completely tainted it, and have no thought into facts, and begin trying to again pick up pure psi knowledge, is very hard - not impossible - just almost. That is why we are called humans and God is God. I, nor can anyone with this ability or even without it, shield yourself from everyday life and live away from reality - Not normal people anyway. Therefore, we will always have human thought with error. In other words, no one can stay in a psychic state of mind 24/7. Because of my initial success with doing readings and accuracy in details I'd revealed to people in Medium readings....I thought, I can use this for good- And honestly believed I could - wham-bam-thank you ma'am, find a missing person, with ease....
- Boy, I was so blind when it came to how this all really worked when I started this incredibly long journey. If I had of known the difficulty that lied ahead of me in using this ability in the pursuit of locating missing persons & the probabilities of it's success, I would have not of began down this road. "Well, you were close, but no enchilada" was not what I expected and isn't even close to good enough. But, I did start it, and now feel as though I can't walk away- Like I have to figure out a way to finish it. I have to figure out a way to do something that has the probability of failure, every time - And then, do it again. Talk about a beating...over and over and over and over....................... A psychic/medium/intuitive/remote viewer/etc...nothing "paranormal", according to record, has EVER....NEVER lead an LE Agency to the location of a missing person. MANY have tried....MANY have revealed with incredible accuracy details unknown, but revealed later, surrounding ALL aspects of the crime and even the locations of victims..... but have never pin pointed - as in "x marks the spot".....LE goes there, and finds their missing person.....NEVER - not on record anyway. I didn't bother looking into this or any facts surrounding psychics and the success rate of this task before I jumped in, head first, BLINDLY. I can't begin to tell you how often I too, think, I AM JUST CRAZY! The only thing that keeps me half ass grounded is people like you guys who I read for (especially the Medium readings) and tell me I got a detail, something "specific" and not "general" that would or could "fit" within many people/circumstances - names I get right, etc...And some doubt will fade re: this ability... And I'm able to wipe the mud off my face from my previously attempted, but failed missing person case - and try again with another. SO- that being said, what I need to really figure out, is HOW do I succeed in the real goal.... I already have proven to myself, if no one else, I can get and reveal details surrounding a case....but how can I complete the true journey, without living in a capsule away from the world, and continue being a mom, wife, and member of society, but still remain un-jaded after the fact - and complete my mission, 100% successfully? For one, I need to exercise mental and emotional control - without becoming robotic. This is hard for me because I live in a chaotic household.... But then again, it's a wonder I receive any clarity/information from "within" with all the noise that constantly surrounds I must have pretty strong control mentally already...But not enough, apparently. So- How? As a normal person who performs any type of job, service, etc... I need feedback, encouragment, to know that I'm doing a good job. Therefore, in what I'm doing, I can't just continue a reading - in silence - never knowing if I'm right or wrong..... See, when I finally post my readings, I believe that I've received enough good info. to lead to a location.... which then leads me to read and check the facts to date.... or what's "put out there" as facts and often are not... But now...what's happened is my mind has all this information - and I start rationalizing all my original thoughts to fit what I've been told are facts.... And hence, the intuitive nature of the reading, knowledge, has halted - and going forward, I BELIEVE, anything I "think" I receive are purely my thoughts trying to puzzle together the facts.... does this make sense? So the question really do I confirm my readings, without receiving untrue facts, public opinion, etc...and continue gaining clean "insight" to progress further, without incorporating anything else.... I am rambling. I am discouraged again. I don't think I can contribute more reliable knowledge into the location of Lisa with the use of "insight". I'm at the bottom again. - Steph
- I think I got "SAMantha" for a reason...if not a couple of reasons...If going with SAM's town, it was mentioned and I was given a link, but the link didn't work....
- Here I go again......I don't know when to just stop....I picked up last night - the MAN who actually took Lisa away from the home, is still with/near here - (not in in not living with her) And there's something about the word "CASTLE" involved. My mind goes to "A mans "home" is his castle"....Then, I remembered something about - Deborah's Mom passed away in New CASTLE....(again, a place representing "home".... And then I heard something like "castles in the sky"...This was all last night....Then just now, I read my daily Tarot card I get by email and it said: Hi Stephanie! Here is your Daily Tarot Card for Thursday, November 10 "The Emperor card affirms that my alter ego today is elevated as a role model or by proxy as the Enforcer, whose superpower is contracted to establish merciful boundaries or to secure and defend the vested interests of my charges under or as this virile ""Father Figure."" I'm large and in charge as master of my domain -- as long as you say so or so long as I command the authority and protect the realm. I take pride in directing the action, building a safe environment or molding my vision, and conquering resistance through permissible limits. It would be my honorable duty to stand up today as leader in support of those whose loyalty I vitally depend on to give me relevant meaning, fortitude or practical production for use. I won't let them down. Keep to the bargain but leave room for improvement, or risk becoming possessive, oppressive or disconnected by choice and cast out of the CASTLE." I also got "one night stand"....perhaps our friendly male neighbor, Shane, only pretended to go home??? And when Samantha was inside her home, he went back to Deb's to continue the "party"....BUT, it didn't go as planned, because Lisa was found deceased....While drinking outside, Deb completely forgot about her, but when entering the house and going to the rest room - ???? AND - OR - Maybe there was some doubt in JI's mind whether Lisa was really his or not...maybe he wanted a DNA test - And maybe Deb wasn't positive of the result outcome....maybe, just maybe - the outcome would once again cast her out of the CASTLE - Her true love - "home" - and roots were in Independence - She lived there with her (still) husband...(not divorced) with his step-Mom, Hazel (who Deb loved like a Mom and clung to due to her own Moms death - IMO) But, Deb - was cast out of that CASTLE cause of her actions, more than once..... I realize, I'm again trying to rationalize and "fit" my vision/knowledge/insight into the scenario.....I did learn last night that Deb's father in law, (her ex- but still married husband's father) was named MICHAEL, hence that is why her son is named MICHAEL, honor of him because he'd passed away - and her ex is named Sean MICHAEL...all having lived in INDEPENDENCE - "home".... Honestly, Idk....maybe some of this will matter or make sense to the once who will solve and find Lisa.
- It just drives me crazy that I can only read during the day and type at nite. Before i go back and "really" read..Last nite when I was looking up all the address', I was watching ghost hunters and tonight watching a dvr'd one. Then I read your submited your video to GH's. It shot a feeling inside me. My husband gives me alot of static cuz I love to watch those shows. It's a nice feeling that you believe in them enough to submit your video. If that made any since at all. I feel a connection with you. If I remember correctly, on my reading you said something to that effect. You're doing an awesome job girl. Just make sure you take time for "YOU".
- Thank you Pat...and everyone (and your right) As far as my video....heck yea I submitted! I want someone with experience to tell me what exactly was in my house with me while I did a reading! I've felt things and seen stuff out of the corner of my eyes at the same time as my daughter has....and had other "things" happen....but to actually watch something, on video shoot across my room, but didn't see it at the time - I want someone to examine it...ya know. Maybe it will prove the existence of spirits - ?? BTW, did your daughters reading today....
- Tonight Im reading your blog and watching dvrd ghost hunters. During the show my tv shuts off and turns on. Freaked me out! The TV not even 2 yrs old. I did read my daughter's reading. The only thing Im gonna say is - I had a smile on my face. The one thing I will say is, I gotta a chuckle out of " not alot of structure"
- I think SAM came from primarily from Samantha too. LE is to interview the boys again. That is the latest. Hope that doesn't cloud you at all! I know we want answers. I continue to pray. I can't let it go! It's about to be her birthday too. I believe it is tomorrow if I have my facts straight. I just can't give up on her. Don't give up on missing persons, Steph! If that is what you hope to achieve, keep going for it. Trial and error. I think each of us has something we just keep going back for only to suffer another disappointment. We must keep trying until we get it right. It keeps eating at us until we do anyway. I know that is not easy as it sounds. I will have to watch this video that you're talking about! I'm a fan of Ghost Adventures myself. Friday night is best night of the week! I don't know if you can "prove" the existence of spirits BUT it can't be disproven either! :) Don't you love the "unknown"? I think I'm comfortable posting under my actual name now. :) I am enjoying your blog.
- Well, thank you, Nicole...and nice re: your daughters reading! ;) I pray tomorrows a more positive, upbeat day for me personally. I've been dragging all week..... It happens everytime I take on a case like this.... It's so mentally exhausting
- The man that was physically identified by 3 people as the man that they believe was sighted that October 4th early morning, who was later identified through pictures as Samantha Brandos boyfriend/common law/father of 4 year old daughter. The one that later passed the lie detector test and was off the hook by police. Well what I find interesting is not only was he identified by 3 people as the one they seem walking with a baby in the early morning, BUT that he was wearing head to toe WHITE CLOTHING? If someone is trying to secretly abduct a baby in the dark why would they be wearing a top and bottom that is white? Sounds like he had on a dress code, uniform of sorts that you wear while you are AT WORK, or after work or on your way to work. was it done on purpose for a clear sighting of the staged abduction or was it just an oversight/sloppy mistake during the staged abduction? Why was this person wearing wearing a white top and bottom in as cold climate in the middle of the night? Doesn't Samantha Brando's Commonlaw boyfreind work at the Whiteman Airforce base? He was due to report tto work I believe at 530am october 4th. What is his job there and what colour is his uniform? How about his friend that was his alibi where he slept n the couch? if the perssew that was sighted 3times was wearing a white shirt and dark bottom, well thats normal, BUT WHITE BOTTOMS and WHITE TOP is indicative of a dress code. And that could be a clue. his couch with? Does he also have a dress code for work and what colour is it?
- When DB And JI did their first public appeal to the media to bring Baby Lisa back, only after the Police strongly urged them to, not only did I find it not real, not sincere and staged by DB and JI because of body language and statements that seemed rehearsed/staged by them BUT I studied the behaviour of DB father in the video as he stood in the background. he seemed staged as well, poised and almost relaxed but nervous. David Netz did not appear to be behaving in a way that I feel would be more reflective of a grandfather serching for his abducted 10 month old baby granddaughter. It appears to me through his body language that he already knows and accepts that BAby Lisa has passed and that he knows where she has been laid to rest. In fact he almost appears worried in the video when the FBI are mentioned/thanked by JI I his statement. He doesn't appear to be like a man on a mission, the hunt of his life, he appears staged, overly poised and worried about being caught. Thats my opinion BUT I KNOW THAT everyone behaves differenty in theses situations. but I believe Grandpa Netz Jr helped bury Baby Lisa on one of the many properties he has come into contact with over the years, perhaps his own land, family land or a cemetery. I do not know what he does for a living, financial status or any power he may hold but he seems to be the type of person that has the means to make things happen when they need to happen to protect his interests or those of his family. I also feel that there is a good chance Michael the cousin knows what happened and may have helped out with the burial. Im also basing this on his body language and words used in his public video's. This case has too many players, and very soon they will all be exposed. Poor Baby Lisa needed her mommy that night, but mommy didn't come to her room, she medicated her to help her sleep and she either threw up and ch Chocked on her vomit or she was forgotten in the bathtub and drowned. But too many people were in and out of house who could of used the bathroom so when did this happen? Did DB give her a bath at 1030pm while she was drunk and than passed out? OR did she find her deceased/choked on vomit in her crib when she finally went to her room at 1030pm? Did LE check for vomit traces? Did LE check bathtub for any clues? Was any laundry done that evening/morning? If laundry was done late in the evening/early morning this is also a clue. Was the Barney animal washed? Were Baby Lisa's sheets freshly washed? What blanket was Baby Lisa in the crib with that evening? these are all clues as well, but only CSI would known this and not the media or public.
I do feel water, for sure....AND definitely 2,male and female involved. I also believe the mom was "unfaithful" - and a part of me feels as though Lisa was in the bath tub, while mom was having her play time.....and found Lisa had drowned in bath.....? Rather than her affairs and being accused of not watching her baby - she decides to stage an abduction..... But still... the idea of Mr. Irwin (Lisa's father....still a ?mark there?) why would he not have his cell phone with him at work? Whats his involvement here? If nothing more than maybe knowing Lisa drowned, but not how or why, and helping his wife??? I'm not 100% on any of this....I only express what I'm feeling at the time......Lisa is not far from the house
ReplyDeleteWell........not his "wife"........but his baby's moma......
ReplyDeletechecked map, finally......does anyone know if police have searched near the dead end (comes to a T...) from her rd., going....south? and there's a pond behind a utility pole at the end of the dead end? just curious. I have not seen where any bodies of water have been searched, but I have not read up on a lot of what is going on... That area just fits my "insight"...
ReplyDeletefollow N lister NE 34 Terrance...dead ends into N Brighton Ave. and theres a small pond in the field back there......Interesting enough, just read a back pack with diapers and wipes were found there? Just an idea and follows what I saw.
ReplyDeleteWOW...I just read LE is searching this area....If she is found there, I don't think your gift can be ignored any longer...And more and more skeptics and critics may have to realize there truly some out there, who have your gift and use it for good...But, still, it's a long shot.
ReplyDeleteFather seems happy that he and wife have been closer since this happened. Perhaps he jumped at the chance to be her "savior" when he came home and found evidence of bathtub/playtime/etc as you stated was possible (rings true to me)... he may love to have this to keep her close to him/with him (she had been unfaithful but now she needs him).
ReplyDeleteInterested in hearing more of your insights.
True, but it's so incredibly hard to pin point an exact location of a missing person using "images" or clues......very hard....Just because that description "fit" what I saw, there are probably a dozen, if not more areas around the home that fit my description. She could very well be (if I'm correct and Lisa is "gone") right there at her own home....maybe near a utility pole? Not sure? I wish it were easier....A very difficult task in deed. It's much easier for me to piece together WHAT happened and who may be involved.... I hate that too because I want to be able to help...It's one of the reason I quit going "public" on other blogs and posting my readings....I try to post on my own blog only.
ReplyDeleteI just read where Cadaver dogs "hit" on the parents bedroom...indicating that (unfortunately) dead human remains were present...Perhaps when (if my "images" are correct)Lisa was finally discovered in the bath tub, having drowned, she was taken into the bedroom where CPR may have been performed...and kept there until she was removed....again, without clothing.....only a diaper was put on her....(another reason I believe she drowned...she was "found" without clothing, hence, bathtub) (I think she may have been forgotten about in the tub, and feel asleep...we've all seen babies who will even fall asleep while eating!)
ReplyDeleteI just came a cross your blog. I find it really interesting. How long have you been doing readings and what not? Are you usually pretty accurate?? Anyone you would do a reading for me? If that's possible, please feel free to email me at for more info!! Have a wonderful day!!
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog too. Amazing! I am with the above person. Do you do readings for individuals? Just note it on here and then I could send you my email to your email address. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteYoure reading seems really accurate and that scares me...that poor baby :( How long have you been doing readings?
ReplyDeleteThank you.... Believe me, this kind of thing get's me more grief and sarcasm than it does praise....which is why I quit posting on public blogs my "readings" concerning missing person's and started my own blog site....In this way, if it's read by anyone other than me, I didn't "force" it, my thoughts or beliefs upon anyone. I'm pretty good, I think....I've always been able to "communicate with the dead"....just didn't "use" it to try and locate missing person's until the last couple of years....I've worked on or done readings on several cases, which are also posted on this blog. I began using this "gift"? to locate missing person's due to my husbands brother coming up missing several years ago. I saw the pain and grief it caused.... But I have to say....It's SOOO much harder than I thought, as I wrote in an earlier post here....It's very hard to pin point an exact location when I only see images, clues, words, etc.... Therefore, I've never "found" a missing person...However, some that have been found, AFTER I posted where I believed they were, their sourounding, what happened, etc...have coincided with my readings...Sometimes I even get emails after the fact....But never the less.... I continue trying. I will do a reading for you. I will email you at the email you gave as soon as I have a free moment....ASAP.... In the meantime, I did do a live reading and posted it on YouTube and incredibly enough.....after downloading the reading, and then watching it, my husband and I clearly watched a ghost? orb? something? move through the room...very clearly! It's incredible. That is also posted on this blog site....It has the You Tube info. and a still picture of it also. Again, Thank you for writing and being open/positive re: my reading on Lisa and what I do in general. I take a lot of slack, almost never get credit or even a thank you when I am correct and on top of it all....I don't even get paid for it! Lol : ) Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteAlso, please "join - follow" this site (my blog) if you don't mind? The more positive feedback I get, perhaps the more believable I may become?? And maybe the more I will be able to help someone else? I truly am legitimate, as far as "psychic-medium" abilities go, I think, anyway - and truly want to be able to put it to good use, if able. I'm never 100% because my interpretations may differ or not be exact...but I do the very best I can.
ReplyDeleteNo problem at all. I definitely believe in people having this power and it has always surprised me that there are not more believers. I certainly do not have this great ability but I do feel I am a little more sensitive then others. I had one dream where I saw my father dying and I ignored it, even though I had a huge physical reaction to it and like 3 days later I called him and I could hear the terror in his voice and he had almost just died, exactly like my dream. That's when I realized that it is possible. I can't wait to hear from you!! I am very excited!!
ReplyDeleteIt never fails, when someone has a gift that others don't understand, they try to belittle it or make the person out to be lying or a fraud. I truly believe that one day things we think of as "supernatural" will actually be understood and supported by science as history has shown this to be the case time and time again. Things we understand now like airplanes, splitting atoms, heck even TV would have been considered supernatural over a 100 years ago. I believe some people have that extra sense to tap into the energy of those who have left this plane or the energy surrounding events, places and such.
ReplyDeleteI've read some of your other postings and have to say, I'm impressed, it's a shame that others have ridiculed you in the past on other sites, just shows how small minded people can be. I'd be interested n a reading as well, if you had time, as you seem to be doing this more to help than to be a glory hound, it shows your intentions are true and not for the wrong reasons. You have a gift and don't ever let any one else ever make you feel bad or foolish or negative about it. Those who try to bring you down don't deserve even a second of your time thinking about them. Feel free to email me any time.
ReplyDeleteThank you SO much for the kind and encouraging words. Due to the "rap" psychics/mediums/intuitive get, is one (among many) reason's I never did this for $$. Due to the increased volume of reading request I am getting though, it is consuming much - if not my entire days... A friend of mine (who is a medium for a living) told me that sharing my gift freely was a gift in itself, but when it becomes should get paid. I have struggled with the morality in earning money by helping people... I've concluded that regardless if I get paid or do it for free, there will always be negativity surrounding the entire subject.. Therefore, I have decided to continue do readings for free on a limited basis, and will eventually have to start charging at least something... Is that wrong or immoral? It bothers me - still... But it has become like a full time job - a job I LOVE, but never the less, an 8 hr.+ a day job.
And YES- I will do a reading for you. However, will you please post you request in the "READING REQUEST" SECTION? That would be very helpful and help me to keep my BLOG somewhat organized. Lol... Again, Thanks!
Hello Stephanie I have stumble across your blog and I am intrigued in your reading re: lisa irwin.
ReplyDeleteI just read that Jeremy's ex wife is named Rosleen Raim and they have an 8 year old son together and he lives with Jeremy and Deb. Deb refers to him as her son.
Could she be the one with the revenge?What is your feeling on this?
Below is the website where I read the info
PS I find your blog and gift fascinating
I try to steer clear of the media reports involving a missing child/person that I am "reading" on....But everything about Lisa, her disappearance, etc... has just broken my heart. Therefore, I do, now, from time to time check the status of her disappearance in hopes she's found. SOOOOOO- I saw where 2 eye witnesses say they saw the same man, carrying the same baby, on the same time (but 4 hours apart from each other?) and the baby was wearing only a diaper...(as I stated) So, going with....the last seen location.....which was reported by the older gentleman on the motor cycle.... I have spent my entire day on personal readings, and now it's already 9pm- I've been consumed most of my day - with very little time remaining to devote to concentrating on Lisa and her possible location....Not to mention, it's my husbands birthday! YiKeS!!! So, the man reported seeing the man with the baby near the corner of I-HWY 435 and NE 48th St. (about 3 miles - N/NW from Lisa's home on Lister) I calculated walking time from the home to that location and it is 1 hour...Taking side roads, trails, avoid the public - maybe an hour and a half....So, if the first sighting was at midnight and the 2nd at 4am...there's 3 hours unaccounted for.... My first "thought" was, this "helper" (man who is "cleaning" up the mess" started out of the house around the time the first couple spotted him...walked not even a block, and realized it was just too early to be walking around with a deceased child - turned around and went back to the house to wait until around 2- 2:30 am....less people / less traffic / less of a chance to be sighted.... The baby, I see, placed on the floor, still in the diaper only - face down beside DB's bed, appearing to be asleep with a blanket on top of her (in case kids, etc...woke and noticed)until it was time to strike out again, walking...and walking is so that there will be no evidence of Lisa or her "smell" in or around a vehicle that could possibly be checked.... I also believe that JI is well aware of his baby's moma's infidelities, and this is now leverage....his revenge of sorts as "control" And I keep getting the feeling that perhaps Lisa?? isn't Jeremy's and he has had his suspicions, but it's not been made public... I have even had a thought or two that Ashley Irwin is also privy to happenings. And knows the person Lisa was with...I've wondered if Ashley's married? I've also wondered if Jeremy has brothers? I got the names....robert, rob, don donald and have found those names associated with the family, but just not enough time in my day to really dig.... I was wondering if any of you, could possibly view the last known location (if it is in fact a true account of a sighting) and just see if any of my clues match?? I will try and do another reading and get more "info" re: not only her location, but more circumstances surrounding this case ASAP. It smells of HaLeigh cummings case all over again. I'm sickened.
ReplyDeleteMary- I did pick up a name close to hers...but do not feel that she would snatch his baby...but rather take her own child. I just don't see it. I just don't see ANYONE snatching this child..I wish I did, I would then have more hope in her being alive and well... : (
ReplyDeleteHave you seen this reading?
I am reading this am amazed. I think you may be right on. Keep us informed of any future reading.
ReplyDeletewhy dont u contact the police and tell them your feeling and offer to help them in the search? it cant hurt
ReplyDeleteJeremy has a brother named Donald.
ReplyDeleteOK- FIRST....Jeremy has a brother named Donald? OK this confirmed? I keep picking up Debbie has/is cheating with him. Is he married? AND...does he live near? or is he old and unable to be considered in this? I may be on to something here....
ReplyDelete2nd- I don't contact the police, because they don't believe in psychics in general. They have probably already been informed of this blog and have yet to call me. They refuse (for the most part) to admit they used a psychic, when their department was stuck...which is unfortunate. They use many tools, why not (especially in a baby's disappearance) use all resources available? I don't understand... but if they need me, I feel they'll contact me...OR just privately read my blog, and then solve the case on "their own merit and stating good police work"....which really, is ok with me. I don't care how I help, if I do, as long as Lisa's found. Ya know? One day, as Stokley pointed out, this gift will eventually be recognized as REAL, although some do lie and are with any business or dealings... All I ask, is that anyone who reads this, shares it (I have some share links) and passes it on to everyone they know. Thats enough reward for me....for now! Lol : )
I'm not for sure where he lives, or if he is married. I'm not sure of his age either, but I believe he may be older than Jeremy.
ReplyDeleteWow just been reading your blog, i find things like this sooo interesting & people who have these gifts!
ReplyDeleteMakes me sad to think that this poor baby is dead though (from what your feeling) i was hoping so much for her to be ok! I live in the UK & have been following this story through fox news & a facebook page & i shall share this blog with everyone on there :)
I just cant stop thinking about this little girl & wishing she would be found! I have a daughter who is nearly 6 months so these stories of baby kidnap/abuse have started to really get to me!
I was wondering why the police dont get in a psycic to help .. there would be no harm in it & the more people helping the better!
Do you still do personal readings? would you be able to do me one at all?
I really enjoy reading this. I do believe in the afterlife. Please keep this updated. I've heard alot of people say the police need to look at the river but my question is..Can the water you see be from the bathtub?
ReplyDeleteIn imagines I saw her in the bathtub and appeared to be asleep, to me....which lead to my conclusion. The truth is, I could be wrong... I could be wrong about that and right about some of the other things that I've posted and have come to pass...I don't know. Many believe that Lisa may very well be alive and that the sightings of a man with a baby proves the Parents story she was in deed abducted....Maybe so....I see & feel it differently though. If Lisa did put the baby to bed with clothes, why did she have none on, unless the perp took them off so that no one would recognize the clothing? But still, wouldn't he wrap a live child in something? anything to keep her warm in 45 degree, night weather? No, I keep feeling that he was the man who took her FOR Deborah....not FROM Deborah. Hopefully I'm wrong on this portion of the reading and this innocent baby is found soon, alive and well..... I'm just not feeling good about that though : (
ReplyDeleteAnd Catherine, if you would like a reading, please post it in my "request a reading" section and outline what you are wanting. And thanks to everyone who is posting such good things. I'm not used to getting any feedback at all, much less positive feedback. It helps me to continue my mission and feel good about doing it. thank you, everyone! Stephanie (PS) I've received everyones request for readings and have published them....just be patient : ) I am working on them and have posted 2 of them so far...Steven Koecher - who's missing and a women's named Marina. Feel free to read them. And everyone make sure to join/follow my site. : ) Share it also. the more it's seen, the more I may be able to help.
I have been following this story which has been on the news every day and baby Lisa is so beautiful - a perfect little angel...your vision as to what happened makes sense...coincides with the mother's reaction when her husband called 911, to the mother being drunk that night...I have been reading alot of psychic readings on this case and all of you mention WATER. I am very disheartened to think the baby passed over. Like others I wished that Lisa was alive.
ReplyDeleteI hope she's alive too... I have not read a lot of other psychic's readings....I don't want my thoughts to be jaded or persuaded away from what I see or feel.... I know I feel water...I feel it as in her drowning....but also as a source which is near her.... I am not getting though that she is in water? For some reason... I feel the earth - like she's either buried, partially buried, out in the open, but hidden, etc.... but not sure on that.
ReplyDeleteI know this will be speculauion but mom put Lisa in bathtub. Mom laid down for a sec and passed out. Woke up to Lisa drowned. Took Lisa out of tub and put diaper on her and the man that was sighted was taking Lisa away to bury her. I sure hope not. I live about 10-15 mins from Mom and Dad. I have such a heavy heart like so many people hoping the outcome will be joyious and not heartbroken.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I saw...? Whether mom was passed out, or just drinking and time got away from her? But either way - Sad, Huh?
ReplyDeleteLike alot of people, were all looking for answers to bring this beautiful baby girl back to the family that loves her and that will protect her.
ReplyDeleteIm so glad I came across your blog. Like all of you this case has been on my mind every day and I check several times a day for any new developments. I wanted so much to believe that the parents had nothing to do with what happened. It makes it so much harder for the people that actually do have children missing to NOT be looked at as suspects. I do believe whatever happened it was an accident and she just panicked but she would have been in far less trouble admitting that it was just a terrible, terrible accident than lying. Thanks for your insight and keep doing what you do.
ReplyDeleteThank you....I'm trying to avoid the news re: what's going on? Have there been any updates yet? I wish they would resolve this. HaLeigh Cummings case almost killed me! And still... she's "lost".....and everyone got away with it. At least they're in jail for something....
ReplyDeleteAnyway, IF I'm right, and the guy spotted on video is a "helper" and not "abductor".....and my image of him starting out of the house around Midnight with Lisa, and deciding it was too early, too many people still out and returned back to the house (lying that poor baby on the floor in Deborah s would make more sense to me now...I never trust 100% everything I "get" and so, I couldn't figure out where in the world he would have been during the 4 hour period, between his first sighting around midnight (with a baby) until the 2nd sighting about 4am (with a baby)......That's 4 hours and google map showed the "walking" distance between the two locations to be about 3 miles....with about an hour and 15 mins of walk time....and that would be if he walked all the road areas, which he didn't, or would have been spotted more than twice by actual persons....So, assuming he cut through wooded areas, etc...well say the walk took anywhere from 1.5 to 2 hours, TOPS....that would leave over an hour, close to 2 hrs unaccounted for...and he's not going to just hang out with a baby - whether he'd abducted her or not. ESPECIALLY if I'm correct and she was deceased. So, the 2:15 sighting on camera, of what appeared to be the same guy the others saw with a baby, coming out of the wooded area, from BEHIND (near) Lisa's house, and then walking towards the area he was spotted at around 4am, is about right with's just a puzzle, once the pieces all come together, it will be clear and they'll solve this....
I just had one of my "thoughts"....the fire in the trash..... that wasn't lisa's stuff.... It was the shirt (clothing)? of the man who carried her away. He didn't want to have anything on him with her smell....just in case. He had nothing of Lisa's to burn with him...not even a blanket. It all stayed at the house. I don't know what made that thought enter my wondering brain.... Have there been any reports detailing what was or wasn't found inside the burning trash container?
ReplyDeleteThe only things i saw is the family not liking the natioanal attention and now there is a debate with the cadaver dogs. My ipad doesnt have an adobie player so thats all i know. Im going to search for the fire in the trash. I think i read something on it.
ReplyDeleteThanks.....I just finished a reading....and I am waiting for her to post a response to it on here...But, she is in tears. I hate when I hit it right on and people cry! : ( Hopefully they're happy tears. Anyway, she wants to talk to me face to I will check back on here after she calls me and so forth. Thanks for your help.
ReplyDeleteI just rememberes that the LE had taken a blanket, disney shirt, shorts t, blabket, a glow worm toy and tape and a tape dispenser out of the parents home.
ReplyDeleteThen if the cadavor dog had a " hit" on the bedroom carpet, was a sample taken of some sort or why didnt they cut a piece out?
The only thing i can find about the burned clothes in the dumpster is all speculation of being Lisa's.
ReplyDeleteDid you have any feelings in regards to what the boys know?
Also when LE had the search warrant, they took a large carpet out but the carpet was still in the D&J's bedroom. Where did it come from. Was it apart of the investigation? Any thoughts?
Im sorry if Im asking to much or bugging you. I know you have other people to take care of .Just want to know.
I just heard on a commercial that db and ji are going to let the police interview the two younger boys. It's about time. Why would they wait so long.
ReplyDeletePower of suggestion is very strong with little kids. When they hear something over and over, they believe it. Perhaps the parents needed to be 100% they heard or saw nothing....and instill in the children how "grief stricken" they were and how they can't believe someone stole their baby.....otherwise, idk. The clothes could be lisa's and the guys.....but I do feel like it was to rid clothing of any lisa / deceased smell that any dogs may pick up on. The carpet they found outside, and took it, I am sure just to be sure......Right now, they don't know what to think and believe that anything and everything is possible and they want to leave no stones unturned.....Knowing it may be the last chance they have to get what they needed from the house, they probably took more than they even needed......I think the boys are going to say they know and saw nothing, really - other than hearing mom and dad screaming for Lisa....But we'll see. I think they're "convinced" that's what happened also. They maybe able to give some telling info re: who was or wasn't really at the house. Kids can be coached to lie but in the face of punishment or fear of the law, they easily crack......(I worked in LE, specifically with teens at a school district)
ReplyDeletePerhaps the rug (carpet) they took from the house, was actually a duplicate piece of carpet on top of the existing carpet? IDK? I generally do tarot readings when a person ask for just a general "life" reading....yet it never fails someone, a spirit around / close to them still comes through and helps me...But, anyway, I think I'm going to ask all the spirits together to help me in pulling the tarot, revealing cards that are telling and help me get to some more answers? Can't hurt....I will post what I get ASAP.....
ReplyDeletethe carpet came from a shed out back and the lawyer had said very little has been taken from the house and that was surprising. there was a walk through with the lawyer and she showed the parents bedroom and it makes no sense that they would not take the section of carpet to secure it and actually the carpet was intact so either the baby was laid there like you said or they would have had to move all the furniture to pull the carpet back in order for her to be hidden under the floor. I also just read that they want to interview the parents separately and also they have said they interviewed the man in the picture several times however the couple who live a couple houses down said that that man was not the one they saw....they said he was tall and appeared bald
ReplyDeleteFYI - "Diane" Your request is in the Reading Request Page. I will do it as soon as I can. Please, if you will, join my page. Once your reading is done, You will see a posting with your name on this page.... Thanks
ReplyDeleteThank you....I'm trying to get all of the ones who have already asked on the Request a Reading page done..... I promise, NEVER did I EVER believe there would be a day that ANYONE, mush less a bunch of people would ever embrace, believe, and have good things to say to me as you all have and I can't tell you how much encouragement you guys have all given me to keep this up. From the bottom of my hear - Thank you, Stephanie (JUST PLEASE, IF YOU WILL, JOIN MY PAGE....SHARE IT ON YOUR FB PAGE, TWITTER, ETC...AND SEND MY LINK TO YOUR EMAIL CONTACTS....THAT WOULD BE GREAT. : )
ReplyDeletekpnfaith....First, I believe what LE says and almost nothing the Attorney says...Not because I think he's bad, but because he's going to say anything and everything that is in the best interest of the Family he is he should. I do think I remember at one point hearing the carpet came from outside....but who knows how reliable that was....I do also remember a person, (News)? showing that the carpet in the room was still intact....Perhaps they only needed "snippings" of the top portions of the carpet where the dog hit on for testing. I mean, seriously- They're not going to move all the furniture out, and remove an entire room of carpet....No need - a "sample" is all that is needed.....So, it makes it appear to the public, "hummm...must have been rumor or a false hit? The carpet is still there" Again, helping to take suspicion away from the parents and back onto an intruder. The carpet roll everyone saw them take from outside, was taken for a good reason, I am sure...we're just not being told why - And I don't know why either?? Can't figure it out, but theres a reason....
ReplyDeleteGood work lovely! I'm in UK following the case and yours and my thoughts have been along the same lines. You've helped to link some thi-gs together for me. Keep it up hun.
ReplyDeleteI really have enjoyed ready your blog and I for one do believe that people can have your "gift", one that it so special and I am so glad to see you use your gift in helping others. Those that cut you down or your gift down should be completely ignored as your gift is something that is so wonderful that the unbelievers or more than likely jealous than a non-believer. Keep up the good work and I plan on following your blog and will post it on my facebook page as well.
ReplyDeleteHi Stephanie. I am super impressed with your insights, I joined so I can hear more.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work. No wonder everyone wants a reading from you! Consider me standing in line at the requests page
FYI- Please read my post "Look at my house, OMG" Thank you
ReplyDeleteStep - update on Lisa Irwin Case -
ReplyDeleteKansas City police are searching a small lake at Chaumiere Park in the Lisa Irwin case.
Pat - Thank you! God - Please let them find that baby. I hate to pray for such, but I don't want this to become a circus like HaLeigh and Caylee's cases did and go on for years.... Ya know? If Lisa has in fact passed away - I want justice for her like yesterday. Ya know? Where is that lake? I guess I will go ahead and google search it. BTW- I've finished your reading....I'm trying to sort out everything I "got" so I can post it. you've still got to wait! Lol : )
ReplyDeleteI have an 8 month old daughter and I prayed and prayed for this precious little baby to be alive, It is really sad that people have such little regard for human life, I still pray she is alive and will make it home safe.
ReplyDeleteBTW- Here's a fact - Most missing person's, found deceased, around found within 5 miles of where they were abducted from. (Just thought I'd share some of LE knowledge with you!) That being said, I just googled directions from Lisa's house to the Wooded Park area / Lake...It shows to be 6 miles. (Close enough) Walking time: about 2.5 hours (If I'm looking at the right place on map?) BUT - my "thoughts" are telling me....Lisa isn't there. I also bet that the parents will not do a sep. interview - NO WAY...and to be honest, I'm surprised they're allowing anyone to interview the Boys (Lisa's brothers) Hopefully they're over confident in that neither boy saw/heard anything, and hopefully one of them did! I'm not giving up either on trying to "get" info. re: where she is! NEVER
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to post a map of two area I maintain I believe this baby could be found...I know that one of the areas have been searched 2 times....I don't know if the other area (wooded are with "water") to the right of the first wooded area has been search?? I think I'm going to post another Posting so I can put the maps on there...
ReplyDeleteThe news said no luck on the search for Lisa today.
ReplyDeleteI think you are so right Stephanie. I think that if the little girl is sadly gone, then hopefully they find her and make it right. The whole trial with Caylee was the most disgusting thing in the world! It breaks my heart. If the parents are not involved (which I highly doubt) then hopefully they will be proven innocent and if they did do it, then they should be punished!
ReplyDeleteNothing found in that pond they searched. I hope they find this baby alive and well. I am just so torn. Idk what to think right now!! How can she just disapear? Who the heck would take her?? Just so frustrating!
Your right. Just on the news - parents are not allowing the boys be interviewed.
ReplyDeleteThe old Sam’s Town! It’s at 210 and 435 right on the river. Once a riverboat casino, now out of business.
It is 1.3 miles from the Baby Lisa’s house.
Everything being described here made me keep thinking about this place. It's been out of business for years but the building is still there. ... VTrODkCW0#! On that link a man drives from the dumpster, to the Irwin's, and goes into Sam's Town towards the end.
It's not mapped. You'd only know what that building is if you've ever lived here.
ReplyDeleteYour insights to this case have me on the edge of my seat!
I am so interested in your ability. If and when you have time would you please e-mail me, I have many questions for you!
Thanks! Katie beeh
Here's the map you're referring to....You can still cut through the same area of woods...I couldn't get the link to You tube to work?
News update - familys local atty \ Cyndi Short
ReplyDeleteHas been fired.
Just read where a phone call was made with one of their cell phones. they interviewed a girl who said she got a phone call but does not know who was on the other end and she doesnt know the family. why would they fire the attorney? Calling off the questioning and now this....Its not looking good im afraid.
ReplyDeleteI'd really like to know who the recipient of the call was...Probably just a random call and hang up, again to throw people off...(location of ping).......Then again, I wonder who her"boyfriend" is, and if she was w/him that night? Still think there's a text....maybe it was a call asking her to pick him up.....maybe not
ReplyDeleteOh what a tangled web we weave........ I think they should look into her bf, maybe.....?
Misty, Ron (especially), Tommy, etc..grew up in lives full of drugs $ criminal activity.........They, I can see pulling off a crime as such...But Deb......not so much and I think there's a trail to follow, clues already found, and only a matter of time before the police piece it together and finally find lisa.
ReplyDeleteKANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Moments after private investigator Bill Stanton returned to Kansas City to see the family of missing 11-month-old Lisa Irwin, the family left a relative’s home in a convoy of vehicles with Stanton.
ReplyDeleteSteph I think you have a great gift.. This has all been so interesting. So glad i was linked here. I will keep returning for follow ups. I would also like a reading will send you my info
ReplyDeleteI have further insight into that call...but am desperately trying to finish up some readings..will post later. Any new news on Lisa?
ReplyDeleteIve been checking..nothing since the family left with the private investigator in a convoy a couple of days ago. :(
ReplyDeleteThe only new news I read was that a woman named Tina Porter who had her children missing for 3 years and who's husband finally led police to their bodies showed up to lend her support and was turned away. They called the police on her. Then the parents were taken away by Bill Stanton to an undisclosed location. No one can understand why they would fire cyndy Short as she is supposed to be an excellent Attorney. Tina Porter said when this is all done and over the family will have a very hard time getting any support from the community.
ReplyDeleteI am so impressed with all you have said and hope and pray this little baby is found soon. Keep up the great work and can't wait for your next post.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog, I believe there are truly people who have amazing insight. I have followed the case and read the facebook post over "theories" of what happened to the poor child. But drowning is a new one and I think you have hit the nail on the head. Like you I believe Lisa is no longer living. While I don't believe DB intentionally killed her child I do believe she is responsible for her death. As a mother of 2 myself I can say without a doubt that I would NEVER place one of my children in harms way....although I have been told that I am too overprotective of them. I just hope they find this baby soon, the thought of her being out there is breaking my heart.
ReplyDeleteThank you to everyone who's reading and even following my Blog....All your input on this baby's disappearance is so helpful and awesome. No matter what I "see, get, hear" doesn't mean that I'm 100% correct....I'm only "interpreting, the best I can, what I "get" and there's plenty of room for error. So, thank you - keep posting - and I will post as soon as I pick up anything else....Steph -
ReplyDeleteAlso- I'm curious on why the "tina" person would go to the family offering help...what help could she possibly offer them or know? Also, I had felt that the person who help Deb with taking Lisa away from the house - Did make a call with Lisa's phone (or rather a text) when he was finished and needed a ride from a "meeting place" -hence around the area a man was spotted leaving a wooded area....? I felt a text was use to show ping location, but not reveal who they were texting or what was said...and if a call was make, which it appears it was...and the receipient is saying she has no idea who or why they called - (like it was just a hang up call) I can't see them just randomly picking a number out of thin air.... They could have accidently chosen a number of someone that lived near Lisa's home for all they knew...No, this is someone who knew this lady, knew where she lived - which would be NORTH I believe of Lisa's home - and it was intentional.....The lady also knows the person who called her, whether she's telling the truth or not re: "not knowing them" because she didn't know Deb. or Deb's #, may be....or may not be true.....due to the fact that perhaps she didn't know that whoever was calling her had connections to Lisa (hence boyfriend, or boyfriends friend, etc..etc..)And this was perhaps someone Deb had "relations" with..... I think there's a large web of lies and deceit going on here and if they can connect whoever made the call to the "lady" with Deb....and then check HIS cell records.....much will be revealed. That's my gut - It's possible that he even made a quick call to "lady" be it gf, friend, etc...asking for a quick ride and said they'd explain later...? IDK - But I just find the entire thing very odd...........WHO MADE THAT CALL? What's the recipients BF'S name? His friends? Originally, I got a Don/Donald....I'm hearing Mike/Michael/Micah....ummmm, Randy/Randall.....As in female type names, I'd gotten another R name, Like Rachel, Rashell....? I'm picking up now a Samantha - Savannah (hard to decipher, so I just put them all!) Doesn't hurt - Fixing to hit post...and heard "Bubba" WTH like I said, very, very hard to pin point a location...But if I can lend any help in pin pointing POI's, suspects - then that will lead to Lisa. - God Speed- Please! (I stated earlier that most missing person's are found (if deceased) within a 5 mile radius of their home...I'm gonna put together a map showing a 5 mile radius and work on that and see if anything jumps out to me - OR ANY OF YOU...I will post in on the map section once I finish. Steph
ReplyDeleteWhen tuning in to this case, it feels as if the baby has passed before she was put into water. I see a river and a deliberate intent to "weigh" her body down.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I go to get a reading on here??
ReplyDeleteSteph - Tina Porter is from my area. Her children were kidknapped by their dad. He wouldnt tell anyone where he took his son and daughter. Eventually, they were found dead. So sad.
ReplyDeleteI think Tina Porter thought she could just lend support to the family since she had been through it. Her heart was in the right place however it would be strange to have someone walk up to your door at night she probably should have called or left a letter with her phone number anyway she did not make a scene so calling the police was a bit extreme. I was wondering if perhaps the father got home a little early and found the baby deceased and the mother passed out and he panicked setting the baby on the floor and trying to revive her. Could he be the one that was spotted walking around with lisa just maybe in a daze or fog trying to figure out what to do with her...One of the witnesses said the person was tall and appeared to be balled....the father is tall and has no hair on the top. I dont know just throwing that out there. I can just see the mom putting her in the tub and passing out and the father finding her and just had no idea what he should do....he could have thrown away the cell phones also. Its just so sad because I do believe they loved her very very much and it was just a horrible accident. I dont understand why the mom said she last saw lisa at around was it 6:30? Wouldnt the baby need fed? no baby goes to bed that early and who did she think was going to be watching her children while she got that intoxicated? she was very defensive about the drinking and said that she didnt see anything wrong with it when it was mommy I have 4 children and none of them have ever gone to bed that early and yes its fine to have a drink or 2 but not to get drunk and not taking care of your children. All of my babies that age at least had a bottle much later than 6:30 before going to bed. the name of the woman who received the phone call was Megan Wright and it was about 2:30a.m not sure what her boyfriends name is
ReplyDeleteSteph - I am not usually a big beliver in readings but there is something about you that gives me the chills.. in a good way :) I have been following the Lisa Irwin case from Iceland since day three and I had so many questions that didn´t ad up and you just made everything fit somehow. I hope the police find Lisa soon and give her closure.
ReplyDeleteI'VE GOT A VERY GOOD POINT AND SOMETHING TO CONSIDER........W H O IN THE H.E.double L would risk walking around with a "REAL" DEAD BABY? IMO, no one!!! I believe, that if we take Deborah's statements, and facts that have been proven, incorporate mine and even other psychic/medium readings indicating that Baby Lisa is in fact deceased and that it did happen in the home (regardless of how each of us believe it happened or even where that poor baby is now) we have a very different, realistic scenario.......
ReplyDeleteFIRST, Deb gives a time of last seeing Lisa / putting her to "sleep" at 10:30pm; only to change her time closer to 7:00pm (BIG DIFFERENCE!) We KNOW she was at the store with a male (she says her brother) around 5:00pm buying wine, DIAPERS, and WIPES......Jeremy indicated that he was home w/all 3 kids while she was at the we know he doesn't work 12 hour if he arrived home at 4am....Let's assume he left work around 3:30-3:45..Let's just say his work hours were 7pm - 3am and he worked some overtime....who knows....OR he works 10 hour shifts and worked from 5:30 to 3:30am or even 6pm - 4pm...(more plausible) indicating that he left for work as soon as Deb returned from the store......So, Deb and "someone" start drinking wine around 6:00....Lisa's fussy cause she doesn't feel well....Deb tries lying her down (6:40ish) but it's so early, she won't sleep.....Sometime between then....and say 7:30, she gives her medicine to relieve her symptoms and also make her sleepy.....and puts her in the bathtub to play (babysit / keep her happy.....sticking to my beliefs that Lisa drowned) so Deb can continue her activities. Older Boys...probably in room playing video games, whatever.....It's dark outside now too........Deb continues drinking with friend and sometime between.....well say.....8pm-9pm, Deb either remembers or one of the boys find - (either way) Lisa lying in the bathtub, asleep......She's removed from the bathtub and placed on the carpet beside Deb's bed (boys told to go to room or during the chaos, if they didn't know what was going on, to stay in their room) In any case - Efforts are made to revive Lisa, unsuccessfully..... LOTS of chaos and freaking out going on......While they're debating how to handle what's happened, Lisa remains on the floor, with a blanket, as if she's sleeping to anyone (the boys?) who may see her.....The boys are told at some point, go to bed. After concluding that Deb (if not both people) could be in serious trouble, not to mention what it would do to her marriage, her other kids, etc.....there was just NO way she was calling 911 - and the planning began on how to handle/stage the abduction - and even how to throw off the police, neighbors, Jeremy, making phone calls from locations with Debs spotted around with a man and baby, etc.....All elaborate plans........
SO- everything's worked out on what and how they will do what - While Baby Lisa has been "sleeping" on the carpet next to Debs bed for about 2 hours....
"......One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognize a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there. In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.
Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signaled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy....... The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation......"
SO- Now we go with Deb's time, initially given of the last time she saw Baby Lisa - around 10:30 - I believe she was taken away from the house then......While he was gone, DEB made sure she got everything ready, cleaned, etc...and when the male finished, he returned to complete the plan that was made to conceal / deceive everyone in time, etc..... Which is when he left the residence with a human size "doll", a back pack with diapers, wipes, and a fresh change of clothes, and maybe even baby clothing, and all the cell phones - (this way, even if someone questioned him - he wasn't doing anything wrong.....he only had a baby doll....right? he may be weird, but not "criminal") He was first seen around 12:15 when he left the residence........(A) on map...Heading toward Chouetau abandon house and woods to dispose of back pack with diapers and wipes and even some older, soiled diapers from trash which would have Lisa's smell?? (15 min walk...10 mins to dispose and then 15 min walk back, cutting through streets near Chelsea, where he was again spotted, "man with baby" around 1:00am..... I think this sighting, for some reason detoured him and he returned to the house.......telling Deb that he's being seen too much in the neighborhood with baby, etc...after discussing and arguing about it with DEB (commotion boys could have heard, one of them waking and possibly going into Lisa's bed) He got a bag of some sort to put the baby in (concealing it from anyone else, until HE wanted to be seen with it, away from the house....otherwise, there would have been more sightings of a man and a baby walking....Don't you think?) And he left again around 1:30 ish ....and headed towards trash dumpster (walk time 10 mins, arriving a little before 2am - before setting fire, he changed clothing? in wooded area behind dumpster, whatever?? and at about 2am - a little after, disposed of clothing, etc....(not cell phones) and set them on fire, completely....and then headed towards location man was spotted on video with baby in bag/sack.....making a call from DEBS phone at 2:38, and then heading towards last seen location, probably hiding cell phones / destroying them somewhere in between.........being seen one last time with baby.......and then destroying, hiding, burying, ? it - and going home - While Lisa and Jeremy are home, looking for Lisa and ultimately calling 911. All new maps on the Lisa Irwin Map Page
Megan, huh? I got some M of them being Michah...??? just a thought...Wonder where she lives? How old she is? etc....
ReplyDeleteI was surfing the web to see what maybe some other psychics from a page I sometimes have posted on...and I found this...(look at my post from today at 1:16 above)
ReplyDelete...I feel like the name Randall (or like Randall) is related. Uncle or Uncle like man, closer to Jeremy Irwin the man I see wears glasses high thin hair line, dark hair with some grey, about 5'11"-6'2", not obese but heavy set, thinking spare tire belly. He looks like a mechanic, blue dickies, white tank undershirt and blue shirt. He hunts. I feel like this is the man that physically took Lisa out of the house.....
I just read that another psychic with the name Arachne told police that she did a reading using the tarot cards and a card representing law enforcement was upside down indicating the police have no clue. She said the focus should be outside of Missouri and search in Arkansas or New York. she claims Lisa is ALIVE and someone who is not connected to the family but has been inside the house has taken her.....Someone who blends in like a handyman. I also read on a facebook post about a 911 call made at about 9:30 that night claiming blood curdling screams in the area?????? I could not find any info on that so may not be true
ReplyDeleteI finally put together a connection. OMG - and it fits with everything I've been saying...Look at the Map Postings on this Blog...for Lisa -
ReplyDeleteHere are a few more weird things I found...The girl megan who said she received a 50sec. phone call from one of the Irwin's phones but she acted like she did not answer it well who did was her phone in her pocket and it lasted 50 seconds thats a long time. also she said she did not know them and had never seen the baby until the news but she also said her and her EX boyfriend were walking around that neighborhood on that night...fishy sounding dont you think? Also the mother and father when telling what happened that night said they went to call 911 and thats when they discovered all the phones missing but later they said none of the cell phones worked because they had not paid the bill....ok then why were they going to call 911 with them? thats how they figured out they were missing. Also if the phone was shut off how did megan get a 50 second call at 2:30 a.m I also ran across a radio program ( i think ) and it was said that someone asked Bradly if they were being paid to avoid local reporters and he said no and the person then asked why wont you talk to us then and they said " we are grieving" Poor choice of words or freudian slip? Last thing do you think the interview with the kids was called off because they could not follow a script?
ReplyDeleteMegan Wright is a member of a gang called The Juggalettes. That's her Myspace. That is her Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteUpdate - police now going to search for baby Lisa where the man said he saw a man walking with a baby.
ReplyDeleteIts a 48th and. Randolph.
ReplyDeleteActually to answer a question someone posted about who the He!! would be seen carrying around a dead baby there was a case mentioned online not long ago of a mom who killed her baby in a fit of drunken rage and wore him in a baby carrier for the better part of the next day until people noticed he wasn't just "sleeping" and that there was blood on his clothes. Hey what can I say some people are buckets of crazy and stupid.
ReplyDeleteAll along I have felt that the sighting of a man carrying around a baby was key to solving the case just not in the way everyone was hoping at first. As a mom I kept thinking a baby wearing nothing but a diaper in 45 degree weather would be fussing at least if not outright crying at the top of her lungs from the cold and being woken up at that hour and finding herself in the arms of a stranger. The only way I could make this scenario make any sense is that it wasn't a live baby that it was either little Lisa and she was already deceased and someone was hiding the body, or it was a doll and someone was trying to give supporting evidence to a claim of abuction.
Some things about the parents just seem really off to me. They avoid saying Lisa's name and refer to "her" or "she" when talking about Lisa something that points to guilt. They use we or him/her when describing events that are supposedly memories and should be refered to in the context of I or me another indication of lying. And last but not least they've stated that they are "grieving" um that's one heck of a Fruedian slip right there.
If by some miracle my gut instinct on this is wrong and it was an abuction the kidnapper would have to be the luckiest criminal on the planet because they sure weren't too smart about the kidnapping. Besides there are much easier ways to abduct a baby such as from a mall or playground. it just seems highly unlikely that they would luck up and find the only house where mom is passed out drunk, the baby doesn't cry, the phones aren't working, the family dog and the neighbor's dog don't bark, the siblings sleep very soundly, and dad is out working late. A home where they can break in a window grab the baby, wander around flipping on lights and opening doors, and stealing cell phones with out anyone human or canine waking up. They seriously expect us to buy this highly unlikely story...really?
I think you're doing an awesome job, please keep it up! I've always believed in these abilities and think it's wonderful you are using your gift to help people.
ReplyDeleteIn response to one of your posts above, I believe the neighbor Deb was drinking with that night is named Samantha!
I'm going to try to quickly respond to the questions on this Blog, the map/Lisa Blog - And FYI, I've received everyone's reading request..WOW.... FIRST-
ReplyDeleteC.P. said...
Where do I go to get a reading on here??
October 30, 2011 1:59 PM
I had the free reading site opened back up last night and 1/2 of today...Had to shut it back down, for good due to the amount of request. I'm sorry -: ( You can still get one - There's just a fee now.... If you decide you want one, there's instructions under "REQUEST A READING" Thank you -
Pat E said...
Update - police now going to search for baby Lisa where the man said he saw a man walking with a baby.
October 31, 2011 5:08 AM
Pat E said...
Its a 48th and. Randolph.
October 31, 2011 5:35 AM
Thank you Pat..Keep me updated! : )
Anonymous said...
I think you're doing an awesome job, please keep it up! I've always believed in these abilities and think it's wonderful you are using your gift to help people.
In response to one of your posts above, I believe the neighbor Deb was drinking with that night is named Samantha!
Thanks! If that's true, then since I picked up that leads me to believe that Samantha may know more than she's saying...or some parts of this revolve around her in one way or another......
OK- Going to the Map Blog.....I'm also going to TRY to get Venessa, Stephanie, and Dianes readings posting TODAY - Have to go Trick-o-Treating with my kids around 6-7 ish... So, ?? But I'm trying. Thanks everyone!
Steph you are one amazing woman! Be sure to take time for yourself! Have fun trick or treating tonight.
ReplyDeleteWELLLLLLLLL- This is a very interesting fella, friends with Megan on FB and apparently assoc. with the same gang....Check out his "INFO" page on FB....where he says he has no problem taking a life. I hope he don't come lookin for me! Lol...I've got weapons and an excellent shot! ;)
Anyway, reports are saying that Jersey was her ex-boyfriend....? (John Tanko) Which would explain her being in the neighborhood? Right....
He is a scary fella. I read down his page and although he acts like he's a bad a-- I did see that he has a soft spot for abused animals and the elderly so He probably is soft on the inside for defenseless people or animals. I get the feeling he would harm someone that harmed a baby...What is your feeling?
ReplyDeleteI don't really think he's got anything to do with any of it either...I think it's just a good example of WHO Megan is.....
ReplyDeleteIf one of my children just disappeared - I'm not sure I would even be able to function anymore. I don't say that because that's how I think or expect Lisa, or any other mother who's child disappears...I say that from the actual experience & the feeling of not being able to find one of my children -When Trevor was like 5 or 6, we'd just moved into a new house we bought...I worked during the day and my husband was home with the kids & picked Trevor up from school...I got home around 4 everyday...and my husband went to work from 5pm to 1am....When I got home from one work one afternoon, my husband was getting out of the shower....I saw the 2 girls (about 8months & 22 months old then) in the play pen, in the my room, my husband in the bathroom getting dressed...I asked where Trevor was and he said he was suppose to be sitting in the Living room watching Power Ranger's eating a snack. HE WASN'T THERE....I quickly went through the rooms of the house, yelling his name - And was outside within 30 seconds at the top of my lungs screaming for him in the worst state of panic I have ever been in, in my entire life. I WAS SO FRANTIC AND SCREAMING SO LOUD, THAT IT WASN'T EVEN 1 MINUTE, & AT LEAST 10 - 20 NEIGHBOR'S WHOM I HADN'T EVEN MET YET, WERE OUTSIDE SEARCHING WITH ME. Not only that, one neighbor living next door, who we had met, sat in my living room with my girls while my husband was outside screaming and freaking out too....I didn't wait for even 3 mins. (if even that long) from the time I noticed he was gone & outside screaming, before I called 911. There was no calmness in my call - As a matter of fact, I was so frantically crying, I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth that my child was "gone"... And the 911 operator couldn't even understand me. I couldn't even say it...A neighbor took the phone from me and reported it. Every bone in my body felt as though I was going to die. In my case, fortunately, the neighbor behind us, but catty cornered, heard us screaming and came forward with Trevor. He'd gone out in the back yard to play - heard kids playing on the other side of the fence (wood fences) And went out the gate and into their back yard to play! When I saw him, I felt as though I was going to pass it from the adrenaline....I hugged him, Thanked the neighbors, then spanked his butt! The Police had a talk with him about leaving the house and not telling his parents...and the entire ordeal scared him so bad, hes never, ever done that again....Even today, at 16 - He tells me before he goes and does anything. SO, I can literally say I know - briefly - how "innocent" parents feel when their child can not be found -
ReplyDelete**oops - not, Lisa - I mean Deborah
ReplyDeleteAND ONE MORE THING TO SAY before I get off the computer and fix supper for family..... IF one of my children were missing, or we hadn't of found Trevor - If I had nothing to do with his disappearance, I would be so exact with times, etc...and the Police would not only be able to come in my home, search, and talk to me and my kids, a million times, any time they wanted...etc....In fact, I'd WANT THEM THERE! I would not want them to leave - EVER, until my child was found one way or another. Period.
ReplyDeleteI have had that feeling myself and although it was only a matter of min. it felt like an eternity. We had been at the beach and it was the morning we were leaving. We only had 2 children at the time now I have 4 anyway it was my family and my sister in law and her son,his wife and child so people were in and out packing the cars and so forth. we had been on the third floor and the building did not have any elevators so there was always someone coming up or down the stairs. I was cleaning up the condo and packing last min things and my daughter Emily who was just 2 at the time was following my husband and I said Hey Jon Em is following you so please make sure you are keeping your eye on her and of course he said ok....maybe 10 or 15 min later I noticed Jon and no Emily. I freaked and said where is she and he says "I dont know I thought she was with you" My heart stopped and I started running up and down the stairs and corridors. I thought I was going to die from my heart stopping and I was shaking and screaming. We had people looking in the parking lot and some looking out front where the ocean was only a short distance away. All I could think was DEAR GOD NO PLEASE NO. I found her in the next stairwell going up and down the stairs and like I said even though it may have only been minuets it seemed like forever. I felt sick after because I had so much adrenalin running through my veins and my legs were so shaky I thought I would just drop. I could hardly take the few min of my child missing and there is not a single thing I would not do to help find them including being interviewed alone AND having all my kids talked to. I would make sure My face was on every news channel everyday if thats what it took. If you did not have anything to do with it then you should not be fearful of being talked to alone or having your other children talked to. they may have a crucial piece of the puzzle. If they are afraid then why not have a child advocate in there someone who will be making sure the children are not getting stressed from repeated questions and the wife could have someone in there also...someone besides her husband. YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO....They were so worried that the focus would be taken of lisa and if the mother was arrested she feared they would stop searching for her baby. They are making this a nightmare. HOW can anyone help them if they refuse to cooperate. GUILT is written all over them. Its not normal to be that closed off unless you have something to hide. They are proving to poor little lisa that she is not their top priority. They are more worried about themselves and when you are a loving mother you NEVER put yourself first. I would lay my life down for any of my children. One other thing that concerns me is the lack of emotion the father showed. I dont know if its shock or what but he never changes his expression that I have noticed. I was wondering if maybe the mother could have actually put her in the bed with her and because she was so drunk and passed out could she have rolled over on top of her
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to buy a reading but your instructions say to email you before paying and I don't see an email link anywhere? Are you still doing paid readings? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry! I now have a send message area...Please do not "Set up a Meeting"...I will do that,just shoot me an email. Thanks so so so much!
ReplyDeleteOK- I just read an article posted by one of the news papers because no one has had any updates on Lisa posted....I found, SAMANTHA was the friend drinking with DEB - RANDALL is the Investigator assigned to the case - and MIKE is the man who picked Jersy out of a line up...There's my 3 names...Perhaps these are peson's who are/will be part of the puzzle / key to helping solve this case....??? In addition, Samantha says - ....At around 5:00, shortly after Deborah arrived home, (from the store getting wine and baby stuff) Jeremy Irwin left the house to report to the job at Starbucks. (A "side job" he took for extra$$) Netz (Debs brother) said goodbye to his sister and headed home......At sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, Samantha Brando, who lived next door, and her 4-year-old daughter arrived at the Irwin home to visit with Deborah Bradley. According to Brando, her daughter played with the couple's two boys as she and Bradley chatted. (Where was Lisa during this time? No mention of what she's doing?? Maybe it's because Lisa was already in the bath tub....cuz she was fussy - But there's no mention of her)
ReplyDeleteAt approximately 6:40 pm, BRADLEY (not Samantha) states that baby Lisa became fussy so she put the child to bed. At around the same time, Brando left the Irwin residence to purchase alcohol. (Maybe this is when Deb found Lisa in tub....still going with my original theory....But prob. not....I think she tried lying her down, like she said...But Lisa kept crying - so she gave her more medicine and put her in the bath to sooth her....being that she was prob. already drunk...she walked away, and just did her friend, Samantha) Brando states that she returned to the Irwin home at around 7:00 and she and Bradley sat on the front stoop, smoking cigarettes and drinking. According to her own admission, Bradley consumed between 5 to 10 glasses of wine that evening as the children played on.
By 10:30, Bradley stated that she was drunk and was going to bed. Brando and her daughter left the Irwin house and returned home. According to the source, Bradley claims she went to bed immediately afterward, as did the boys. Deborah Bradley states that she is unsure as to whether or not she checked on baby Lisa before retiring for the evening as she was heavily intoxicated. ((OK- SO- if the kids are all playing in and around the house, and Deb's on the front porch with Sam, NO ONE took Lisa OR the cell phones during that time from the "kitchen counter" ....And then we have the 8:30 phone call to the "house/cell phone" which was registered to Megan, but living in a house with 7 others - and that being the only phone - everyone supposedly used it. Who at that house did Deb call? She had the number on her hand....And Sam places herself with DEB when that call happened, although she never mentions the call..Was it to get drugs, or help because she discovered her baby?.....
I am so bummed that I cant respond on here when Im at work. I swore i saw someone post on here yesterday Samantha's name but when my husband and I got home from work, I forgot all about it. So sorry. I thought "ah..Samantha". :(
ReplyDeleteBrother's name Phil Netz. J & I met with their new atty.
ReplyDeleteNo it was reported that Mike didn't pick Jersey out in a line up. They are saying its not Jersey or Phillip Netz that the man picked, but however they won't reveal at this time who the biker picked in a line up on who he seen carrying a baby that night. But the reporter did find and talked to the local man that the biker believes was the one he seen carrying the baby, and said that it wasn't him.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to add that according to the most recent timeline that baby Lisa was seen both by the neighbour and neighbour's daughter at 4:30pm and 6:30pm just before she went to bed respectively.
ReplyDeleteNo Lisa updates/news? : (
ReplyDeleteFYI- Free Reading Request. I'm currently working on a reading for Ginger Re: Chad, and a MISSING PERSON reading request - Dana Jane Bruce. I'm hoping to have them posted either tonight or tomorrow....I will then start on all the new request (including the ones from the school district! I didn't forget about you guys!)
I seen this on facebook from someone who seen DB's uncle posted this about DB Mom... so they posted it on a Baby Lisa Irwin Update page and thought I would show it here now...
ReplyDeleteJustice for Lisa Irwin Johnny Chiaravallotti:
In 2001 , My sister Lisa passed away from a suspicious 'accidental drug overdose'. Lisa was the mother of Debbie , the mother of this missing 10 month old. This missing baby was named after her deceased grandmother. I am the Uncle of the mother (Debbie) of this missing child. My sister Lisa had 3 kids and was estranged from her husband , who was thousands of dollars behind in back child support and was living in Delaware close to his estranged wife and his 3 kids. He did not like it on the east coast. He was from Kansas City. My 36 year old sister mysteriously died from what they called an 'accidental overdose'. After her death , her estranged husband who owed thousands in back child support and didn't like living in Delaware anyway , took his 3 kids and returned to Kansas City. Debbie , the mother of this missing child , is one of them 3 kids. Now here we are 10 years after the mysterious and suspicious death of my 36 year old sister Lisa ... and the 10 month old baby who was named after her is missing. I have no been in contact with them for a few years so I don't know what's been going on in Missouri. But I will say that I have always been suspicious about my sister Lisa's estranged husband and whether or not he was involved in her death. He had plenty of motive. And he left Delaware very fast. Lisa's death looked like an accident so it was ruled an accident. But I know my sister and she was smarter than that. And her death occurred on the 10th birthday of her youngest son who found her dead in bed on his birthday. Is the disappearance of this child and the suspicious death of my sister connected ? Is this just a coincidence ? We have one Lisa dead and another Lisa missing. I love my niece Debbie , the mother of this missing child. And I have no idea who her boyfriend is. Nor do I know what was going on in their lives in the past few years. But I do know that I lost my sister Lisa 10 years ago and I will always be very suspicious about her death. Now this poor child is missing. I am curious to know if her grandfather was around.
Michael/Mike LeRette is the name of Deborah's uncle/cousin? and also one of their boys is named Michael. One of the parents let this slip in an interview when they said, "Why is Michael in bed with you?"
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
November 4, 2011 7:46 AM
Anonymous said...
Just an FYI in case it hasn't been mentioned before, but Deborah Bradley's brother Phillip Netz has been referred to as "BUBBA"
November 4, 2011 9:15 AM
So...the name I "got", "Mike" has relevance to Deb...and "Bubba" is what they call the two boys and "Michael" is also a name I "got", who is one of the "bubbas" to Lisa....Hummm....all important factor's in this case, IMO. Which is why the kids are not allowed any further interviews, YET - Unless the Police subpena it...which I suspect they will (soon)...Very sad too....That either of these boys have to go through any of this! Perhaps they need to also have a talk with Debs cousin MIKE also....I'm just sayin....As far as actively searching, I believe the PD believe they're spinning their wheels at this point - They're playing it smart and have more info. than the public knows.... They're next search will reveal evidence of some sort....Not sure it will in finding Lisa, YET, but very significant evidence which will lead to Lisa and POI's - possibly even an arrest may be made before Lisa's where abouts are finally revealed..... If the LE revealed to the public everything they knew, the criminals could cover tracks, etc..."To catch a thief, you become a thief" - is their motto - in general....Play their game - and see who starts sweating the most....(FYI..also, the drug OD story above, interesting...perhaps Lisa gave Lisa too much cold medicine, which caused her to "pass out"....still within my "bath-tub / drowning" "thought"...but, could be along the lines of was in bed (as Lisa stated) and accidental overdose?...I'm open to everything)
What is Deb's father's name, anyway? Does he live nearby?
ReplyDelete**Correction: I mean DEB gave Lisa too much...etc..NOT, Lisa gave Lisa....My mind is racing and fingers can't type and keep up with my mind!
ReplyDeleteThe only thing i heard is deb's new atty wasnt going to make any comments for abt a week or so. Outside of that, the news is just going over the stuff.
ReplyDeleteJust on the news - yes they are stll actively searching for baby Lisa. But really no update.
ReplyDeleteDoes it say where they're searching right now?
ReplyDeleteThe only thing they said was LeE was still actively searching for Baby Lisa. That they ( Im assuming LE) havent done any field searches in the area yet but then they would go back to Debbie Bradley not cooperating with the police even though their atty says DB & JI are cooperating.
ReplyDeleteHi..been reading your posts..This is what I get..The baby was sick and cranky mom wants to drink and have adult time..She gives baby cold meds..too much...anyone that has taken too much cold meds knows it upsets your stomach.. I think baby fell asleep aspirated on vomit..Mom finds her gone covered in vomit takes clothes off lays on floor next to bed..Maybe tries cpr..panics...has friend remove and take care of the body..I truly hope this is over soon and the boys get peace and baby Lisa gets justice..Hopefully I'm very wrong but I just don't get that feeling.
ReplyDeleteThis it only thing i found this morning on my Baby Lisa update that I have sent to me: Graves said investigators had not conducted any "large field searches" in the past few days, but "we're still receiving tips and following up on them."
ReplyDeleteThis was what was posted 2 hrs agp but police are not involved....People who live near the home where Lisa Irwin disappeared more than a month ago are planning a new search for the missing baby. KMBC 9's Justin Robinson reports.
ReplyDeleteSteph, this story hits too close to home for me. Almost 3 years ago my 8 year old daughter was kidnapped on her way home from school and killed. I know you have a lot on your hands doing readings and assisting in trying to find as much info on this beautiful baby. I was wondering if you ever have a moment, as I read in one of your posts that you can connect with the deceased, if you could do a reading for me?? Her name is Victoria Stafford. If your too busy, I understand. I have never had a reading before but would love to know if my baby rests peacefully. My email address is I will continue to follow your blog as you have incredible insight. Blessings to you and your family
ReplyDeleteActually I just checked my email address doesn't appear to be working. If your able to reply, could you please use Thank you Stephanie :) Also, I just read a comment that I had never considered earlier. The mother took in a stray cat that evening that her boyfriend was angry about. If the baby in any way had the scent of milk on her, what if the cat smothered baby Lisa and that's the huge conspirancy that DB and JI are trying to cover up. I know its a far out there idea but anythings possible at this point.I'm grasping at straws trying to think of what's happened. I know how it feels to not know where your child is and to feel helpless and hopeless. This story is so heartwrenching. Every moment I can't stop thinking about where this little angel baby is. I truely believe in the gift of psychics. Like I said, I've never had an actual reading but when my little girl was missing, ppl would email me tips and I'd write them all down. When we were moving I came across the book where I'd written down all the notes. It was incredible all the pieces of the puzzle that made sense after the fact.
ReplyDeleteI just hope that there are answers soon for the sake of this little girl. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for sharing your insight in this case Stephanie.e
Megan wright has brother Ronald.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry about your daughter & I emailed you.....No Lisa updates? Ive been steadily working another missing person case because of a dream.......Dana Jane Bruce
ReplyDeletedebs father's name is david netz jr
ReplyDeleteThis is a photo of David Netz and his Father who live across the street from each other in Independence, MO. (Deb's dad/Lisa's grandfather, Deb's Grandfather, Blake, Michael and Lisa) It was taken at the birthday party. Please let us know if you can get readings from these people that may help this case.
It hurts my heart to know that Lisa may not be found by her birthday. I half-hope this whole thing is a hoax abduction to gain fame and fortune because at least then she may still be found alive.
Check out justice for baby Lisa facebook...Ronald in pic just posted
ReplyDeleteRonald is not the accomplice, but the guy with him in the second pic posted.
ReplyDelete--- On Wed, 11/9/11, Pat E wrote:
ReplyDeleteFrom: Pat E
Subject: Baby Lisa
To: ""
Date: Wednesday, November 9, 2011, 2:20 AM
I dont know if my messages are going thru cuz Im not getting the note about: will post upon approval.
I heard that there was a 3 person at DB's house when the 2 girls were drinking. A new neighbor - Shane. Also the person who had Megan's phone - Dane.
You just exercised you psi abilities! Telepathy! I was just now screaming in my head...PAT!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you? I have not gotten updates on Lisa and/or seen you post! Clicked on my inbox and here was a message from you! ;) Shane and Dane huh? So Dane is our phone guy.....You want me to tell you why? He's a drug connection...... And that Samantha's BF/husband/whatever? If not, what's his name...Also, I've asked another lady/friend/blogger if she knew this...but I will ask you too....and Marina, you may have found out also....WHAT CEMETERY IS DEBS MOM LISA BURIED IN? I'm going to post your email and mine on the blog...if you still have trouble posting, let me know.
Stephanie Almaguer
"It isn't what you have, who you are, where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy, it is what you think about.”
Hello Stephanie, As I said I have tried to email you 6 times. Finally last night after losing the email again I felt it was more important than ever. I do not do readings or am I involved with anyone who does, but I have been following the Lisa Irwin case daily. I found a post in the Christian heald or whatever, I litterly reading anything and everything in this case. When I saw your Diary/reading and began reading it, I had a extremely horriable physical reaction. It started with my hands shaking and went on to my stomache flipping. The more I read the closer to throwing up I became. I was shaking my head not understanding why??? I got up slowly leaving your diary up and walked toward the back of our home. My husband immediately asked what was wrong and responded with give me a minute which is very unusal for me to do, because we share everything from jobs to spiritual views although he has been involved in searching what it was he felt the pull toward. He is a Reiki Master. He has worked on me many times mostly in need of help w/health. I have always been pretty centered in my belief system and am proably closer to it than I ever have been. As a matter of fact I really liked what you posted about Life after death I swear it was as if you exactly what my huband has said except for our connection with people we loved/knew will be different and although we will recognize and know them in many case we will all be very busy? and may not be with them like we were in Life. Soulmates will remain (my words not his but similar), (but not be necessasrly together at all times) (my belief is I will see the two children we lost that never formed past 7-8 weeks and so does he) and we will meet Baby Lisa there. I do believe many humans on this earth are very special in one form or another you I believe are one of them. My Grandmother being one she was special. When she was born she was born with a veil over her face, she was from Italy & born into the Catholic religon and stayed faithful throughout her life. I do not believe a church makes a difference in what kind of person you are. What makes us different is how we use the gifts given to us. I have been given the gift of Intution and an uncanny ability to remember what someone said to me one, two or three maybe more years word for word and bring it back to them. On most occassion when I think someone needs to remember those words I will tell them what they told me and the look and their face is stunned then ask is you remember what I said way back then. I usually smile. The intution in my younger years was to protect myself my gut would tell me the truth(and still does hence your blog) and when I went against the feeling it surely always ended in a very negative experience. Later it became a tool of my trade as I was an advocate for women who had children. As well as those children. I could go on and on telling you about me but that is not what I want to talk about, but felt you needed to know from me although I do believe you will know anyways. For some reason I feel I need to tell you what happened to me reading your diary on Lisa and using my ability to give you factu information. So back to the night I found you in a post. When I walked back out my husband and I discussed what happened when I read your post. Then I headed back to the diary. I realized the reaction was not your reading it was you putting the actions to my thoughts. From day one before the majority of people knew this was not what it appeared to be. I thought Mom was looking to pull public opinion as in Jury to her side with the Police were out to linch her. But she took it to far and it back fired. continued....
cont...from above -
ReplyDeleteThe man you read I felt their was someone else what I read the only one was Dad, but in the reports it was not adding up. I swayed back and forth as if he might have been involved after the fact. But that still did not feel right. The 4:10 sighting I thought he was lieing to get the reward. I am not so sure today. One of the witness said the man was bald in one of the sightings and I thought it might have been Dad after the fact because he had a receding hair line. I do not believe that Dad knew about the drinking when he left for work. I think there were problems with Moms drinking and in the beginning and she said to him before you go back to work I need to run to the store and pick up somethings for the baby diapers and wipes not wine. The reason I think this is because of two things one is original Dad did not expect to work that late that night. I think by writting that I may have made a connection. He my have made a call on the cell to tell her he would be late, he had a work phone from work but most folks do not make personal calls on work phones or originally I thought when she told the neighbor she was drinking with @ 10:30 she was drunk and needed to get to bed before Dad got home it would cause problems. I thought that is when she found the baby, and either called dad at work to confess and found out he was having trouble and would be real late giving her time to figure it out. The other reason I do not think Dad was involved at least in the beginning is when they reported the time table again. When Dad got home everything was on doors unlocked when he woke Mom and saw her condition he immediately ran to Lisa's room. Why???? And then to neighbors she was drinking with @ 4AM to ask if she had Lisa. If he did not know that when Mom drinks someone would take his baby to keep her safe. That is what I would hope as a parent, she said why would she be here. He called 911 outside on the work phone not inside where other phones were. Everything I have told you is through the facts I have read and I know some my be false but it is all in front of us my gut tells me more. Now here is the kicker I do not know if you have read this or not, I found it today but looks like a article yesterday. Three of the witness have picked out the same male in a photo (photo) Line up. It was the girl she was drinking withs boyfriend. Not Jersey as many thought I never thought it was him. At least I do not think it was her boyfriend. But he passed the lie detaker test. Girlfriend says and he proably did. So it put a piece for me together. Mom ran next door and both Moms were scared remember her 4 year old daughter they would loose their children if reported because of their drinking. You talked about a doll and someone asked but Lisa was to young for a large doll but not a four year old have you seen the size of the American Girl Dolls? I bought one for my Granddaughter last Birthday. I just felt I needed to tell you what my thoughts were as they are thoughts mixed with reports and what happened to me when I tried so hard to post. It may have been because of this last little bit of info you need to get futher I believe you can. Please let me know what you think. It is quite a odd brother seeking info on cemetary and responds day of Lisa gone. I do believe all things happen for a reason. But not always because of God as in Lisa or anyone who is abused. Human beings are not perfect we never will be we will always make mistake some more than others but God will put things in front of us and how we choose to respond to that situation is up to us. Karon
Got it, finally - (OH, and FYI- I believe the same about the afterlife....I believe that we are greeted by our loved ones, but we don't really "KNOW" them, we just know they are familiar, loving souls.....) Anyway - I had read about the man picking out the drunken neighbor's boyfriend/husband from a line up....Didn't know he was the man picked out by all the people who reported a sighting. 1 sighting / line up identification = "iffy" 2 sightings / line up identification on same man = probable but 3 = guilt IMO I posted that a Samantha was key to this in some way.....and later was informed that Samantha was the neighbor drinking with Deborah. I have a very hard time believing anyone, would walk the streets - from here to there for 3+ hours, carrying a deceased baby - which is why I believe it was a ploy to lead the Police and the Public into the kidnapping theory by seeing a man with a baby - to reflect blame away from the parents - the MOM specifically - and 2- to lead police in a certain direction that the "kidnapper" traveled - hence the call also......
ReplyDeleteNow- Megan Wright / Jersey.....I believe the connection here is drugs.....that being said, if Megan lives only blocks from the last seen location the witness reported at 4am....I believe that someone in that house also knows what happened...... I think around that house may be some evidence.....(small lake/pond) I think evidence was burned (clothing) and I think Lisa is somewhere between Megan's , the Irwin's, and the Cemetery off NE 48th (I think) I've thought she could have been buried AT the Cem., but didn't mention it because what's the point....LE will not take my words to heart, so I often feel as though I am spinning my wheels on these cases....Never the less, I know that I've found my purpose and will continue. I'm going to draw MY OWN map, and pull the Tarot later today....I will then post on my Blog anything new I "get" from either the reading from the cards....or from within. While I do this, if you wouldn't mind....Could you do some digging for me? (I'm SOO busy trying to finish some free readings.....I have 17 more free ones to do! OMG) If you could find the exact Cemetery that Lisa's mom is buried in, that would be great..... Thank you for writing me..... I will post my "new info" as quickly today/tonight as I can get to it. God willing, Lisa will be found and laid to rest very soon - (BTW.....that's the reason that the GF, Samantha, said that her and her husband were not getting along so he went to stay with a friend, sleeping on the couch....Perhaps he did......Perhaps it was a friend who lives where Megan does...(drug connection, I believe)..hence, the calling / texting ??? Just a thought I got while typing??? Perhaps the last thing they new, he WAS asleep on the couch, which provided his alibi....I don't know.........!!..until he left to go and help the drunk moms. Too many "coincidences" And you know what.......there are no "coincidences". I'm seeing LE searching either his vehicle / the GF (Samantha's) vehicle, etc....very soon, if they aren't already.
Ya know...even if MWright doesn't live in those apts. there at Lakewood, I still feel a strong connection to her, person(s), etc...involving that area and/or apts....I don't know what it is....Her only connection to the Irwins / via maybe through Samantha or Samantha's Bf/Husband could involve DrUgS.... However, the guilty culprit walking around town intentionally being seen with a baby through out the am hours of the night, also has connections with MWright or/and associates.....A lot going on - slowly being revealed. If you want to know who will crack first - I will tell you....It's Samantha - I believe she's done nothing more than "aid" Lisa in providing #'s, solutions, helpers, etc... If she don't crack - she'll be charged in the end with prohibiting the progress of an Investigation by with holding her knowledge and could even be charged with accessory.... that's a long time in jail to save someone's ass who would drop on her in a heart beat to save their own ass. IMO - I think her main concern is someone else she maybe turning on.... That's where her real concerns lye..... And still, another day passes, as Lisa is left, lost. I feel like kicking their axx myself! I'm at the point of pissed now.... If your baby lost it's life by accident - whether negligence on your part or not - f#@king be a responsible MOM now - and tell the truth for your baby. All she's done is make things 10,000 times worse - including the consequences when the police do figure it out - and they will. Deborah is bringing down a lot of other's with her...I wouldn't go down for her - No way in hell. - Going to do my new reading for her now....I won't be checking back in until tomorrow morning. good night everyone - :(
ReplyDeleteRe: Baby Lisa
ReplyDeleteWednesday, November 9, 2011 4:16 AM
"Pat E"
Add sender to Contacts
"Stephanie Almaguer"
Wow! When I i heard this Im like GOTTA tell Steph. I had hard time posting. I figured Dane was about drugs. Now, supposedly this Shane guy is a new neighbor. The girls yelled at him to join them. He didnt drink but was there for an hour a half. He said DB never went in to check on Baby Lisa while he was there. He noticed that Deb had gone in her house by 10:30pm
As for as Deb's mom..what is her name. Maybe i can check it out. Idk.
Well....Debs maiden name was NETZ...right? Her mom's name was Lisa Netz? I don't think she's remarried....not sure. You can probably google it, not sure? I will post more in the am...gotta go, flip some cards and get some rest. I'm exhausted...did like 3 free readings today and one mind is a mess! Lol -
ReplyDeleteHi Steph, Happy to see that you too focus on cemeteries right now..we are thinking Crowley or Rogers?
ReplyDeleteHope we'll find her soon, happy and sound ;-).
Great work!
Stephanie, I know there is a force working against me talking to you. I was in the middle of a response about what you needed and it all of a sudden jumped off of the page and I lost all I just wrote at least it was not very long and I am not stopping because I am not going to allow it. I will do the tracking. I am sure it will be fairly easy as we live in a world where there is not much privacy left (although they seem to cover for each other. I will do it AM. More facts of interest. Report on MW first she does not live in apartment and it is a little yellow house. A roommate came forward to say they all have our own cell phones, as well as the Twik Connect meaning/ not meaning out right saying the connect is TW. Also that TW call made to her cell was at 8:30 I thought it was 2am. Now Jersey was seen in the area sometime that day not nailed down timing. But if from drinking w/neighbor and I am sure there was problems around drinking??? It proably has happened before, because what father would run to the BL room after waking Mom and seeing she what condition then out the door to neighbors who mom was with drinking with asking at 4AM dialing 911 after on work phone outside were in all of this the story was he had to use his self phone because the others were shut down. Now back to MW & Jersey was who seen in the neighborhood during that day nothing nailed down. According to the report the call was made at 8:30pm thought it was 2am the report maybe wrong but and it was 2, but 8:30 sounds right cop a little get me back on my feet so hubby would not know and Jersey delerved it. Then mom needed to go to bed out of fear of prolems w/him. I have not, compiling all reports about him, but I think the possiblity he may have after the fact. Anyways went to the top of a suspect list proably 1-2 people down but right there. He was sighted when he was sighted. He may have come back and he also has alligation of Home Invasions, but why would you do that you could not get much to zero $ maybe drugs. I am sure not everyone in that neighbor falls in the same catagory. I will go back to article and check if all witnessed or better put the majority did pick Sams HB. One last thing the first time you wrote you said you did not feel like you were BL angel. just a thought could BLI be her mothers angel? I just cannot imagine a someone abuduting that baby would harm her she would never know the truth as she was so young. Truthfuly I believe this is an accident and I pray that I need drama in my life right now and that is why all of this absorbs me as it is, but I think not. Also I know people in much higher places are reading your blogs you maynot ge recognized but all of us who read what you write and even those not posting and are using info. Someone said to you on the surrvelence photo it looked like another man had a connection her. I have not looked at the photo, but a viable answer would be she got the phone No. of the dope man or woman and I saw in afew posts MW PH# on her had in the store many do not have things to write with. I will get back to you in towmorrow
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to ask how are you above the extreme stress you are under. I hope your family is understanding as you have been spending so much time and energy on this case? I do respect you and I wil pray tonight fot you and w/BLI
ReplyDeleteMy stress levels are very high, trying to get everyones readings done....It takes me a lot of time because I really try to understand and explain their cards in too much detail, I think...And my husband and family have gotten a little angry - But do understand...Once I finish the free readings, things will go back to normal...I don't get many paid request, so that's going well (as far as stress is concerned...) But, If it doesn't do better, I am soon going to be forced to obtain "real" f/t employment.... But that's ok... ;)
ReplyDeleteRe: Baby Lisa
ReplyDeleteWednesday, November 9, 2011 1:20 PM
"Pat E"
Add sender to Contacts
"Stephanie Almaguer"
This is what I found out - Lisa Ann Chivalette Netz, 36. She is survived by her husband of 16 years, David L. Netz, Jr.; 2 sons, Anthony and Phillip Netz both at home; 1 daughter, "Lil" Debbie Netz at home; her mother, Margaret Pretti Chivalette of Linwood; 2 brothers, John Chivalette of White Haven, PA and Vincent Chivalette of Linwood; 3 sisters, Cindy LeRette of Kansas City, MO, Debbie Shanko of Aston, PA and Kristin Mushinski of Linwood; many nieces, nephews and friends. Burial:
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Cemetery
Delaware County
Pennsylvania, USA
Debbie's mom passed away when Debbi (Deborah Lee Netz) was 15
years old. She passed in 2001.
Also found this:
Deb's Maternal Grandmother: Margaret Pretti Chivalette
Deb's Uncle: John Chivalette
Deb's Uncle: Vincent Chivalette
Deb's Aunt: Cindy LeRette
Deb's Cousin: Mike LeRette - Cindy's Son
You go...Investigative worrier.... thanks....Its a pretty safe assumption Lisa is not "with" her grandmother - meaning "buried" in the same Cemetery..... Still, I think she's close enough for Deb to visit - and I'm still leaning towards Cem....
Its only a 18 hr drive to the Cemetery where Deb;s mother is buried, she could very well be with the grandmother.
ReplyDeleteanything is possible....But consider who would've made that drive FOR Deb, with a missing/deceased child in their vehicle - The odds are, no one. This is the primary reason most missing person's who've been found, deceased, are usually only within 5 or less miles from the home/place they were at. No one wants to be caught, red handed, driving with someone who has passed away by the means of them self or another. Wouldn't you agree. That's the belief within LE anyway - based upon years of case studies, criminology, and the facts and outcomes of such crimes.... We know that Deb, her husband, brother, etc...didn't travel - But, like I said, you never know... Stupid people do stupid things...if they didn't, none of us smart people would have anything to discuss! ;)
ReplyDeleteMuch of what has been seen (revealed) has been illusionary tactics for diversionary purposes. Yet, the real answer lies within the emotional realms of a mother who has lost her child, for whatever reason. She needed Lisa to be in a place which has strong emotional feelings of love and a calming effect for Deborah. HOME. But her real home. A home that held living, loving emotions and was peaceful. I'm working on the location
ReplyDeleteFreedom......I still feel Michael connection to this place..........It's the only place...."home" she felt maybe where her Moms bones lay, but her spirit is back"homr" again......freedom? Independent? OMG, Independence, MO.....Isnt that where Deb grew up with her Mom and Dad? wonder which family Still lives there, if any
ReplyDeleteI thought I read that about a picture of a family member and them living in Independece. Shoot girl...Im in Independence. My husband and I were talking about BL the other day when we were driving towards North KC. On how many places she could be with in a 5 mile radius. I wish I new where they lived. If you find out where, I could check the area, just to get a visual.
ReplyDeleteLisa is separated from any other evidence...I believe where she is, is a garden of sorts...something where life can grow and angels watch over it....a statue of sorts...IDK that Independ. is where she is....but it kind of make sense...wonder if there's a cem. right near the home? Anyway, here's some insight to the land owned there....
ReplyDeleteThere's several parcels of Land there, all still in County records as being owned by the Netz...I THINK ITS ONE LARGE PROPERTY, BROKEN INTO PARCELS AND THE FAMILY LIVES THERE...."HOME" WHERE HER HEART IS....
NETZ DAVID L SR (address not given, but in the same area/street)
NETZ DAVID JR 18302 E. 18th (looks like property only...probably?? where Deb grew up??
NETZ DAVID L SR & DORIS BRENDA 18204 E 18TH TER N, Independence, MO 64058
NETZ DAVID LEE JR 18203 E 18TH TER N, Independence, MO 64058 (current residence)
NETZ ANTHONY 18203 E 18TH TER N, Independence, MO 64058 DELINQ. ON TAXES
NETZ PHILLIP 18203 E 18TH TER N, Independence, MO 64058 (RESIDES HERE)
25-100-53-02-00-0-00-000 BRADLEY DEBORAH A-TRUSTEE 20109 E 12TH TER S, INDEPENDENCE, MO 64057
TRUCK GMC SONOMA 1/2T 4WD 1995 1GTDT19W9S8522376
Checked out the address. They are all fairly close together. I know the area somewhat.
ReplyDeleteHazel Bradley 1506 Broadway - there is a park/ Dickinson Park on Dickinson Rd and Salisbury. This is the closet park to this address I see on the map. Another park/ Chaplin-Hood Park @ 24 Hwy and Salisbury. Now 24 Hwy crosses over 291 Hwy which is a way you can go to go back to JI and DB's home on Lister.
20109 E 12th Terr S Indep MO 64058 - nearest park / George Owens Nature Park and then Little Blue Park.
Then i noticed Oak Ridge Memorial Gardens which is at 291 and Salisbury. This triggered me. What do you think? Independence / garden?
I want to add this- when i was looking at the Oak Ridge Memory Garden on the map, I got extremely hot but when done typing it to the blog, I immediately cooled down. Could it be hot flashes? Could be IDK but the timing was aweful weird. Then I went back to read - a garden, angels, statues and its not that far from any those address'. I'm crazy.
ReplyDeleteYou need to read new reports it is about to break. What we have talked about is happening when you do not build a foundation with cement it will crumble. But I see other things a tad important such as where she is. The Christian paper says it best the others hint around facts new man on stoop. I have heard and read they were at Moms and I have heard and read they were drinking at Sams????? Check this out they the info came via people trying to solve this mystery. Police still in the back just waiting for DNA. He has two names or better put goes by, they talk about another man but it confused me. People are seeing distiction between Mom and Dad as I told you today privately. I do think I read a cematary close not far but not being there it is hard to know for sure. I personal note for you will begin to do better in your skills, just the post alone will help you when people see what they need to. You do not need validation from any outside source you prove daily that care, not just about the missing children. I have had problems domestic because this is so important to me why??? I do not know, but those are the wrong forces. The Angels is right. I am looking by your maps.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is - I can't find Lisa with any psychic/medium abilities - Just like I couldn't find HaLeigh.....despite gaining incredible, untold insight to many different aspects re: what (may) have happened, people/names involved, etc...before they're even made public surrounding the disappearance - just like Lisa, just like Morgan, etc....and then the knowledge goes stagnate....I'm not crazy and neither are you, Pat, or anyone else who believes in psi, paranormal (my video of me doing the live reading, and seeing the "whatever" shoot through the room is proof, there's something! God as my witness- I didn't see it at the time and I don't know what it was...But, I did send the video to Ghost Hunters and a couple of other paranormal investigators to see if they can analyze the video and get a good view of what it "looked like") ANYWAY, Other than what I have revealed re: Lisa and any other missing person - other psychics/medium have seen/revealed similar thoughts/patterns... (other than the HaLeigh Cummings case...Investigator's told me I was the only one out of the 1000's who "tipped" in, who placed HaLeigh where I did....which, ironically, was the area behind Timmy Croslin's house, where the blue van believed to be involved was at, and Joe was staying.....and I knew none of that....but again, still, I was even physically brought to Florida - and COULDN'T find her) Even more so- not only did I give STREET NAMES in this area, and completely describe the layout in detail, signs, etc...surrounding the entire area...details which CAN NOT be seen within wooded areas on any map (remote viewing) again- no HaLeigh - Then there Morgan Harrington - I indicated the exact miles she was from her last known location, describing in detail her surroundings... She was found accidentally by a farmer on his property - in the damn near exact type of surroundings I described, with the miles from her last location on spot.... But I didn't find her.... I think what happens is, I begin a "case" with an open, un-jaded mind- purposely knowing nothing (or very, very little) into the details...allowing me to have pure- "clean" insight with images, thoughts, feelings and hearing into WHAT occurred, WHO may be involved, HOW things may have happened, etc.... and they're all my initial "reading"- so to speak.... I then go to my Blog and post... time goes by and as more and more factual details are then released to the public, as much as I try to avoid it- I begin trying to "rationally" figure it out - moving away from any psychic thoughts, unintentionally, and lose "sight"..... doubt kicks in.... lose more "sight" direction/location will shift back and forth...and it's because unconsciously, my mind will "fit" a location in, just as it does everyone elses minds, according to what we've heard, seen, or been told by the public, media, etc.... To close my "rational" mind off after all this public knowledge has now completely tainted it, and have no thought into facts, and begin trying to again pick up pure psi knowledge, is very hard - not impossible - just almost. That is why we are called humans and God is God. I, nor can anyone with this ability or even without it, shield yourself from everyday life and live away from reality - Not normal people anyway. Therefore, we will always have human thought with error. In other words, no one can stay in a psychic state of mind 24/7. Because of my initial success with doing readings and accuracy in details I'd revealed to people in Medium readings....I thought, I can use this for good- And honestly believed I could - wham-bam-thank you ma'am, find a missing person, with ease....
ReplyDelete...Boy, I was so blind when it came to how this all really worked when I started this incredibly long journey. If I had of known the difficulty that lied ahead of me in using this ability in the pursuit of locating missing persons & the probabilities of it's success, I would have not of began down this road. "Well, you were close, but no enchilada" was not what I expected and isn't even close to good enough. But, I did start it, and now feel as though I can't walk away- Like I have to figure out a way to finish it. I have to figure out a way to do something that has the probability of failure, every time - And then, do it again. Talk about a beating...over and over and over and over....................... A psychic/medium/intuitive/remote viewer/etc...nothing "paranormal", according to record, has EVER....NEVER lead an LE Agency to the location of a missing person. MANY have tried....MANY have revealed with incredible accuracy details unknown, but revealed later, surrounding ALL aspects of the crime and even the locations of victims..... but have never pin pointed - as in "x marks the spot".....LE goes there, and finds their missing person.....NEVER - not on record anyway. I didn't bother looking into this or any facts surrounding psychics and the success rate of this task before I jumped in, head first, BLINDLY. I can't begin to tell you how often I too, think, I AM JUST CRAZY! The only thing that keeps me half ass grounded is people like you guys who I read for (especially the Medium readings) and tell me I got a detail, something "specific" and not "general" that would or could "fit" within many people/circumstances - names I get right, etc...And some doubt will fade re: this ability... And I'm able to wipe the mud off my face from my previously attempted, but failed missing person case - and try again with another. SO- that being said, what I need to really figure out, is HOW do I succeed in the real goal.... I already have proven to myself, if no one else, I can get and reveal details surrounding a case....but how can I complete the true journey, without living in a capsule away from the world, and continue being a mom, wife, and member of society, but still remain un-jaded after the fact - and complete my mission, 100% successfully? For one, I need to exercise mental and emotional control - without becoming robotic. This is hard for me because I live in a chaotic household.... But then again, it's a wonder I receive any clarity/information from "within" with all the noise that constantly surrounds I must have pretty strong control mentally already...But not enough, apparently. So- How? As a normal person who performs any type of job, service, etc... I need feedback, encouragement, to know that I'm doing a good job. Therefore, in what I'm doing, I can't just continue a reading - in silence - never knowing if I'm right or wrong..... See, when I finally post my readings, I believe that I've received enough good info. to lead to a location.... which then leads me to read and check the facts to date.... or what's "put out there" as facts and often are not... But now...what's happened is my mind has all this information - and I start rationalizing all my original thoughts to fit what I've been told are facts.... And hence, the intuitive nature of the reading, knowledge, has halted - and going forward, I BELIEVE, anything I "think" I receive are purely my thoughts trying to puzzle together the facts.... does this make sense? So the question really do I confirm my readings, without receiving untrue facts, public opinion, etc...and continue gaining clean "insight" to progress further, without incorporating anything else.... I am rambling. I am discouraged again. I don't think I can contribute more reliable knowledge into the location of Lisa with the use of "insight". I'm at the bottom again. - Steph
ReplyDeleteHere I go again......I don't know when to just stop....I picked up last night - the MAN who actually took Lisa away from the home, is still with/near here - (not in in not living with her) And there's something about the word "CASTLE" involved. My mind goes to "A mans "home" is his castle"....Then, I remembered something about - Deborah's Mom passed away in New CASTLE....(again, a place representing "home".... And then I heard something like "castles in the sky"...This was all last night....Then just now, I read my daily Tarot card I get by email and it said: Hi Stephanie! Here is your Daily Tarot Card for Thursday, November 10
ReplyDelete"The Emperor card affirms that my alter ego today is elevated as a role model or by proxy as the Enforcer, whose superpower is contracted to establish merciful boundaries or to secure and defend the vested interests of my charges under or as this virile ""Father Figure."" I'm large and in charge as master of my domain -- as long as you say so or so long as I command the authority and protect the realm. I take pride in directing the action, building a safe environment or molding my vision, and conquering resistance through permissible limits. It would be my honorable duty to stand up today as leader in support of those whose loyalty I vitally depend on to give me relevant meaning, fortitude or practical production for use. I won't let them down. Keep to the bargain but leave room for improvement, or risk becoming possessive, oppressive or disconnected by choice and cast out of the CASTLE."
I also got "one night stand"....perhaps our friendly male neighbor, Shane, only pretended to go home??? And when Samantha was inside her home, he went back to Deb's to continue the "party"....BUT, it didn't go as planned, because Lisa was found deceased....While drinking outside, Deb completely forgot about her, but when entering the house and going to the rest room - ???? AND - OR - Maybe there was some doubt in JI's mind whether Lisa was really his or not...maybe he wanted a DNA test - And maybe Deb wasn't positive of the result outcome....maybe, just maybe - the outcome would once again cast her out of the CASTLE - Her true love - "home" - and roots were in Independence - She lived there with her (still) husband...(not divorced) with his step-Mom, Hazel (who Deb loved like a Mom and clung to due to her own Moms death - IMO) But, Deb - was cast out of that CASTLE cause of her actions, more than once..... I realize, I'm again trying to rationalize and "fit" my vision/knowledge/insight into the scenario.....I did learn last night that Deb's father in law, (her ex- but still married husband's father) was named MICHAEL, hence that is why her son is named MICHAEL, honor of him because he'd passed away - and her ex is named Sean MICHAEL...all having lived in INDEPENDENCE - "home".... Honestly, Idk....maybe some of this will matter or make sense to the once who will solve and find Lisa.
Hi Steph, Here again. I have been scouting cemetaries in Kansas City Public and Private. There are more but two stand out and one is a Cemetary&Park for dogs and people very large area. I do not know where it is in accordance with the home. Union Cemetary in KC two steets . Which may correlate with last nights post ngels and benchs. Fequently visted by people and dogs. E 27th to Main then another street and then proably an unamed lane going into the park. The other Forest Hill & Calvary Cem. Cannot write anymore as when I try the Cursor continues to go up to the Union and messes up what I have written. Looking into Private cems feels right. Send private email
ReplyDeleteHey Steph, me again. check this out. Report MW has opened public Question pg on FB. Willing to answer any and all questions the Public wants to know. Someone asked could one of these men been cable of being apart of BL disappearance. Claims she was at Waffle House get this at 3am. then went to get food stamps at 6am. cuz she was mad that she did not have cell phone which was returned the next day with info. deleted. And says she would not speculate on the men as that is how she got where she is today w/people assuming. I guess she does not have to sleep like most of us hmmm I wonder why? Hey on public FB do they know who you are? Oh yea on the Union Cem it has war vets buried and others. Also on the Names Mom has a thing about honoring those she love or loved like Mom w/BL. LE is real quite nothing on them. Beginning of week a report boys will be questioned maybe just maybe CPS is going to start doing their job. You know truthfully this is what I think has captured me. I asked my hubsand why I was so obsessed with this case. He was thinking about it and said proably because of what you used to do JOB. Before he got it out he mentioned BL Birth yesterday and BINGO our children two would have been born this month 15&16 years ago. Although I truely hope Mom can find peace. Living with this would be virtually impossible. I know how difficult it is for me. My husband said dates do trigger unknown answers. Before I ever talked to you I had alot of things come up over the past few weeks w/my losses. Even though I feel as I do about Mom it is so much more important to find her to me. My pray is if I can feed you with anything that will promote your gift to the BIG X then I will continue on this quest. You do have a gift I knew it from the beginning. I think there are many involved. Another thing is why would Shane??? whoever come out with he was there 5 weeks later. If I were him I would never have given that up. I swear things have changed over years. The only thing I can think is a deal was made and it has not happened. Like me and you when things calm down. Yet nothing is calming maybe a warning to DB. Via Media
ReplyDeleteDeb and Jeremy's attys are going to make a statement on the boys interview tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading a post from early today and you talked about ghost on films. I got to tell you something that happened with me on a vacation before I got married. My BF and I planned a vacation to Montania and we were like going real fast we had both just began dating men and going to find a real cowboy was really not what we wanted to do but as to woman who planned this vacation we were going and proably needed to I needed the sleep because my relationship was moving fast his is my husband to date. Anyways we stop at a Pow Wow and of course we had a camera the same one the whole trip. Well we started taking pixs, but found out it was not allowed. I was not extrememly spirtually centered, so we hid our camera and came home. We took the pictures in to be developed and every single picture was perfect except the ones of the Pow Wow when filmed every single one had like a cloud but much smaller over the dancers almost protecting the Dancers from being filmed. I still have them it was one of those OMG times. I have posted a few times today hope it is okay my mind feels like it is high gear. I know you are busy but that is for the good. I am not. Let you know more info on cem and start a family Search w/POP
ReplyDeleteI come here several times a day and read your comments! I enjoy reading them. I'm from Texas and have been keeping up with this precious baby Lisa. I just got off of you tube lokking and listening to the baby lisa videos-there is a video that bothers me bad-I'm assume it was DB moms video-her name was Lisa too-(correct) that video bothers me(there a friend of hers lay on the bed asleep(it says a friend of DB mom? Who is she and where does she live. I also read that Michael Lerritt if I spelled it right lives in Houston,Tx??? It just raised suspicions to me! I don't comment much! I read mostly. I do enjoy reading your special god given talent! God Bless! I hope and pray they find baby lisa!
ReplyDeleteI went for a drive tonight around the neighborhood. Is that crazy? I don't know why I can't let this go! I have 2 jobs and so much happening in my own life...still, I think about BL a lot. And unsolved mysteries always get to me. I am seeing firsthand how puzzling clues are...nothing fits together...not until the end when everything is solved does it make sense.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, across the street from the gas station where the surveillance video was taken, are senior living apts called Bethel GreenCASTLE. Don't know if that means anything but I found it interesting.
I feel very strongly about the area around the old Sam's Town casino. I'm not psychic or anything and it could be that my "feelings" don't amount to a dang thing. Maybe I am just desperate for her to be found. :( I keep praying...
Just reading some past blogs and the one where you mentioned DB wanting BL to be someplace where she could be "watched by angels" caught my eye. Don't know if you knew, but DB kept angels around BL's crib for them to "watch over her". This seems viable.
ReplyDeleteI still believe baby lisa is under bedroom floor-DB & JI wouldn't let LE cut into the floor there where the dog made the hit of something on the floor! Plus I seen DB & JI house @ 3620 lister is in foreclosure. So why can't LE go back to the house and let these special dogs sniff again PLUS saw the floor out? Since they couldn't do that,since LE wanted to do more there but DB & JI said NO!
ReplyDeleteIf she isn't there she is near a church are cemetary-maybe where DB(mom)is-are over in independence,MO. My opinion-Nicole is on to something that needs to be looked for? Thank You for letting me post too.
I feel at a loss today. I like the area at 210 and Brighton. Something keeps pulling me back there but, again, my "feelings" may not mean a thing. The National Guard, KCPD, FBI have all searched around. Don't know if they looked in that area or not, however. Seems like it is difficult to find someone unless you know where to look. :( AND people look at you like "what the heck are you doing?" if you're out and about searching in obscure areas. lol. I'm nuts.
ReplyDeleteChecked out Crowley cemetery today and realized it is for LE to search such things. Found one place where the earth may have been disturbed but I really cannot say for sure!
Reading the history, was DB Catholic? That may be a clue as well.
For the time being, I return to my life and just keep praying for her to be found. We can keep putting our heads together. :)
This is a photo I just came across tonight..MW stated she didnt have her cell phone..but she is sending status updates and replying on it at almost 2am with her cell phone..take a look!
I can't believe this baby hasn't been found... :( I KNOW I continue to stick with my "drowning" scenario....It's just, if I can't stick with my "initial" thought - as in, when doing a reading- then I am indicating that perhaps I too, don't believe in this ability or seen as wishy-washy....THAT BEING SAID, I still can't get out of my head, a head injury in conjunction with Lisa. I'd posted before I felt she may have fallen in the tub & hit her head.....That is very plausible....I can remember my kids, little in the bathtub and me being right there in the bathroom with them, and them trying to stand and play and slipping - me catching them, barely! Very dangerous for an toddler to be, much less a baby who is just learning to stand, unsupervised. She could have even slightly turned the water on, slowly filling the bathtub fuller, slipping and hitting her head on the faucet?? Which leads me to this, and maybe why I can't escape the thoughts now on this.... After their last court ordered search - and possible evidense siezed - they request DNA from the boys in a 2nd compare and rule out certain biologicals in the home... Wondering if they found a very small amount of blood in the bath - or elsewhere, consistent with an area(s) BL could have been, injured- But because they don't have her actual DNA to compare their sample with- They can rule everyone else out with their DNA, yet prove it's BL because of the DNA....2 birds with one stone. DNA results can take up to 6 weeks, but can be finished as early as 5 days....So, I'm betting, the way things are progressing and just being able to semi know what LE's steps are - 1- They DID get some DNA from their search 2- They have some suspicions as to who it may belong to, believing to some degree, it's BL's DNA, &3- comparing it to the boys DNA to rule them out, as in "who's" DNA - This COULD be enough to arrest DEB, depending on what they may or may not have retrieved.
ReplyDeleteNocole made a comment on the other blog (remote view) to me about my first post indicating something about revenge.....I just had a a bolt of lightening.....(the revenge thing is in my head now....seeing as though it came from my first reading....) So...I DID get the name in my very first reading on Oct.4, Rashell - Rachel - and JI's first wife, Rasleen Raim - is the Mother of JI's son, Blake, & is whom she lost custody of to JI, - She has the greatest reason for revenge against JI....for taking her "baby" away.... and against Deborah because not only is she raising JI's and Rasleen's child, but she now had a new baby.... So, I guess a strong motive here would be to take their "baby" away - and swoop in, when the timing seems right, to take back her son, legally - Maybe that's where my revenge came from? If this is the case.... what's her association with the other people involved? Is there any connection to her or Samantha...her and Dane....her and Megan or Jersey? And where does she live?
ReplyDeleteI just saw this so i thought I would paste it. This came from Fox News insider:
ReplyDeleteMegan Wright on the night Lisa disappeared was made hours later than previously believed. Wright has claimed publicly that the call was made to her phone at 8:30 p.m., but new information shows that the call was received at 11:57 p.m. … just hours before Lisa was discovered missing.
Ok i think Im alittle behind. Just saw that was dated 11/9.
ReplyDeleteIve been trying to find anything new on BL but I think this blog is pretty updated.
ReplyDeleteSteph, thanks for putting everyone's posting in one spot.
ReplyDeleteI got to thinking and it looks like we came to the same conclusion about the river in your remote viewing. Many people have been dumped into the Missouri. :( I think you saw their faces.
That's really all I have. If LE is reading this blog, I wish they would thoroughly search the area we are discussing. I don't know anything new. I had an odd dream yesterday pertaining to this and it has bothered me. .....not to cloud things, and I've been debating for sometime to post....if I understand this correctly, this video from has a 'bradley neighbor nextdoor' named Mary Hurt stating that she had seen Megan Wright and Jersey at Bradleys house several different times...this video was posted 10/31/11...I believe 11/12/11 it was stated by Bradley and Irwin's lawyer that they did not previously know Megan Right or Jersey....I read this blog daily and wasn't going to add anything, but I just can't let this one lay, maybe it could help with something~ thanks for your blog...keeping faith in you and in the fact that baby Lisa will be found soon~
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you posted....& Thank you! That does help - Even though phone records show that MW's number had never been called from either Deb or JI's phone in the past - other than the 11:57pm call that one night - it shows us once again, deception - and another reason, again,to doubt the Bradley kidnap story -
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to do/finish a free medium reading for "Papi"..... and I'm just so stuck! Bah!!! So, I thought I'd take a break and check the blog....publish your comments.....FYI- The blog is getting about 1000 views per day....More than I EVER believed would happen....BUT, unfortunately - they're reading & not posting :( I want many opinions - You don't have to believe in a psychic, remote viewing, etc... to post your thoughts, beliefs.... All I ask is you don't put me or anyone else who does believe. ;) So, if your reading and have something to add, ADD IT, Please.... I think regardless of our beliefs, the goal is the same - Justice for BL! OK, I need to get this reading done - I'm already behind again~ Steph
As of 12:11am - 17,942 views of this post!
ReplyDeleteThat's wonderful that people are reading this!
ReplyDeleteI just read another site and people are theorizing that BL was lost to the Mighty Missouri River. But I am with you and I do not think so. I hope not!
I also believe that MW is lying. Many liars here. The night in question was just so odd with JI working into the night, the neighbors, etc. Some think BL disappeared the day before and this was all orchestrated. I don't think that either. I remain with your vision of a drowning accident and a cover-up all on that very night.
hi- this is stephs husband. I swear, my wife is nuts x's 1000! Just thought Id give alittle insight; Been reading her blog cover to cover (have nothing else to do, my wife is buussyyyyy) I have a thought-since my wife got name Michael, bubba, and the babies "bubba" is Michael, maybe parents are defending (protecting) the "bubbas" and that's what "the little voices" told my wife! Lol...Im just kidding sweetie. But seriously, that's what I think anyway. Now get off the computer in Lroom and come to bed! I love you, me
ReplyDeleteHey its Missymaemae. I just read this on yahoo news and the similarities between the stories are incredibly similar. Almost in a serial kidnapper sense. Wanted to let you read it so you can see what you feel if maybe you can pick up a connection between the two or pick up any info for that case in particular.
RE: MissyMae's comment on St Louis Baby--Thursday, November 17, 2011 5:40 PM
ReplyDeleteFrom: "Pat E"
I doing this a work (sending to you in emails)cuz no other way to comment. I saw where my daughter posted about the St Louis Baby. The mom was actually charged for this baby's death. The news said she beat him to death because he wouldnt stop crying. Why would someone give birth to such miracle and then destroy it? That's just kills me to realize there are people out there that have no consideration to human life no matter what the age.
FIRST - I'd like to point midnight (last night) The Blog had 17,942 views....12 hours later, we've had 161 more - Awesome! Keep viewing everyone! I'd like more post - come on, give your thoughts re: Lisa's case or ANY of the missing person's on this Blog- I will be adding many more as time permits.
ReplyDeleteSECOND - As hard as my husband and I try, we can never seem to get ahead financially.....If it's not a $400 cell bill! - It's vehicles repairs, school expenses for the kids, etc.....Always something and never enough $ to go around. It SUCKS- So, it goes without saying, I am a little worried about Christmas...... I need to earn as much as $$$$ as possible so that I can get my kids at least one gift..... That being said, I'm going to have to take a short break from my blog and free readings that I have remaining to complete and post. - I have to go through my entire house, attack, closets, etc....and gather EVERYTHING I can possibly sale and have a GaRaGe Sale this weekend. - I will continue to check the blog throughout the day(s) so that I can approve comments to be published. during my absence, I ask EVERYONE to PLEASE continue with the Blog - adding your very helpful comments & updates Re: Baby Lisa...And, don't forget about the other's "Missing" I have done readings on also - Each of them are STILL missing and need everyone's help! *HaLeigh Cummings, *Baby Kate (Katherine Phillips), *Steve Koecher, *Dana Jane Bruce *Morgan Harrington (searching for her killer), and so forth......If I have not posting an "original" missing on someone who's missing - but they're in my Blog Archive / Table of Contents - Please do not post any comments, yet.....I need to post a reading first - ;)
I will be posting 1 (maybe 2) of the "free" readings sometime today. I will have "Papi" done and posted sometime today - and if time permits, I will also post the reading for Brittani..... Anything not posted today, will resume Friday - I apologize, but I have to get things done here at home and try to earn as much as possible before Christmas comes. I hope that you all understand ~
Again, PLEASE keep commenting and lets bring Lisa and any of the other very much missed, missing person's on this Blog. Thank you so much - And please, please - share this blog with everyone and anyone - Also, PLEASE join my blog, if you haven't - It means the world to me that so many have spent their free time reading something which means so much to me, personally - Thank you-
"It isn't what you have, who you are, or even where you are that makes you happy; It's what you think about"
FAVOR- Can ANYONE tell me how twitter works? I have an account (if I can remember my login/password) But I don't know exactly how it works....Who see's what I post - Is it only people who are following you, or is it people you follow, or both? And, is it like FB - where, when you post something, your friends and their friends, etc...see it? I'm twitter dumb- Ok, gotta get busy at home- Bye
ReplyDeleteI have been busy this week but just caught a few things that I am sure you already know, just to make sure. First would be the arrest of a one year that disappeared and body found in cementary in Mo. not Kansas City but found interesting the similarities and I wanted to ask you if when you are reading on a missing person if there is another child in the same state with similarities of another child and Mom suspect except different sex about though the same age could some of your readings be associated with the other child? Would or could it seep in to your reading? Yet this story did not have the media attention as the other. I guess them finding the toddler in a cemetary promotes this question. Mom has been arrested in this case on a 24 hour hold while they piece the puzzle together. They will release her if they are unable. It is just so close to Baby Lisa case. Also I am sure you proably know this the Grand Jury is meeting on Baby Lisa case in MO. Other than that most Media is witting about actions that have been reported already. Looking at your last post you are awared of the Boy. Your hubby sounds like mine.:} The amount of people who are posting and just stopping in to read is amazing.
ReplyDeleteYou can use FB as a advertisement for what you do. My daughter was telling me how you can do a seperate page to advetise your business.
ReplyDeleteSteph - This was funny/weird. I was going home from work today. I was stopped, waiting to turn. I looked at what I thought was road construction ahead. Actually I noticed yesterday because this ulitity pole was being setup. I noticed it cuz it was "leaning". Anyways, I was looking again today but I looked at the top. It looked like a "windmill". Guess my mind was on BL.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I found today -
ReplyDeleteYet another new detail has surfaced about the mystery phone call made from the phone of missing baby Lisa Irwin’s mother the night the one-year-old disappeared.
The call that was placed from Deborah Bradley’s phone at 11:57 p.m. to Megan Wright prompted the Irwin family’s defense attorney to claim the call could prove Lisa’s parents’ innocence. According to defense counsel, neither Bradley nor fiancee Jeremy Irwin had called Wright’s number before that night. Therefore, they claim evidence strongly suggested that it was an intruder who made the mysterious call.
However, revelations discovered by private investigator Ron Rugen may prove otherwise. After speaking to several eyewitnesses and people residing in Wright’s home at the time of Lisa’s disappearance, Wright had only had that particular phone and phone number for about a month before the baby vanished. Rugen says this could mean that her number changed when she got the new phone, in which case, phone records would fail to reflect whether or not Bradley or Irwin had correspondence with Wright on her preceding line.
A witness in the case of missing baby Lisa Irwin has returned to Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteSources tell KCT5 that the man is someone investigators want to talk to in an effort to verify someone else's statement. The sources emphasized that the man is not a person of interest in the disappearance of the baby.
I have a feeling Steph that this new guy Dane-who KCPD been questioning are fixing to question might know someone who knows someone-that had DB & JI phones.
ReplyDeleteThis MW and the company she keeps must be a rough bunch-have been in trouble with the law sometime are another and have a criminal record-I feel very strongly that there head top notch big dog over there group is a criminal with guns,meth,expensive home-all the finer things in life and he wanted a baby for his wife or girlfriend-cause she couldn't have a child(someone in that MW home is the one who stole BL to bring to HEAD MAN'S HOME somewhere in MO. They are hiding her out for themselves.
I think you was on the right track several paragraphs back when you said horse stables-flower gardens-etc..I feel a upstanding big dog that lives in a fancy expensive house,pool,nice cars,gardens,in MO. Running goods from his house and looking good to for the community. This is not good! Keep up your good God given talent sweetie! God Bless! I'M HOPING AND PRAYING here in Texas:) Baby Lisa is found soon!
ReplyDeleteMoney problems do suck. There is always an extra expense and it doesn't help at the holidays. I am blessed enough to have 2 jobs though most of the time it feels like a curse! Good luck with your garage sale and I will be praying for you.
I LOVE Twitter. I just found you on there and now I am following. :) Your last post was Dec 14. LOL. I'm not terribly efficient at Twitter as I'm fairly new to it myself but maybe I can help! It looks like you were using it fine before you stopped being active.
My take on the murdered St. Louis boy is this: The mom was honest in what she said and she bludgeoned her poor baby to death. Realizing what she had done, she decided to do a copycat of BL and get rid of the body claiming an abduction.
The dream that I talked about the other day had this boy in it. One of the things that disturbed me about the dream was that I had it before this news even came out. Later that night, I saw the article and the dream made sense.
The dream:
I was crossing a bridge and saw a baby lying by the river. I stopped to get the baby but this ghosthunter that I follow on Twitter already had the baby. He told me that everything would be fine. The baby was alive. I thought it was BL and was overwhelmed then I realized that it was not BL but another missing child. I became upset and said we had to keep looking, she is still out there. The ghosthunter guy looked at me with sad eyes like there was no hope and refused to come with me. I started to go but my way was blocked by fire. I accepted defeat and went home where a lot of dogs and cats followed me.
When I saw the St. Louis baby in the news, I knew the baby from my dream was him. I know he is not alive but I believe he is with Our Lord therefore he is well and at peace. And the reason the ghosthunter was telling me that everything would be ok is because he represents someone who communicates with spirits.
The symbols in this dream were the bridge and the fire. I have looked those items up at dreammoods and it makes sense to me in the context that they were being used. In short, I have been emotionally invested in BL for several reasons and I think my dream was telling me that I need to step back before I really go crazy. Obviously I won't give up reading news on her daily or posting on this blog but I just need to keep my feelings in check.
Steph's husband, I thought about that too regarding the boys. Not that they had anything to do with it, but that JI and DB are keeping them close. Yes, that would be natural for any parent but I think it is more about their own relationship and protection than about the boys. They said that BL was the glue that held them together. Maybe the boys are now taking that spot. Just my opinion.
Sorry for the long post. I decided I was ready to talk about my dream for whoever gives a darn!
I was able to "get an exact path" taken to Lisa....I also know what all the calls were about....11:57 - call for help....VM retrieval, checking to see if JI or helpers called....and the attempt to retrieve Internet access at like 300am....Google maps - I will post the map and trail taken - asap
ReplyDeleteSteph - im twitter iliterate too. i was checking it out about a week ago. I got signed up but thats as far as I got.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure if the maps are up yet but I want to say you have done a remarkable job. I am looking forward to seeing it and seeing if the LE will find her through it. Practice makes perfect and with a gift like yours you will get validation from those who should have had you on their payroll. I will pray that your reading is reckignozed as the truth and I will support you in this effort as I know many others will too. :}
ReplyDeleteNew "thread" posted....Very informative.... Please see: "LISA IRWIN-Missing...Very DETAILED, time, map, and events"
Thanks - Interested in hearing your feedback - Stephanie (Sorry if anyone has commented and I haven't published it....Just got home a while ago - Gone all day, unexpected events...)
ReplyDeleteWow...What does one say in response to the maps and timelines included in the "thread" you posted above...? No words can describe it. It is truly enormous and amazing...I have been following your blog on a daily basis since the very beginning and I have never posted, but reading this was too intense to not reply. I pray that LE sees this and acts on it. I want to thank you for everything you have done for Lisa...What an extraordinary gift you have.
Wow this is to much for words! So errie. I just want to wake up in the morning and search for myself but I know I cant. This just blows me away. Great job Steph. Hopefully the right person will see this and BL will be found soon.
ReplyDeleteThe map and the pictures are fantastic! I PRAY that LE gives this a chance that poor precious baby is found this weekend. I have driven that direction several times and seeing from an aerial view is much nicer than being on the ground! I live pretty close and I'm in that direction often enough. I see what was in your vision now. It is remarkable and too close for this to be coincidence.
ReplyDeleteI read an article tonight that leads to me to believe that it really was both Jersey and Dane involved. Jersey at the very least. It is speculation as you will see but what is interesting is the wording that was used..."paid $300 to get Lisa". Until I read that part, I dismissed this story as hearsay. I've thought of this also, that no one can keep their mouth shut forever about something like this!
The pieces are finally coming together in a case that has never made sense from the start. Too many players. Too many changing stories. Clues that don't fit.
Someone mentioned something about meth use. Meth use and distribution is, unfortunately, rampant around here. Even more so than most places in the country. I haven't said so before, but the Jersey/Dane/MW crowd also gives me the feeling that they run in those kind of circles. Too many people living in one house. No stability in jobs or even addresses/phone numbers. I'm not accusing them of anything to do with meth or drugs...I'm just saying that it is the instant presumption that I had when this part of the story came out
About 24 hours after my last count....672 more views of this blog site....for a new total of 18,614 views....I guess that would be an avg. of 28 views per hour.....and counting! ;) Now, I just need LE to go and get BL - On my knees and praying tonight - Good night everyone
ReplyDeleteOh- b4 I go to bed, I'd like to comment on something.....
ReplyDeleteAll the media and talk surrounding Jersey abducting & selling BL for $300.....Really? If anything at all is true in that statement, I believe that perhaps DB paid him $300 to help her - I guess she should have paid him an extra $100 to be quiet~ "O, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!"
I saw that last night. I was going to copy and paste but it seemes like BS so I left it alone. Im sure LE checked it out.
ReplyDeleteNichole - you and me both about this area. Its like I know this area but I dont know. On the aerial view, you know what Steph is talking about but to be on ground would be more difficult to see. I go by it everytime I go to my husb's job at WOF. It's like BL is at our fingertips and someone needs to find her.
ReplyDeleteI guess Im kind of blind or ignorarnt to meth use in this area. June 2011, there was a explosion in Independence where the man blew his garage up along with himself...that was my neighbor. His backyard was connected to my back yard. There was speculation that meth was involved. That being said, it scared me cuz of all my grandchildren coming over here. I was trying to find any news info that actually confirmed this but no luck. (to my knowledge meth not involved. It was fireworks). Like you said and Im finding out how much meth is all aound me. I did alot of reading and I was amazed all the coversations on how meth houses in this area. Very scary stuff.
Steph I was reading your timeline and maps and I just got this weird feeling. I was like sick to my stomach. I really thing LE should go out and check this place out as well. If not them I wish someone in the communitiy get a group together and go look. Maybe Lisa can be found this weekend. Maybe even today. I think its awesome all these people reading this blog. GOod going Steph.